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Ability Order
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability

I'm planning on adding videos soon!
- Your armor. It's incredible. Many hates you because of just this.
- Very hard to kill, mostly due to armor.
- Two AOE and one multi-target skills. Easy to get armor.
- No mana/energy pool.
- Can do some good damage.
- Epic ultimate = epic ghost. How awesome.
- You're a metal man. How even more awesome than being a dog (

- If you don't get fed, you're gonna have a quite hard time not to die till you get your items.
- Your ultimate can be easily countered.
- Uses health to cast spells. (Note that with

- Banned a lot in rankeds, especially in the lower ELOs.
I can't find too many cons with




Of course, swaps would be allowed. It's personal opinions.

In the cheat sheet's build, I only chose five items, due to that the last item depends on the enemy team:
- Do they have a/several (fed) AP damage dealers?
In this case, get

- Do they have a/several (fed) AD damage dealers?
In this case, get

- Do they have a quite balanced damage output (AP&AD)?
In this case, get either

I have chosen

Will of the Ancient will help both you and your team. It'll make you able to spam your spell without losing hp at all, but gaining some. Also gives a good AP boost to you, and in addition shares AP and spellvamp with your allies.

Notice that I didn't write it in the sequence as the sheet cheat. It has nothing to say how I wrote it, it's just how it fell to my mind. I'd personally follow the cheat sheet, I'll explain later.
Iron Man is imo a very, very unique passive. It's what gives you your armor - what the QQ'ers complains about.
Mace of Spades is a great one-target damage spell, or a bit weaker multiple-target spell. It's just great.
Creeping Death is one good defensive spell, and really really helpful with jungling. It deals some good AOE damage, and in addition protects you. How magnicifcent.
Siphon of Destruction is one of your main damage spells. It does a good amount of damage in a cone in front of you. How awesome for farming.
Children of the Grave is one of the most ANNOYING ultimates in the whole game. How pissed don't people get when they're like "HAHAHA 2HP LOLOL NOOB TRY2CATCH MEH!!! NOOB!" and then turns "Wtf is this laugh..." and starts raging when they die. Just awesome. Not to even MENTION that it gives you a sick ghost for 30 sec, which actually deals major damage. I have killed a lot of people by just sending my ghost on them - and someone with full hp even stays and fights the ghost - which results in that they die. A
Caitlyn ghost would probably be the best one, due to a good ranged AD carry.
So, to start off select

After that, get

Put another point in

After maxing out

The art of multitasking your ghost is not too hard once you get to it. Just walk like normal, but to control your ghost just press the alt key before you click. I mean, it isn't hard with some practise.

A must for ANY jungler. ANY. It makes your jungling go wayyy faster, even you sometimes don't necessarily need it.

I think this is probably the best summoner spell for

Other choices:

Spells not to get:

These are the current counters I can come up with:



- Quicksilver Slash





- High MR whatsoever
- Any form for healing.
Anything that can give the victim some instant hp, e.g.

Route 1

Other: A pull/leash. Get someone to hit the blue buff and run away.
So it goes in steps to make it easy;
- Head over to blue buff and get a pull/leash. It'll spawn at 01:55. Make a teammate hit it and run away. If your mate stays, he will leech your exp and you won't get to level 2. However, if your teammate owns a brain, he should understand so and run away.
- Stick very close to the blue buff as he won't go back and heal, and keep auto attacking him and use your

- Hit the big wolf once, then at once you hit him throw your

- Move on to the wraith camp, hit the blue wraith once and

- Pewpew the two golems around the same way as before, and remember to keep a health potion active!
- Now, if you feel confident to kill the golem, go for it. It should be no problem with full runes, but if you haven't you can just try it anyway. Remember that if you see that you can't kill the golem at around 50 hp or earlier at yours, just go into a bush and recall. If you managed to take him down (like you should), go for a gank if you have enough HP. If not, recall anyway.
- Buy

- Kill the wolves, move to wraiths and kill them once again. If you didn't kill the red golem already, get him now and go to gank. If you got him, you should still have the red buff. Go gank.
- If they don't have a jungler, always steal their red buff when you can. It's big help for ganks, as

The rest of the jungle is pretty straight forward.
Route 2:

- Start of at the wolves camp, and attack the biggest one. Use

- Head to the wraiths camp, and smite the big blue one. Put a point in

- Head down to the two golems, and pewpew them.
Remember to use

- Go to the red golem and pewpew him too. If you have too low hp for some reason, call back, and go back and get red.
- Gank.
The rest is straight forward.
Your standard farming combo is

Throw your

Your ultimate

It's nothing more to say here, really.

A fed more is instant /gg if your team isn't HORRIBLE.
Comment for suggestions etc.
I didn't get other/situational items, as that is up to yourself to decide. I might update it later on.

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