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Does not let you exist in lane. Go D shield and try to stay alive, you outscale.
Horribly difficult matchup, she will destroy you and is basically unkillable because of her egg, avoid her stuns at all cost.
Runs you down if you get caught by her Q and scales about the same as you. Be careful with this pick
Not exactly difficult to lane vs but can just destroy your teamfight as his ult shields everyone from your ult burst. Try to wait till he ults before all inning in a team fight.
Extremely annoying and unfun to play vs. Go D shield and try to not get stunned. If you get stunned you can't dodge ult with pool. Play for late, you outscale.
Basically just counters you all around until you outscale eventually.
You outscale hard but her laning is oppressive. Take d shield and play to outscale.
Can miss every spell and still kill you.
You destroy kassadin early game but it gets significantly harder at 6 and as the game goes on. try to exploit his lack of range pre 6 and snowball before he does.
Really high early game damage so be careful. You can dodge his ult and negate most of his burst later.
Common matchup and relatively easy. Freeze wave close to your tower and be wary of his level 2 cheese. You outscale hard.
Simple matchup, stay away from daggers and pool her ult. You win at every stage of the game.
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