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Maximum Glass Cannon Tristana []

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Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
This is not a general purpose build. This is a situational/partial build, used only when you need the maximum DPS with little risk of death.
Let me go into a detail a bit.
After hours of trial and error testing, mathcrafting and taking into account everything (that includes armor penetration, runes, masteries, even the 100 extra damage every 4 attacks on sword of the divine, etc.), I have not been able to find a single better build for damage dealing against a universal arrangement of targets (squishy, nonsquishy, tank) than this.
This build focuses around early-game harassment, mid domination and late-game carrying, but it has a very high risk-reward factor. You need a lot of experience playing Tristana to make it work, since you'll go down immediately if you're out of position or can't rely on your team.
Did the calculations now, TBC is better than SotD in every aspect.
9x Greater Mark of Desolation
- Fairly obvious choice. Does more DPS than crit dmg runes, especially in early-game.
Greater Seal of Critical Chance
- Gives you that little extra crit chance you need in early-game.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Mana Regeneration
- Much needed mana regeneration ensuring you can jump at an enemy and still have enough mana left to pull off your escape combo if things go bad. Nothing is more frustrating than losing a kill or dying because you're out of mana.
3x Greater Quintessence of Desolation
- Must-have for Armor Penetration, the single stat that you're lacking most with this build (but it's still worth it).
Greater Quintessence of Health
- Fairly obvious choice. Does more DPS than crit dmg runes, especially in early-game.

- Gives you that little extra crit chance you need in early-game.

- Much needed mana regeneration ensuring you can jump at an enemy and still have enough mana left to pull off your escape combo if things go bad. Nothing is more frustrating than losing a kill or dying because you're out of mana.
3x Greater Quintessence of Desolation
- Must-have for Armor Penetration, the single stat that you're lacking most with this build (but it's still worth it).

Standing 21/0/9 build, there's really no other way to build her. You don't spam skillshots unlike Ashe or Sivir so no need for the 21 utility points.
- Must-have
- Also a must-have, crit builds are simply the dominant damage dealing builds available
Archaic Knowledge
- Do not underestimate the power of 15% spell penetration on
Buster Shot or
Explosive Shot
- You *need* crit chance in early and mid game
Offensive Mastery
- Completely useless. Last-hitting isn't a problem even without the 4 extra damage to creeps.
Important Masteries:

- Must-have

- Also a must-have, crit builds are simply the dominant damage dealing builds available

- Do not underestimate the power of 15% spell penetration on

- You *need* crit chance in early and mid game
Avoid the following:

- Completely useless. Last-hitting isn't a problem even without the 4 extra damage to creeps.
Very good picks

- Very good offensive pick, great for first blood, good for finishing runners (for example Tryndamere), and excellent against healers. I personally get this because I like strong early game presence, but it's rather useless for late-game as you already have

- A very good spell, both offensive and defensive. After the change which allows it to reduce the damage of spellcasters it's practically a must-have for every single team. Combine it with the slow you already have to make it impossible for an enemy to get away even if they have flash. Also, the 10 reduced armor with

- Tristana is a very slow hero. Ghost counters this excellently, especially if you're playing a squishy build. Also, I've seemed to notice that the higher your Elo goes, the more people use ghost. It's practically a necessity to run Ghost + Anything right now, just so you won't fall behind your teammates and enemies.

- Great to break out of CC prematurely so you can

The first two are offensive, the second two are defensive. Mix and match them according to your playstyle. I personally roll with Ignite + Exhaust but any combination of the above are excellent picks.
Bad choices

- You already have

- Leave these for your supporters.

- You won't have mana problems with runes.

- Simply useless.
For killing / initiating a single opponent

- Ideally, you want to hit him with your blast for the extra damage + slow and come down somewhere behind him.

- You can cast these while still in the air as well. He won't even know what hit him until he's suddenly double slowed.

- Do not underestimate how much damage the active on this deals, and it along with Ignite prevents the enemy from using


- For maximum effect, activate it just before you start auto-attacking

- Cast this when the enemy is either nearly dead or nearly out of range. At level 1 it deals 300 magic damage, and your enemies never expect it coming. Don't be afraid to cast it while chasing somebody, but you have to be absolutely sure it will kill him. When done correctly, you can send another auto-attack flying behind it, often in mid game the buster shot itself will hit for ~500 immediately followed by another crit for ~400 in case they survive.
For killing somebody at your own tower

- This will send your enemy flying towards your own tower, while double slowed. Rarely are enemies in such a bad position (good players will never be), so this combo isn't as useful as it sounds. But when you can pull it off, you can expect at least three tower hits to devastate your target.
Escaping ganks and bad situations or saving a team-mate

- If an enemy is coming up from behind you, rocket jump over their head and send them flying in the opposite direction. You can use this skill in the air, it will knock them back when you land.
Finishing somebody off in a teamclash *RISKY*

Ideally, buster shot should kill them while you're still in the air, allowing you to immediately jump out again. This only works when you're ridiculously fed or the enemies very weak, otherwise you *WILL* die. I've ruined my 20/0 stat often this way, since I get too greedy when fed, ending games with 20/1 or even worse.

