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In early levels you will most likely have to lose minions, because if you walk up she will Q you.
Kayle outscales anivia, so just play passive and don't try to fight her.
Kayle rarely has any kill pressure over Annie, so the game plan vs. Annie is just to farm. Shove and roam whenever you can after hitting level 6.
Aurelion Sol
Kayle has EXTREME kill pressure over aurelion, and sometimes she is able to kill bad aurelions level 1-3. If the aurelion does not give you a chance to all-in, then just farm up and zone him. You will have more map pressure than him for all of the early game since he can't roam as well until the mid-game.
Azir can poke you out pretty well, and that can be annoying. Just get the minions that you can, and try to shove when he roams and follow when he roams.
The poke can be annoying, but if you click on him he dies.
Cassiopeia can hurt. Your best bet is to avoid her. As for the early game, when you can't avoid her, you should just play safe and ask your jungler for help. Freeze!
Corki can usually match your scaling if he puts you behind enough, so try not to get poked out too hard.
Kayle can use her R to avoid a lot of Diana's damage, so she is not very threatening. Shove waves and roam if she lets you.
Ekko tends to hurt. However, Ekko usually doesn't have much kill pressure in the early to mid game, so you can usually just outscale him.
Kayle can use her R to avoid a lot of Fizz's damage. You can not out roam Fizz, so usually it's best to freeze.
Not scary at all. Don't roam unless you are have a big wave stacked at his tower, since his ultimate can counterroam well.
Kayle's worst nightmare! Irelia does tend to overextend sometimes, so try to have as much jungle pressure as possible. Play extremely safe, don't be afraid to lose minions.
Although you have somewhat even scaling, you can almost always shove waves into him pre-6 and get advantages on other parts of the map.
Not as scary as Irelia, but you still need to be careful not to die at levels 2-5. You do technically beat her in a 1v1 at level 1, but I wouldn't recommend risking it.
She dishes out a lot of damage over a long period of time, so you can't just use your R to ignore it. You will have to play safe, although you can usually still get perfect CS.
Lissandra is very annoying to play against. Her wave clear makes it almost impossible to get good roams while she's there, so your best bet is to freeze.
Pretty annoying, but it is difficult for him to just straight up kill you if you are playing properly.
Lulu is a nice matchup for you. She can solo kill you level 1-3, so be weary of that. After that, you have free reign on the matchup. I'd recommend shoving and roaming.
I would recommend inspiration secondary to heal up since her poke is very difficult to avoid. Try to freeze when you can, since her wave clear is better than yours.
So much DoT! I'd recommend lvl 1 buying null magic mantle, and then building it into QSS before corrupting potion or mythic.
You outscale her. Her 3rd auto poke hurts quite a bit, so make sure to play safe when she has that up.
Play super safe, and farm up. He has a lot of kill pressure on you, but he falls off a little bit.
She has a lot of poke damage. Orianna is a counter pick against Kayle, and even if you outscale the Orianna she can still hit a great ultimate and your entire team can be aced, so there isn't much counterplay. Your best bet is to try and solo kill her level 1, or possibly 2-5.
Ping when she leaves lane. She doesn't have that much kill pressure over you, but she can usually fuck up the rest of your team.
You outscale. He tends to shove waves into you, so you should be able to get perfect CS as well.
He can use your ultimate against you, which is not fun. Luckily, Kayle deals a lot of DPS, not burst. Assuming you don't get hit by his second cast E, then you win!
Press R when she does. (I might recommend ultimate hunter just so you have it up more to avoid her burst)
This guy has some poke, but other than that he doesn't do much against you. You can match his wave clear a lot of the time, so he can't even roam. When he presses R make sure you counter R.
Stand back. FAR back. Good news is she shoves with her E passive so she will usually shove waves into you.
Twisted Fate
This is kind of a boring lane. You outscale, but he has more roaming power. Make sure you take teleport so you can match his roams sometimes, but he has better wave clear than you so that only happens if you get lucky. Instantly shove every time he goes out of vision.
Try to avoid him, because he can be annoying. Usually you can be a bigger late game hypercarry than him, just make your team deal with him and go do other things.
He has small amounts of poke, but nothing too bad. You tend to have better wave clear than him until he gets his E upgrade so you can go roam a lot.
So much poke! It's pretty simple to avoid, so just focus on dodging skillshots.
In my experience Yasuo players tend to get hyper focused on their enemy laner and not roam, which means that he just lets you fester until you are able to 1v9. If he does roam, just ping your team.
More kill pressure on you than Yasuo, but less poke. You outscale (usually), so just play safe and farm.
R when his main DPS is going off. Avoid his Q, ping your team when he roams as well as shoving when he roams so he misses CS.
Take Cleanse, and she can't do much. If she happens to hit a bubble on you while your cleanse is on cooldown it was probably mostly your mistake, not her being good.
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