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Nidalee Build Guide by werbatim

Nidale by werbatim

Nidale by werbatim

Updated on September 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author werbatim Build Guide By werbatim 17,446 Views 2 Comments
17,446 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author werbatim Nidalee Build Guide By werbatim Updated on September 3, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Nidalee

Nidalle by werbatim

Everywhere there is a yellow dot is a viable location for nidalee to trap if she is in the area.
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Nidalee Paths

Our beloved Nidalee is a very viable champion and she is playable in alot of styles, The most common is the AD/ Bruiser Nidalee, The AP Nidalee and the support Nidalee, Jungling nidalee is possible but it's not the greatest choice for ranked.

My guide is specializaed on the AD Nidalee which is perfect for solotop due to her insane mobility combined with the damage output nidalee can do, she is able to put big pressure on the enemys.
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what you need

-Common Sense
-The Ability to land most of your skill shots
-To be able to solo/lane/jungle successfully.
-To be able to gank properly
-To be able to press buttons repeatedly. (ex: Spamming Pounce to keep 8 stack Guinsoo's)
-To have fun!
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-Spears hit for a lot
-A great ganker
-Can heal
-Is very mobile.
-Dominant in the Lane

-Can be Crowd Controlled
-Easily low mana without Blue Rune
-Needs a lot of skill to successfully play.
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trap location

Everywhere there is a yellow dot is a viable location for nidalee to trap if she is in the area.
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Mana Consumption

If you play Nidalee AD your Mp5 ( Mana per 5 seconds) Wont be very high, so you won't have that high mana regeneration, therefor I would suggest not to use your abilities too much, since you want to be able to heal in critical moments, I also strongely suggest to only use your mana mostly for heals, and once in a while a spear or place a new trap. Your spear won't deal that much of a damage and it will for sure not be one of your stronger damage outputs.
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It's hard to Nidalee as she has a great bother with normal attacks, and she always has her Heal, so that you cant even really broke it to her either because they will just run into the woods and never catch it. Good Nidalee is hard to face, but the bridge is nailing some q with a few crits or so would probably do it. If played correctly Nidalee bother all championships will be hard times.
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21/0/9 Why go to 21 and 0 offensive defense Utility 9.
Im playing Nidalee AD, why should I go to Magicpen and reduced cooldown? Ill tell you why I go to reduce the cooldown, which I believe is really good once I have my catform and for them to take 10% magicpen that goes with it, because it will add Abit dmg with my spear, usually hit a couple of spears during one game, and the more it hurts, the better for me. I decided to attack monasteries, because I believe that the game is now much easier to win more damage output you've got, and because Nidalee is much more reliable to champion your bother's good to actually deal some damage when your annoying. I went for my remaining 9 points Utilities instead of defense, even though I like to call myself Nidalee play as a fighter. The 9 points in the tool I spent just because I wanted to 2% movement speed buff and extend championship, I believe that speed is really good match with Nidalee. Other ways to go with Nidalee? Of course there is, but I would recommend this strongely. You can create as Nidalee other "Tanks" with 9/21/0 fighter version, but you lose a lot of your damage output and harass early game. I think that your ad will Nidalee as tanks, though they must be atmog. We also Nidalee AP, which can be built in two directions or 9/0/21 21/0/9 But that's another story if you are looking for play AP Nidalee.
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