Ban Fiora or Vayne. She beats you at all stages in the game and is the cause of your depression. Boneplating, Revitalize secondary. Buy Doran Shield and rush bramble, then Plated Steelcaps. play safe, feel free to drop farm, just don´t die. Ask your Jungler to come gank preferably before lvl.6. Jungler needs cc though or else she can always escape by parrying your e.
Fioras parry can block not just your e but also your ult so be careful on how you are using these abilities. Do not ult and e her at the same time like you normaly would for a guaranteed e hit, since she can parry both at the same time. Never ult her when you don´t know if she has her parry up. When FIora ult try to stand near a wall to hinder her of reaching on of the vitals.
Ban Fiora or Vayne. You can´t do anything in lane by yourself. Take Fleet Footwork, Second Wind and Revitalize secondary and buy Dorans Shield. Take exhaust and wait for your jungler to come gank. RUSH PLATED STEELCAPS, THEN BRAMBLE. If the enemy team has several long ranged champs go Hextech Rocketbelt.
Most unfun lane there is. Thankfully there aren´t a lot of Singed players.
If he proxys just stay undertower and farm, Mordekaiser has no way of chasing him and you will just start to become frustrated. he is to fast and can dogde every single q and e of yours. Most of the time there will be little interaction in lane so just farm up and wait till the teamfights. Spirit Visage and force of nature are top grade items here.
Olaf is very strong early and makes your laning phase absolute hell. Buy Dorans Shield and just try to poke him when he walks up to hit minions. RUSH BRAMBLE. The lane doesn´t get any easier after lvl.6 since Olafs ult cleanses yours. In a 1v1 you have to ult him before he ults so you still get the stolen stacks even though you aren´t in the death realm. If you ult him while he is in his ult your ult will just be wasted (no stolen stats). I don´t recommend fighting him head-on until 2-3 items. Don´t overextend or he will have it easy to just run you down with his q. If his Jungler for some reason ganks after lvl.6 you can ult the jungler and hopefully trade 1 for 1 or maybe even get a kill and get out.
Very Boring Lane. Take Second Wind and Revitalize Secondary and buy Dorans Shield. Gangplank will poke you down in lane with q so stand in the bushes (Top Lane) and soke exp + some cs. Ask your Jungler for an early gank and build some armor early. He can cancel your ult with his w. If he ever uses his w and you still have ult you can instantly ult him and run him down. Roaming is hard since he can impact any fight on the map with his r while he is farming and pushing top. This is why I would suggest only roaming to the nearest lane and possibly also invading the enemy Jungle (roaming/ invading only after lvl.6.
Mobility, Mordekaisers arch-nemesis. Take Boneplating, Second Wind secondary and rush Plated Steelcaps.
She has lots of dashes and a great all in at all stages of the game. She will dogde your qs and es a lot but don´t get frustrated. Try to e her after she has used all her qs and then trade shortly with her. Do not underestimate her ever even if she is lower in health than you. Riven has lots of cc and can turn fights hard. Ask for a Gank early.
A harder matchup if you haven´t played it that often. Take Second Wind and Revitalize Secondary. Don´t fight him early and rush Plated Steel caps and Bramble asap. If Darius takes Ghost do not fight him at all early and don´t overextend, he will always just run you down. If you haven´t died before lvl.6 you can outscale him. You should beat him at lvl.8 or lvl.9 with Bramble, Plated Steel caps + part item of mythic if you haven´t fallen behind. When fighting try to avoid the outer ring of Darius q since it heals him.
Play safe until lvl.3 and avoid his w. Poke with isolated q or q him when he walks up to hit minions. Rush Bramble and then mythic. If you fall behind early and the enemy team has a lot of ad you can also rush Plated Steelcaps after Bramble. Whoever hits more qs wins.
Free Matchup. Try to get lvl.2 before him and run him down. After lvl.3 just harrass him with e and q and zone him away from the minions. This is very important since he heals himself when csing with his passive. If you make him fall behind enough early he won´t be able to do anything. Cho Gath scales very hard which makes him very hard to kill in teamfights. You will always be able to kill him in a 1v1 but once his team is there they will kill you. Later in Teamfights don´t focus him.
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