My perma-ban. Morgana is extremely annoying early-game because of her stupid stun on Q, she can also melt you with W if you get caught in her stun.
Better player wins. She does basically everything you do but her E goes through minions, her W makes her take way less damage and her Q stuns you. A rather difficult but fun match-up!
Lulu's a complicated one. Her Q slows you pretty bad and her W cancels your engage as most other disabling effects. Her R could also be a problem if you happen to be in it's range.
Like morgana, her Q is enough to cancel your whole engage and she's most likely to keep poking you with E, even if the ADC does bad, she still has massive carry potential.
Another champ with lots and lots of CC, her flowers are also extremely boring to deal with.
She overall has a lot of CC and cancels your engages pretty easily, if she has Electrocute I recommend you to be careful near her.
He outranges you, and has a lot of CC, his hook is better than yours too.
This is a very skill dependent match-up, if he's good play a bit safer, if he's bad you can still aggro him.
Her empowered Q is really strong against you and her W is also a threat to your engages.
Rakan has lots of mobility, so catching him is hard. Since he is also quite tanky once you do catch him, hes a little difficult to take down.
I never liked laning against Senna. Her slows and area stuns are bad news for you specially if combined with Ashe or Jhin.
I never really payed attention to ADC match-ups but I know Ashe is annoying with her slows and R stun, she isn't gonna do much unless she's laning with a support that has a lot of CC
Not much to say here, dodge his grab and you're good to go.
You can cancel his Q pretty easily, just be careful of his E and R
Blitz is a fun match-up IMO, if he pulls you, you can pull yourself back with your Q (if you're near a wall) and he doesn't do much damage if he's doing a tanky build.
Better Nautilus wins!
Her heals might be annoying but besides that she's very squishy near you.
Just dodge her tornado and you're okay.
Dodge his bombs and you're also good to go.
Yuumi is a free kill if you manage to get rid of the enemy ADC, and since you're carrying Ignite with you, her heal isn't gonna do anything during laning phase.
Busted combo. Not as strong as it used to be but it's still very good.
Overall I've had very good experiences with Kalista players, this could be a bit biased but it really is up to you to discover.
Your ultimate is perfect for Yasuo, your Q also allows him to ult!
Miss Fortune
Her R combos pretty well with yours.
Her CC pairs really well with yours.
Lots of damage and CC.
Her slows makes your opponents easier to catch and less likely to escape.
I don't see anything that Caitlyn does that Nautilus can have advantage over.
Busted combo. Not as strong as it used to be but it's still very good.
Overall I've had very good experiences with Kalista players, this could be a bit biased but it really is up to you to discover.
Your ultimate is perfect for Yasuo, your Q also allows him to ult!
Miss Fortune
Her R combos pretty well with yours.
Her CC pairs really well with yours.
Lots of damage and CC.
Her slows makes your opponents easier to catch and less likely to escape.
I don't see anything that Caitlyn does that Nautilus can have advantage over.
Don't get me wrong, I'm just a bronze player trying to show you how fun it is to play Nautilus, and I'm pretty confident that with these builds and items, you'll find at least some fun with him!
I'm relatively new to the game and just started experimenting with some of my favorite champions.
Since this is my first ever guide, it might not be too professional, but I did my best on it!
They're all from personal experience. Unfortunately I don't know if these builds work on higher elos since I've never reached them, though you are welcome to try and leave a comment on it
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