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Volibear is the strongest champion in the game at lvl 3. After that he starts falling off. Avoid him early cause he will destroy you. If you get ahead of him you can take him at lvl 6. If not you will have to wait for 1 or 2 items to outscale him.
Zac is terrible in a 1v1 so you will win that troughout the entire game, however in 2v2 and skirmishes he can offer a lot of cc and offer his team the opportunity to kill you so watch out for that. He clears slow and not that healthy so try to invade him when you have the chance and kill him.
Karthus just wants to scale up and farm all early game. He is very fragile and vulnerable and if you don't stop him from farming he will take over the game. Try to find him in his jungle and kill him.
Jarvan IV
If he hits everything he beats you pre 6. If you are even you will win the 1v1 at lvl 6.
Tough cookie. You lose the 1v1 pre 6 but after that you win. Be carefull with her passive tho, she takes hardly any damage in the first seconds of combat.
Graves beats you early. At lvl 6 you can take him 1v1 but if he gets far ahead he can blow you up and you want to stay far away.
Whoever gets ahead in this matchup can blow the other one up. Pre 6 you lose to him but after that you should win if you are even.
Elise can destroy you early. Her cocoon makes it impossible for you to jump on her. You lose this matchup troughout the whole game usually. If she doesn't fall behind she can always oneshot you. Also her spiderlings make her lose isolation. If her cocoon misses you can try to fight her, otherwise stay away from Elise.
Lee Sin
Early game he beats you for sure. After 6 you can kill him if you dodge his Q and/or you are ahead of him. You outscale him hard so just farm up and avoid him.
If you play it well you beat Ekko at all stages. If he jumps you suddenly just jump out cause he probably has his W on you. If he doesn't hit his stun you kill him.
Kayn is very strong in 1v1. You can take him before he has evolved after that he usually wins. Depends on who is ahead. Blue kayn can oneshot you and red kayn outsustains.
Early game he can cheese you. His boxes make you lose isolation which makes it harder for you to 1v1 him. Same goes for his clone. Ward him out so he doesn't invade you early.
Viego is really strong and beats you early as well. If he gets a lead you can't take him on. If you dodge his W you can take him after lvl 6. If not, he just kills you
Early game olaf destroys you. You outscale him hard tho. After lvl 6 you can take him on if he isn't too far ahead.
Who gets ahead can kill the other. pre 6 nocturne beats you, after that you can win. Be sure to stealth when he fears you so he doesn't get those free hits on you.
If you get the jump on him you always win. If he gets the jump on you he usually wins.
A squshy adc in the jungle, that's how you like em. However you can get kited by kindred. Think about flashes, as long as you can stay in range of kindred she's toast.
You win after level 6. Before that you lose. If she gets ahead she can easily kill you with her ultimate tho.
If you get the jump on her it's an easy kill. Jumping through her E is dangerous tho. Try to catch her off guard.
He can oneshot you and will beat you early. If you play the 1v1 well you win it after lvl 6. Be sure to stealth right before he wants to ult you.
Nightmare, very popular and strong rn. Beast you really hard early and will keep beating you throughout the entire game. Late game you outscale him but it will take several items.
Very strong early game, unlike yours. You can kill him after lvl 6 but it requires you using your R well to get behind him when he is in his E so you dodge out that dmg.
If nidalee hits her spear she can destroy you at any point in the game, escpecially early. You do outscale her tho and if she misses the spear you beat her after lvl 6. Also if you get the jump on her you can oneshot her.
Your arch nemesis. Whoever gets ahead can destroy the other. Who wins this is usually decided by who makes the first move. Be proactive and hunt for him so he doesn't get the chance to hunt for you.
Trundle is made as a tank counter. Luckily you aren't a tank. Bad news is he still beats you in a 1v1 throughout most of the game. His Q also makes you lose ad. You do outscale him but it will take a while for you to get there. When he wants to fight you just jump or run away.
