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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Vayne can pull you away from your ultimate which can be bad if are trying to lure her close to you, Be cautious and stun her more often before you ult her. Try to double tap Q
Miss Fortune
MF can use her E when you use Anivias ult. Doing this may effectively slow your opponents down, opening a chance to wipe them. Generally MF can help a lot with kill power. Especially when your a character that heavily slows people down and using combos.
Miss Fortune
MF can use her E when you use Anivias ult. Doing this may effectively slow your opponents down, opening a chance to wipe them. Generally MF can help a lot with kill power. Especially when your a character that heavily slows people down and using combos.
Champion Build Guide
So I looked up guides and only found the one. But this was for walling mainly. And im like. Hmmm, perhaps i could make a few tweaks to this. So here we are, i took the runes from that guide. Put them in my own and made my own item sets and ability guides.
Sometimes the best offensive is the best defensive right? so if you want to go for a damage build. Then put offensive items that affect AP on.
Wall utility, Using W to block all movement directed at you is a very useful ability, use it in a tight space for maximum usage out of it, or if you need to prevent them from escaping, Wall into cancel Q or Ult will work.
Escaping. Anivia is slow. We know. So the reason these exact runes were picked is for her speed, especially when you are halfway across the map. Using predator boots, you can significantly fly half the map (From spawn) with it. Getting away as said. WALL AND Q. Those are your best allies with anivia. R will poof away if your trying to escape. Use ultimate if your cornered.
Team Balance. Anivia is a severe early game as support, though, she can retain this momentum, if she can buy ring and boots before the 10th min, Set up at 15, Necessary at 23. Add those last 2 whenever you can but as soon as possible. Remember though. Anivia is AP. So focus on the AP items. AP means ability power for the newbies I teach.
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