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Recommended Items
Runes: Sustain Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Skill Order
Second Skin (PASSIVE)
Kai'Sa Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Draven is her worst match-up. I would recommend you to ban him. If you are playing against him you want to play lane save and look for mid game fights.
One of the best champions for Kai'sa. Nautilius has the same burst, all-in playstyle like like Kai'sa in lane. Very good pairing because he provides the cc and you provide the damage.
One of the best champions for Kai'sa. Nautilius has the same burst, all-in playstyle like like Kai'sa in lane. Very good pairing because he provides the cc and you provide the damage.
I am a masters ADC player and one of my fav champions is Kai'sa.
If you want to learn more about Kai'sa you can check out my Guide here:
Kai’sa’s laning phase is very dependent on the champion your support is playing. If you have an engage or hook support you want to shove the first waves for level 2 and look to fight them or take control of the lane zone them off the wave before they get their level 2.
Level 2 is the strongest power spike for Kai’sa in the laning phase because of her W. It’s very important that you land it since it’s your main burst damage combined with your passive. That is why if your support has cc or a hook, you always want to wait and save your W as a follow up to their engage so that you guarantee to hit the it.
On the other hand, if you are playing with an enchanter supports that doesn’t have any engage or real way to cc the enemy you want to play save and scale until later into the game.
Another pretty simple but good thing to do is when short trading with auto attacks you want to always use your Q for some extra damage.
In lane you want to use your E reactively in order to dodge key spells such as Thresh hook, Nautilus Q, Nami bubble and so on.
Overall focus on farming and playing aggressive when your support goes in, or if your support is an enchanter you want to play responsively and punish enemy mistakes and oversteps.
After you unlock your R your survivability and follow up increases drastically. Just make sure you don’t waste it since it has a bit of a long cooldown.
Champions like Draven or Samira are a bit harder to lane against since they out damage you in the early game so I would recommend you to ban them or play more defensively. Other champs that outrange you like Caitlyn with Lux or Xerath support can poke you quite easily so against them you want to all in them at level 1 or 2 before you lose too much hp.
If you are behind this will give you a chance to comeback and if you are ahead this will snowball you to the point the enemy team can’t deal with you.
If your team is behind, you want split and trade objectives with the enemy on the opposite side of the map such as towers or jungle monsters. If you can take a few shut downs you are right back in the game. Also remember Kai’sa has great dueling power so you might be able to outplay someone on side lane.
On the other hand, if you are ahead you need to play with your team and secure vision and objectives. You want to take mid prio and then take towers, dragons, herald or baron with your team. You also don’t want to let your opponents take recourses for free so defend your towers and vision line. Like with every adc it’s very important that you stay alive and not give your shutdown so play respectfully.
You have to decide if you need to play front to back like a standard marksman or go in with your bruisers onto the back line with your R more like an assassin. Playing around your E and R is the difference between a good Kai’sa and a bad one late game. You also want to analyze the enemy team and see who the threats are and use your abilities to survive and kill them.
A good Kai’sa player will always find a way out of a tough situation so do not give up if there is a way back into the game. As Kai’sa herself says “And we fight to the bitter end”
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