Nunu & Willump
Hard to deal with. If you are even you win after lvl 6 but if you are sligthly behind you lose. It's a very tight matchup
He claps you in a 1v1. Way too tanky and will do more dmg to you than you will do to him. Don't fight him.
Master Yi
Wants to scale up early and farm. Try to find him in his jungle and stop him from scaling. You beat him at all stages unless he gets too fed.
In teamfights he will make your life hell with his ult. Either buy qss or wait for him to use it before you jump in. In the 1v1 he beats you too till you get lvl 6. After that he will still win if he is in his zones. Capture thos before you fight him.
Weak in 1v1. You beat him at all stages. He isn't great at clearing so try to find him in his jungle and punish.
Xin Zhao
He destroys you in the 1v1 even after lvl 6. Be affraid of him. He does fall off a cliff late game so after like 2 items you can take him.
He destroys you in the 1v1 even after lvl 6. Be affraid of him. He does fall off a cliff late game so after like 2 items you can take him.
Before 6 you can punish her, after that you still win 1v1 but she scales like crazy. Stop her while you still can. If she gets to 3 items she oneshots anyone with a fireball including you.
He stand no chance in a 1v1. He is a support champion that is weak on his own. Take advantage.
His fear makes it hard to jump on him. If he ults you out of nowhere he can kill you. Easily punishable when those abilities are down.
Her speed makes it hard to stay on her, if you manage to do so you win the 1v1. Try to catch her when she doesn't have her passive stacked up.
Shen needs someone to deliver him, the shield from his ult also helps you. It's a win-win.
Zilean gives you a free pass to overcommit for a kill. He gives you more freedom to make risky plays.
Galio can follow up on you well, he also makes you tankier with his ult. You can stealth while you wait for his heroic entrance.
Kayle ult is perfect for going in making a risky play.
Shen needs someone to deliver him, the shield from his ult also helps you. It's a win-win.
Zilean gives you a free pass to overcommit for a kill. He gives you more freedom to make risky plays.
Galio can follow up on you well, he also makes you tankier with his ult. You can stealth while you wait for his heroic entrance.
Kayle ult is perfect for going in making a risky play.
Hello Everyone, my name is Rick, IGN: Get Ricked and i play on EUW. I've been playing since season 3 and started as a top lane main, transitioning into jungle a few seasons ago. My peak was Diamond 2 and I have been diamond for 5 seasons and trying to get back.
I've played Kha'Zix for all the time I've been playing jungle and I love the champion. I will go into the best build for him and the different ways of playing him and what makes him such a solo queue beast.
Strong duelist
High damage
Huge snowballer
Strong vs squshys
A ton of stealth
Good scaling
Weak early clear
Weak pre 6
Bad from behind
Bad into tanks
Pre 6:
Before Level 6 you mostly want to farm up and look for clear opportunities. If you hesitate whether a play will work just go back to farming. This is your weakest point in the game so you don't want to take unnecessary risks. You lose 1v1 versus most champions at this point. Ward out your jungle entrances so you don't get invaded early. Your biggest goal right now is to cs and not fall behind.
Early game pre 6
Now you have a lot more options. You can 1v1 most enemy junglers now and you should look to fight them if you have the chance. Otherwise try to make ganks happen or farm up. When the enemy jungler is on the other side try to solo either the drake or the herald. Kha'Zix solo's it extremely well with the isolated Q dmg.
Mid game/late game(duskblade completed)
In this fase you will get into teamfights. Kha'Zix is actually a really good teamfighter with duskblade. You want to go in and target one of the carry's then pop AA>Q>W and then go into stealth with your R or if the target is dead with your duskblade. Keep popping out of stealth and use the same combo. The extra dmg on your passive AA will keep refreshing when you get out of stealth. Also you make it very hard to target you when you keep going in stealth. Also use the stealth to resposition. When you can jump in to make a kill do it and use the stealth from the duskblade or your evolved E at lvl 16 to get out.
Aside from teamfights you want to look for picks. Get vision and try to catch squshy champions in their rotations. You can blow up most isolated targets so use that to your advantage.
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