- Standard harassment combo for when your enemy gets too close. At level 1, Explosive Shot deals significantly more damage than a regular auto-hit, so if possible you always cast it first. Plus, the enemy won't see the glow around you since it has no cast time and a fairly decent range. A skilled Tristana player however will *always* send another auto-attack along with it, which gets easier at higher levels since your auto-hits begin to have a larger range.
At around level 6 or so, you can stop using Explosive Shot since the range is too short to be effective compared to your auto attacks.
During team-fights

Starting Items


- Get the blade if you're facing a squishy and want to deal more damage, get first blood, etc.
- Get the shield if you need more HP regeneration, for example if you're facing somebody who can harass well. update: Not having a health potion sucks, but it's probably still best, just gotta play more cautiously. If I find a better starting route I will update accordingly.
First trip back
You shouldn't need to go back at all until you have over 1850 gold. Once you do, go back and purchase a

It is important to note that you build your sword you will be doing a ton of damage. You can start playing aggressively, enemy squishies should drop in no more than ~3 auto-attacks + your spell combo. I usually try to "surprise" my enemies by playing passively until I get the sword, then jumping at them with unexpected damage.
Second trip back
If you started with a sword, pick up the

Third trip back
Finish your


- Pick these up after your infinity edge, try not to get them before you do as you are ridiculously item dependent and unlike other champions, boots alone will not allow you to kill people.

- A simply awesome combination. The armor pen and attack speed on the cleaver plus the raw damage of the edge will obliterate any squishy enemy in several hits at this point. A single crit should be taking away like 30% of an enemy's life. (Note: I used to have a Sword of the Divine here, but TBC is better even though it costs 1k more - it still outperforms a SotD + Zeal)

- After completing the above combo, finish up with a Zeal to further boost your damage output (although not quite as significantly) and make it much easier to land crits. If you have a bit more gold, you can follow up with a


- Turn the Zeal you bought earlier into a full Phantom Dancer, which provides a ridiculous amount of crit chance and caps your attack speed at 2.5 when combined with


- The only thing you need to top off the build now is more damage and life-steal, which can both be obtained from bloodthirsters. If possible, you can even purchase a second one as sixth item, rendering your build complete. If you need more survivability, start with


- Depending on how strong the enemy is, you can also grab a Banshee's Veil instead of two Bloodthirsters. This is probably the best defensive item in the game. Armor isn't really needed because you can

- Get these whenever you can after finishing your first

Items to avoid

- This is *NOT* a good start item, despite what many builds tell you. Lifesteal is the only stat you *don't* need at the beginning. You need damage to get last hits and first blood, and health to survive enemy combos/ganks. Doran's Blade provides you with both of this. Lifesteal won't do anything unless you're auto-attacking creeps all the time, which is a very bad thing to do. Plus, a

- Some characters need this to trigger passives. You don't. The 2 AD don't make a difference.

- Stacking them is a waste of money once mid-game starts. Sure, you have a lot of extra health and a very efficient way to get AD per money, but the AD that it provides is still completely insignificant compared to the AD you could be getting for the same money by building towards your Infinity Edge.

- Even with the active, it won't deal as much damage as a Phantom Dancer. Don't believe me? Here are the numbers:

- A terrible item before the change, a terrible item after the change. *Never* get it.

Black Cleaver outperforms it after the patch:
I haven't made the graphs pretty, but here's the information for those curious (numbers listed in DPS, first two are at level 18 with a full item build, the second two is at level 11 with just IE + one item, I added a Zeal to the SotD build to make up for the missing 1k gold)
vs squishy: 1687
vs nonsquishy: 1328
vs tank: 495
vs squishy: 1836
vs nonsquishy: 1419
vs tank: 504
vs squishy: 439
vs nonsquishy: 348
vs tank: 133
vs squishy: 506
vs nonsquishy: 393
vs tank: 141
Situational items

- Ever since the nerf on this item it is no longer as important for Tristana. Sure, you can deal a bit more damage to armor-stacking tanks, but they usually have Thornmail so doing lots of damage to them isn't as important in the first place. Most of the time it's better to drop the carry fast than drop the tanks a bit faster. For the curious, however, here's a chart comparing it to a bloodthirster:

