Even match-up. You can never win an all-in vs this guy, so you need to poke him down before you even try to kill him. Thankfully, poking him is pretty easy. He needs to be at most 40% hp for you to be able to kill him because Warwick top players usually take Barrier, which can sadly not be counteracted by your ignite. ALWAYS make sure to have healing reduction when fighting him or you WILL NOT KILL HIM. Make sure you either have ignite up or a healing reduction item (I recommend oblivion orb). If he ever engages you before the 40% hp threshold, do not fight him, just pull him away from you with E. If he does not have barrier up, the threshold goes up to around 60% HP. Don't try ulting him later into the game, he will most likely beat you.
Completely unplayable match-up. There is no point in the game where you can beat vayne in a straight up 1v1, NOT EVEN in death realm. You will get kited like a dog and if the vayne has at least one brain cell she will not ever let you get close to her and won't let you farm. Not only all this, but also, you can't even itemise vs this bitch, with roughly 2/5 of her damage being true damage (steelcaps are a decent buy nonetheless). The only possible solution to this match-up would be getting babysat by your jungler but you cannot rely on that.
Super frustrating and painful match-up. Rush mercs no matter what. If you both are on a roughly equal skill level, she will never let you kill her, not even in Brazil. She gets her perma BS speed up from q, which allows her to keep a safe distance from you AND dodge all your spells, seriously, hitting E on her is virtually impossible. And that's not even half of why this match-up is impossible, she gets a ground and a stun in addition to her q. She even outscales you, so there's pretty much no point in the game at which you are genuinely stronger than her (assuming both are even in exp and gold).
Skill match-up. Be careful in the early levels, he will be playing very aggressively and if he does catch you, you're probably dead. Ignite makes this lane way more playable, as long as you hit your stuff. Personally though, I still like to play rather safe in the early levels, even if I took ignite, as this guy can seriously snowball out of control. Poke him a lot in laning phase, but make sure to stay out of his e range so you don't get forced into an early all-in, which will most likely go his way. Post-6 is where you start being able to kill him. His only means of sustaining hp in a fight this early into the game is his q, which will be counteracted by your ignite. If both Darius and Mordekaiser hit everything in Brazil, Mordekasier will win, but hitting your abilities can be hard when he is zooming around with ghost, so make sure you flash to hit a Q you would have otherwise missed. Another thing to note is, that if you're feeling as though a particular 1v1 with him isn't quite going your way, you have the option to flash INSIDE of him the next time he uses q, as to deny him a passive stack, damage and crucial healing. Killing him might become difficult later into the game when he starts stacking resistances, health and shields, and he kind of comes back into the game so unless you don't have a choice it might be wiser to ult a more "available" target.
Decently difficult match-up that gets a lot easier with ignite. Rush steelcaps. His early levels are insanely strong, he just has so much damage and infinite sticking potential. Try not to take any bad trades early or he will use it to zone you out of any cs and the second you walk up he can just one-shot you. You can take short trades IF you keep them short. You beat him in Brazil but you have to hit your spells. ALWAYS make sure to mask ult with your Q animation, so that he can't use his ult to cancel yours (Look at the Combos and Mechanics Tab in case you are confused). You outscale him hard. Don't ult him later on unless he is dismounted and seems unable to remount in the near future.
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