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Choose Champion Build:
- Mid
- Support
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Eep!
Dream-Laden Bough (PASSIVE)
Lillia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ugh ranged top laner. Electrocute is ok (tested) but comet is also fine. Play safe, farm with E and Q when possible, beg for ganks, cry if don't get any, skip Frozen go straight to Liandry.
Champion Build Guide
Hi, its me, I make this guide because: 1. Lillia is a really fun and mobile champ and 2: she is very cute But seriously, even though I'm definitely not the best LoL player, I'm a decent human being and you should trust me with this. I know what I'm saying (I think). I hope you all enjoy top and any-other-role-I-can-think-of Lillia like I do and have a lot of fun P/S: If you have any suggestions or questions or just simply want to chat just leave a comment and I will do my best to reply. P/P/S: If you like this then please consider checking out my silly little Rakan guide here. |
Why Lillia Top?
Pros +Good poke +Good ult can turn fight +Good waveclear +Left enemy tilted cuz they can't catch you +Very very high mobility +Can easily pick out squishy enemy +Shy 'n cute With Lillia top, you can continuously harass enemy when they cs with Q Blooming Blows+E Swirlseed and outrun any jungler gank thanks to your speed. And after you get your first item, most likely Leeching Leer, you will almost guaranteed to win lane. |
Cons -Squishy early -Require matchup knowledge -Really bad against high mobility enemy -Different playstyle required time to master -Bad split push -Lack of communication in soloq Even though she has great waveclear, she doesn't do much damage to tower, and is extremely bad against teamcomp that will dive her without allowing her to kite. A good ult can turn any fight around but if your teammates don't follow up then... |
Teleport OR Ignite?
How To Pick Runes/Items
Generally go Conqueror against tank/most fighter since you would want to engage in an extended fight against them, allowing you to fully utilised Conqueror. Arcane Comet against ranged/squishier fighter with no healing eg Yone or with conditional healing eg Fiora. Why is this the case? Well against ranged is a no brainer since you can't stack Conqueror. Against things like Yone will have no way to sustain himself against your constant poke unlike a Garen or a Nasus with their passive therefore running Arcane Comet will give you way more kill oportunities. And what did I mean by "conditional healing"? This means that the champion must interact with you in order to heal themself, such as Fiora's passive or Vladimir's Q. Because of this, engaging in an extended trade against them will most likely result in your lost for they'll heal more than you, therefore by bringing Arcane Comet will put them at a disadvantage when you do decide to all-in. With that being said, there is a big problem with bringing this rune with it being you will lack the teamfight power that Conqueror provides so if you would rather suffer early to have a better late then don't pick this. Phase Rush is a must against Nasus. You might notice that I chose 10% AS as my small rune. That is purely preference, since it help me cs better but you might not need it.
Liandry's Torment is the new standard but Riftmaker is still viable. Buy Frozen Heart before mythic if against champions like Sett or Quinn, buy it second if the enemy team as a whole has a lot of AD such as Yasuo mid and Jinx etc, skip it against heavy AP team. Demonic Embrace is 2nd/3rd item every game. Force of Nature after Demonic Embrace against 3 or more AP champions like Ekko jungle Ryze mid and Lux support etc. Chuck a Rylai's Crystal Scepter in there somewhere, 3rd if no defensive item else buy it 4th, if they have 3 or more melee. The rest is up to you.
A new build option I learnt of recently is Demonic Embrace into Iceborn Gauntlet (full credit to THESANDMAN17) and I love it. This build path will make you way tankier at the cost of damage and a lot of mana but I do often find myself dealing most damage on my team anyway. You would want to take Conqueror with this as the healing you get will be really helpful. On your first back, buy Tear of the Goddess to help alleviate your mana issue. You then buy Demonic Embrace follow by Iceborn Gauntlet. Only after these two items will you be buying Archangel's Staff. I haven't decided what would be the best items to buy after this so you'll have to work it out yourself :p.
Liandry's Torment is the new standard but Riftmaker is still viable. Buy Frozen Heart before mythic if against champions like Sett or Quinn, buy it second if the enemy team as a whole has a lot of AD such as Yasuo mid and Jinx etc, skip it against heavy AP team. Demonic Embrace is 2nd/3rd item every game. Force of Nature after Demonic Embrace against 3 or more AP champions like Ekko jungle Ryze mid and Lux support etc. Chuck a Rylai's Crystal Scepter in there somewhere, 3rd if no defensive item else buy it 4th, if they have 3 or more melee. The rest is up to you.
A new build option I learnt of recently is Demonic Embrace into Iceborn Gauntlet (full credit to THESANDMAN17) and I love it. This build path will make you way tankier at the cost of damage and a lot of mana but I do often find myself dealing most damage on my team anyway. You would want to take Conqueror with this as the healing you get will be really helpful. On your first back, buy Tear of the Goddess to help alleviate your mana issue. You then buy Demonic Embrace follow by Iceborn Gauntlet. Only after these two items will you be buying Archangel's Staff. I haven't decided what would be the best items to buy after this so you'll have to work it out yourself :p.
I will continue to develop the guide later. Now I need to spam urf before Riot remove it again
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