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Ability Order
Unseen Predator (PASSIVE)
Rengar Passive Ability
Introduction :)
I have found this build to work for me and I would like some feedback as to what you all think of it :)
First of all id like to bring your attention to the items in general, my first rule of jungling is this, lifesteal = sustain, sustain = ganking, ganking = more damage, more damage = more ganking
So first of all we have boots and standard potions, madred razors to make jungling ALOT easier, bonetooth necklace as it boosts your power per lvl, Mercury boots (used if you have a few champs that can slow you down, otherwise i would probably go for berserkers greaves.
Moving on from that youll get a vampiric scepter for lifesteal followed by phage so you get a little bit of slow ability to keep people in range for longer after lvl 6.
Now, this is where rengar will get his power from, after the early jungling stage you should now have ganking opportunity. Top mid or bot take your pick of who needs your help, after a few ganks you should have gotten a few assists... treat yourself... to a BF sword ;). This will increase your attack a considerable amount if mixed with your Q ability which should be around lvl 3-4 by now. Now we rush straight for a bloodthirster, this allows for a huge attack power increase (with stacks) and lifesteal, so if you gank and they have maybe 2 against 3 of you, you should be able to now sustain the attack if they dont run, if they do, use your E to slow them or stun them if you have full ferocity and get your carry to do ranged damage if they try flee.
Moving on to the late game part of the build now we aim for frozen mallet, this will give you a definite slow which you can mix with your E for faster champs to make sure they dont get a chance to run off, where would be the fun in that! after that if you have any change left grab another scepter for more lifesteal, save up for infinity edge, and youll have high crit chance due to mixing it with your Q which will give you a **** ton of attack speed by now, now for the last item which is the very last item which is for games that last longer than 35 minutes... madreds bloodrazor my reasoning for this? well when the game builds are complete it means you can do both magic AND AD damage, so for instance if they have high armor or magic resist you get the best of both worlds due to the extra bonus damage which works brilliantly on tanks or AD champs that have wandered into your domain.
So first of all we have boots and standard potions, madred razors to make jungling ALOT easier, bonetooth necklace as it boosts your power per lvl, Mercury boots (used if you have a few champs that can slow you down, otherwise i would probably go for berserkers greaves.
Moving on from that youll get a vampiric scepter for lifesteal followed by phage so you get a little bit of slow ability to keep people in range for longer after lvl 6.
Now, this is where rengar will get his power from, after the early jungling stage you should now have ganking opportunity. Top mid or bot take your pick of who needs your help, after a few ganks you should have gotten a few assists... treat yourself... to a BF sword ;). This will increase your attack a considerable amount if mixed with your Q ability which should be around lvl 3-4 by now. Now we rush straight for a bloodthirster, this allows for a huge attack power increase (with stacks) and lifesteal, so if you gank and they have maybe 2 against 3 of you, you should be able to now sustain the attack if they dont run, if they do, use your E to slow them or stun them if you have full ferocity and get your carry to do ranged damage if they try flee.
Moving on to the late game part of the build now we aim for frozen mallet, this will give you a definite slow which you can mix with your E for faster champs to make sure they dont get a chance to run off, where would be the fun in that! after that if you have any change left grab another scepter for more lifesteal, save up for infinity edge, and youll have high crit chance due to mixing it with your Q which will give you a **** ton of attack speed by now, now for the last item which is the very last item which is for games that last longer than 35 minutes... madreds bloodrazor my reasoning for this? well when the game builds are complete it means you can do both magic AND AD damage, so for instance if they have high armor or magic resist you get the best of both worlds due to the extra bonus damage which works brilliantly on tanks or AD champs that have wandered into your domain.
DO NOT go for wraiths, unless your going in a team and not in solo que. Red buff should always come first and you have to make sure your team helps you or you will either die or use every potion you bought straight off, best thing ive found is getting someone to play heimerdinger and put a turret down at red and it takes off about half health :)
Then aim for wraiths and wolves to give health back and exp, then go for golems when you've gotten your smite back to make it easier, then rinse and repeat in whatever order suits you.
Then aim for wraiths and wolves to give health back and exp, then go for golems when you've gotten your smite back to make it easier, then rinse and repeat in whatever order suits you.
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