Absolute aids. Don't take magical footwear and rush boots to dodge better? Dorans shield and pray for ganks? Have to E out of his W fast or you'll get pulled back in and die. His Q cd is 10 secs at level 5, 5 secs at 9. If trading, avoid during his passive. Maybe 2-3 points in W here? Save ignite post 6 for ganks to kill him. Rush executioners after divine? Try to stand out of minions so he can't push and poke you at same time.
Only bad if he gets a couple free kills. Possibly start dshield? Take short advantageous trades with passive. If you aren't getting a 3 min gank, try to slowpush and crash cannon wave into tower. Try to dodge his e and take a couple advantageous trades. Can win an all in at 6 if you have 20 % advantage+passive+ignite. Use R to displace his maiden and minions. Save E for his E. Max E immediately after Q. Wait to all in him right after his mistwalkers recently die.
Can kill even if down a kill. By 2 items-ish though he's getting strong if you haven't shut him down. Try to convince jg to gank in lobby. Try to let wave push by baiting him to e it, don't think can significantly harass under tower? Want more lane to kill him?
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