(Click the image for a larger view)

- Only get this if you absolutely need it (for example with Olaf, Cho-Gath, Mordekaiser or Vladimir in the enemy team stacking nothing but health with hardly any resistances). I still don't think it's the AD carry's job to get this item though, leave it to somebody else. You could experiment with replacing a Sword of the Divine by it, but you won't deal enough damage without the armor penetration on its active.
Explosive Shot
Rocket Jump
Explosive Shot
Rapid Fire
Explosive Shot
Getting explosive shot to level 3 soon helps significantly since it increases the splash damage on killing a target allowing you to effortlessly keep the lane in the middle even against heavy farmers like Morgana, while also increasing the duration of the DoT / healing debuff. Rocket Jump is the second skill since you need it for escaping.
Buster Shot
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire is priority one during mid-game since it provides massive DPS.
Buster Shot
Rocket Jump
Rocket Jump
Rocket Jump
Rocket Jump
Buster Shot
Explosive Shot
Explosive Shot
Just getting rid if your skill points. Rocket Jump only needs to be level 1, the distance does not increase.





Getting explosive shot to level 3 soon helps significantly since it increases the splash damage on killing a target allowing you to effortlessly keep the lane in the middle even against heavy farmers like Morgana, while also increasing the duration of the DoT / healing debuff. Rocket Jump is the second skill since you need it for escaping.





Rapid Fire is priority one during mid-game since it provides massive DPS.








Just getting rid if your skill points. Rocket Jump only needs to be level 1, the distance does not increase.
Practice last hitting minions. Do *NOT* simply auto-attack. Also practice last hitting while at your tower, since this is one of the strategically best locations to be for your jungler.
Before you build your first
B. F. Sword, it takes two tower hits + two auto-attacks to kill a melee creep and one tower hit + two auto-attacks to kill a ranged minion, so you need to auto-attack them once before the tower focuses them, then again to finish them off. Also note that a single
Explosive Shot explosion will damage the other creeps about as much as an auto-attack would, so killing one creep will ensure every other creep has the correct amount of HP to kill them, but doing it twice will ruin it since the tower will one-shot them. (If this happens, just try to kill at least one more by auto-attacking before the tower finds it)
After your
B. F. Sword or even a
Pickaxe, it just takes one/two tower hit + one auto-hit to kill a ranged/melee creep, respectively, making last hitting at the tower ridiculously easy.
For larger creep waves, don't be afraid to use
Rapid Fire to finish them off fast, your
Explosive Shot AoE will tend to deal the most damage to large groups - you just need to kill 3 or 4 creeps yourself and the rest will die on their own.
Never use
Rocket Jump to farm, it's a waste of a cooldown and mana and deals insignificant damage.
Before you build your first

After your

For larger creep waves, don't be afraid to use

Never use

You *need* good teamwork and a good pre-made to make this build work. Positioning is the key to winning everything, you can ace a team even if the kills are 10-30 if you have better positioning and tactics than them.
Don't forget your role as a DPS carry. You're to stay in back, guarded by your team, until the opportunity arises for you to unleash hell on the enemy. You're a glass cannon. Get stunned or out of position once and you'll most likely be dead unless you have a
Shen (I usually do) or can
Rocket Jump away in time.
Nonetheless, despite the drawbacks, you can simply deal more damage than probably any other character in the game thanks to
Rapid Fire. Enemies will start fearing you even when you're alone. I've gotten quadra kills and penta kills almost daily using this build. If you manage to get fed, the game is auto-win.
Avoid initiating a team-fight on Tristana. You can harass well due to your long range, but initiation is not something you should do, not even with
Rocket Jump +
Buster Shot.
Don't be afraid to steal kills by using
Buster Shot to guarantee the last hit if you're playing random. Sure, your team might hate you for it, but if you can get the gold for your build, you *WILL* win the game for them. A decent premade should *always* let you have the kill. You have the highest priority on creep waves, red buffs, ultimates and such.
Don't forget your role as a DPS carry. You're to stay in back, guarded by your team, until the opportunity arises for you to unleash hell on the enemy. You're a glass cannon. Get stunned or out of position once and you'll most likely be dead unless you have a

Nonetheless, despite the drawbacks, you can simply deal more damage than probably any other character in the game thanks to

Avoid initiating a team-fight on Tristana. You can harass well due to your long range, but initiation is not something you should do, not even with

Don't be afraid to steal kills by using

- Possibly the highest DPS in the game
- Longest auto-hit range in the game (you outrange Annie at level 8, and Caitlyn at level 12)
- One of the best escaping mechanisms in the game (

