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Recommended Items
Runes: Aggressive
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Surging Tides (PASSIVE)
Nami Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Nami and ADC champs are so weak, pyke can easily get a double with his ult if he comes from your back, don't push lane against him.
Jhin's W has a good sinergy with your Q, if you hit an enemy with it Jhin can put put a trap with his E and root him with his W, applying a lot of CC on the objective and having time to kill him.
Jhin's W has a good sinergy with your Q, if you hit an enemy with it Jhin can put put a trap with his E and root him with his W, applying a lot of CC on the objective and having time to kill him.
Champion Build Guide
If you are going to build the passive build go base for first time when you have 1000G
Nami's Q is so slow and it's easy to dodge, try to cast it on slowed or rooted enemies, or slow them with E + W, E + aa or using E on an ally.
In early, Nami's W is weaker every time it hits a champion, until it's growth is positive cast it on the enemy you are focusing or the ally with lowest heal first, in late, it becomes stronger every time it bounces, try to cast it so it hits your main objective the last.
Nami's R gives your allies the double of the speed of your passive, what can be useful while chasing enemies during a gank of your jungler.
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