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Recommended Items
Runes: Easy Lane
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Easy Lane
Dream-Laden Bough (PASSIVE)
Lillia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Who doesnt hate Urgot?? Must BAN Extreme threat = Utility Build
A jungler that can make ganks also when the enemy Top Laner is under Torret. Is very easy to abuse Top Laner with that combo
A jungler that can make ganks also when the enemy Top Laner is under Torret. Is very easy to abuse Top Laner with that combo
Champion Build Guide
I see that a lot of people use this funny champion in a wrong way, so i want to explain how i use Lillia .
Lillia is a natural brawler, some friends says that is like a coward thanks to her VM, or also that is a "No hands Champion", that last thing is completely false, there are always "feeders" that can make a very good 0/20/0.
But, fighting like a coward... can be truth, Lillia has a very complete kit, her Passive give her a lot of VM and that helps to flash into a TeamFight, use Q and then R . W is going to be always the best option to deal a lot of damage to the enemies.
I need to add that her Passive make a percent of enemies life, so, more life= more passive-damage, and Top is a lane of tanks in almost all cases.
So if your style is not to fight like an Sett or Katarina, but you want to make more damage than a support and stop the teamfight, Lillia (and my guide) is the best option for you.
If you know that probably you are going to lose lane, against champions like Sett or Renekton that make more damage than you and also have CC, you can try to use Conqueror , but it is not going to work a lot of times, because you depend a lot of the opponent´s ability. Also against champions like Garen and Dr. Mundo that have a lot of sustain, Lillia can´t delete them so easy, so, in that cases, that are going to be Hard Lanes and the best option is to play for mid/late game with GLACIAL AUGMENT
If you are playing against an "ADC" like Jhin or Ashe, just be careful, but that doesn´t mean that you need to play for late game. The best match-ups for Lillia are against tanks, like Nasus, Malphite or Maokai champions that doesn´t have a lot of VM in early game and you can easily destroy them using Q . In that cases you are going to play for early game and you are going to need sustain, so, the best option for that cases is to play with CONQUEROR .
The strongest "Power Spyke" is level 2 because probably you are going to get it first, a good advantage to try to get first blood bonus with W .
The reason of not unlocking E is that it costs a lot of Mana, so it is better more damage in Q .
Q /W /Q before Level 6
When you get level 6 try to activate Passive with E , because the best ability to wake up enemies is W
Q /E /R /W /Q can easily make 800 damage with just one item
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