- Has a free 90% attack speed steroid with


- *VERY* item dependent. If you cannot get kills or farm effectively, you will be useless.
- Squishy as hell. You need good positioning because of this.
- Slow. Further enforcing the "cannon" metaphor, Tristana is one of the slowest heroes in the game with only a measly 300 movement speed.
If you can play her effectively, Tristana is one of the overall best heroes in the game and a definitive Tier 1 for arranged teams, but as mentioned many times throughout this guide you need a good team to make her work. She isn't a pub stomper by any means.
Match history using this build:
Here's what it looks like when you complete your build, in this case a long 4v5 match:
Finally, let me add a few words on how to play vs. most mid champions you will be facing.
Match history using this build:

Here's what it looks like when you complete your build, in this case a long 4v5 match:

Finally, let me add a few words on how to play vs. most mid champions you will be facing.
This is one of the hardest characters to play against, at all. There's no use trying to initiate a 1 on 1 fight, just farm as much as you can until your jungler can gank her. Immediately

Anivia is rather fun to play against, but hard to kill due to her passive. The most important skill to master is expecting when and where

She's squishy. Abuse it. Constantly drive her back using

Stay behind your creeps to dodge her Arrow Volley as best as possible. She's just as squishy as you, so you can build up immense pressure with

She has one of the strongest early-games ever, and to make matters worse, she can out-range you until you hit level 12 or so. It's not all bad news though: Her

A slower, less-spammable skillshot than Karthus and you can simply avoid stepping on her

A fortunately less common but ridiculously strong mid champion, there's practically nothing you can do against this beast. Avoid his

Try to flank his

There's not much that can be said about Ezreal, it all boils down to dodging his skillshots and predicting his

If you see a fiddelsticks going mid instead of jungle you already know he's a noob and it will be an easy fight. Nonetheless, keep using

Predict his barrels to the best of your ability. It's not enough to dodge them, since they roll so fast that you can't actually escape, unlike other skillshots. He's hard to take down so wait for a gank / farm.
Maintain a fixed distance between him to avoid his rockets. If he runs forwards, run backwards a bit until he uses his rockets, then immediately chase him back and try to get off an

One of the hardest champions to solo against, without a doubt. It is *very* hard to last hit in his presence. Immediately rush

Difficult to lane against since he can escape well, chase well and silence you to prevent you from using

Maintain a bit of distance from your creeps to avoid her daggers. Note that the targets are determined when she casts the skill and not per-bounce, so running away from your creeps after she casts it will change nothing. Once she reaches level 6 she *will* try to kill you with

Dodge his shuriken as much as possible and he won't be able to do anything. Note that he'll often use his lightning rush to get in front of *your* creeps, then throw a shuriken at you - be aware of this fact and prepare to dodge to the side if he runs towards you. Abuse the situation by casting

Very hard to lane against. Once he reaches level 6 you need to take great care to dodge his

Ridiculously hard to solo against as she is hands-down the best single-target nuker in the game. Try to deny her farm as much as possible. If you know she's going to initiate her kill combo,

She has rock-solid CC so you need to take great care to avoid her double cage. She'll usually try to land it first and then follow it up by

He is one of the best farmers in the game so you'll have to do as much as you can to prevent him from slaughtering your minions and/or tower. Stay aggressive, drive him back with

Miss Fortune
Very annoying, She can harass and farm well, and her ultimate deals crazy AoE damage. She will most likely win any direct poking confrontations, so try to outsmart her, dodge her

Dodge her

Dodge her spear as much as you can, try to guess when she's going to heal and preemptively use

If you get a Pantheon in mid simply rush

Kill him before level 6. If you can't by that point, ask for a gank. *Never* initiate him alone, *especially* not with

Dodge her boomerang. Try to break her

Try to

Oh how I hate Teemo. He *WILL* out-DoT your

Tristana vs Tristana is just about player skill, runes and masteries more than anything. Try to out-farm her by last hitting well so you can build your items sooner than her in order to gain the advantage, or out-push her, forcing her to her own tower as it will be much harder to last hit, and you can take occasional shots at the tower as well - Tristana hates this and will instantly

Ridiculously squishy. Two Explosive Shots and a couple of auto-attacks will nearly kill him, simply keep him low until you get your ultimate, then pop it to one-**** him. Use

It's rare to see an Urgot, especially in mid, but when you do you have to take care to avoid his

It's very hard to lane against a good Veigar due to his

Very hard to lane against. Use

Without a doubt the hardest character to solo lane against in the game. There's pretty much nothing you can do to counter him, ask for a gank and tower hug until then. If possible, swap with somebody else who isn't as item-dependent as you so you can freefarm at a side-lane instead.
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