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Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Why play Talon mid, you might be asking. Well talon is a complete ANTI AP, able to counter nearly all ap mids due to his amazing skill set and HUGE potential burst damage. He also does great with blue buff and can potentially roam effectively too. Don't get me wrong though, Talon can also be a great top but a lot of the time he will be countered by stronger bruisers since Talon is not the best laner. This guide will be specifically for Talon being played mid.
Mercy Mercy
Not the best passive yet not the worst. Works well with a Frozen Mallet if you decide to build it.
Noxian Diplomacy
This ability has a short cooldown and apply's on hit effects making Sheen a good choice for Talon. The DOT effect has a crazy AD scaling so if they do manage to escape, they will often die to the DOT anyway. Max this ability second.
This is Talon's bread and butter, it allows him to harass and farm from a distance. The slow will also give the damage buff from your passive. Max this ability first.
Cutthroat Cutthroat
This ability is used to start your combo, it adds a damage buff for a few seconds and silences the enemy making counter harass nearly impossible. Max this ability last.
This is Talon's ultimate, it can be used for escaping or damage. you can double tap it for quicker burst damage or you could leave it on when escaping or waiting for cooldowns. Max this ability whenever you can.
Summoner spells
Ignite is a MUST HAVE, the true damage will help if your opponents stack armour to counter you. The ignite also gets the 15% damage increase from Talon's cuttroat and the 10% from his mercy. That's a total of 102 extra damage at level 18.
This is pretty standard, good for escaping or chasing, helps you get out of sticky situations but honestly you could swap if for something of your own choice if it suits you.
Not the best passive yet not the worst. Works well with a Frozen Mallet if you decide to build it.
Noxian Diplomacy
This ability has a short cooldown and apply's on hit effects making Sheen a good choice for Talon. The DOT effect has a crazy AD scaling so if they do manage to escape, they will often die to the DOT anyway. Max this ability second.
This is Talon's bread and butter, it allows him to harass and farm from a distance. The slow will also give the damage buff from your passive. Max this ability first.
Cutthroat Cutthroat
This ability is used to start your combo, it adds a damage buff for a few seconds and silences the enemy making counter harass nearly impossible. Max this ability last.
This is Talon's ultimate, it can be used for escaping or damage. you can double tap it for quicker burst damage or you could leave it on when escaping or waiting for cooldowns. Max this ability whenever you can.
Summoner spells
Ignite is a MUST HAVE, the true damage will help if your opponents stack armour to counter you. The ignite also gets the 15% damage increase from Talon's cuttroat and the 10% from his mercy. That's a total of 102 extra damage at level 18.
This is pretty standard, good for escaping or chasing, helps you get out of sticky situations but honestly you could swap if for something of your own choice if it suits you.
Good items for early game
Mercury's Treads
Boots of Mobility
Doran's Blades
The Brutalizer
Vampiric Scepter
Core items
The Bloodthirster
Last Whisper
Warmorg's Armor
Infinity Edge
Items to consider
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Maw of Malmortius
Frozen Mallet
Trinity Force
Atmas Impaler
Banshee's Veil
Mercury's Treads
Boots of Mobility
Doran's Blades
The Brutalizer
Vampiric Scepter
Core items
The Bloodthirster
Last Whisper
Warmorg's Armor
Infinity Edge
Items to consider
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Maw of Malmortius
Frozen Mallet
Trinity Force
Atmas Impaler
Banshee's Veil
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