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Runes: Grasp of Undying
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
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He can deny cs early game When you poke him with q, he regens Cant Ult
Champion Build Guide
Start off
Before i start, my mother language is not English so you might have some difficulties understanding things. I beg your pardon for that
Hi, I am Krepted in EUW currently in plat 2.
I played 150 games of Ornn and wanna tell how good he is
So, Ornn is currently one of the best champions in game right now. He has CC, has decent damage, Long ranged initiate, item upgrade for teammates, so on and on.
There are some players who is interested in Ornn and wants to play, but keep loses because bruisers keep ruining Ornn.
So i have brought you tips for Ornn.
This are NOT from me but from a famous youtuber in korea called Gaerihyeong.
He reached masters only with Ornn in Kr server.
If you have a friend who speaks Korean, ask for translation and have a short look at him. His videos are really helpful.
Hi, I am Krepted in EUW currently in plat 2.
I played 150 games of Ornn and wanna tell how good he is
So, Ornn is currently one of the best champions in game right now. He has CC, has decent damage, Long ranged initiate, item upgrade for teammates, so on and on.
There are some players who is interested in Ornn and wants to play, but keep loses because bruisers keep ruining Ornn.
So i have brought you tips for Ornn.
This are NOT from me but from a famous youtuber in korea called Gaerihyeong.
He reached masters only with Ornn in Kr server.
If you have a friend who speaks Korean, ask for translation and have a short look at him. His videos are really helpful.
So when you have looked at the runes, you might find it sceptical. Summon aery? Ornn is a tank though. I will tell you step by step.
In Grasp rune, you should 100% take Grasp and demolish.
In the second row of Resolve, you have 3 options
Take Conditioning against the champions who are not strong early game (Maokai, Jax).
Take Second Wind against ranged or poke champions (Vayne, Teemo).
Take Bone plating against the champions who does burst damage for a trade (Renekton, Aatrox)
In the Second part of the rune, you have the option to choose between Sorcery and Inspiration.
In the first row of Sorcery you have 2 options.
Take Manaflow band for the lack of mana in early game.
Take Nullifying Orb when the enemy Top+Jungle is ap.
Take Transendence because Ornn need that 40% CD
This one is actually up to you
Every runes in Inspiration suits except for Hextech flash
Aftershock Rune is the same only with aftershock
Summon aery
So with the first and second row is pretty much clear
You take Scorch to maximize poke damage of Q
I hope you understand the rest of the runes as i explained before
So when should i take which rune?
Against tank: Grasp of Undying
This is inevitable. Vs Tanks=Grasp
Against Irelia, Kled, Riven, Akali, Renekton, Gnar, Teemo, Pantheon: Aftershock
It is except for Gnar and Teemo, they burst damage to trade or kill Ornn.
In order to prevent the burst damage, we take aftershock to reduce the damage
Gnar and Teemo is mostly killable with ally jungler's help so when the jungler comes, Ornn can tank better with this rune.
Against Darius, Vayne, Illaoi, Jayce, Kayle, Fiora, Yasuo: Summon aery
When Ornn trades, they regens (Darius Q, Fiora Passive) or does more damage than the damage that Ornn gave (Vayne, Kayle after 6)
You can't trade like as if you trade against tanks, but what you can do is maximize your Q damage to poke them early game
Ornn's Q damage early game to those champions are (with my experience) about 100.
That is why you take adaptive damage rune + scorch
Against Olaf: Unsealed Spellbook
You have no other choice than this viking. Can't CC. Can't poke whatsoever
Hope your team carries you
Btw ban Jax
In Grasp rune, you should 100% take Grasp and demolish.
In the second row of Resolve, you have 3 options
Take Conditioning against the champions who are not strong early game (Maokai, Jax).
Take Second Wind against ranged or poke champions (Vayne, Teemo).
Take Bone plating against the champions who does burst damage for a trade (Renekton, Aatrox)
In the Second part of the rune, you have the option to choose between Sorcery and Inspiration.
In the first row of Sorcery you have 2 options.
Take Manaflow band for the lack of mana in early game.
Take Nullifying Orb when the enemy Top+Jungle is ap.
Take Transendence because Ornn need that 40% CD
This one is actually up to you
Every runes in Inspiration suits except for Hextech flash
Aftershock Rune is the same only with aftershock
Summon aery
So with the first and second row is pretty much clear
You take Scorch to maximize poke damage of Q
I hope you understand the rest of the runes as i explained before
So when should i take which rune?
Against tank: Grasp of Undying
This is inevitable. Vs Tanks=Grasp
Against Irelia, Kled, Riven, Akali, Renekton, Gnar, Teemo, Pantheon: Aftershock
It is except for Gnar and Teemo, they burst damage to trade or kill Ornn.
In order to prevent the burst damage, we take aftershock to reduce the damage
Gnar and Teemo is mostly killable with ally jungler's help so when the jungler comes, Ornn can tank better with this rune.
Against Darius, Vayne, Illaoi, Jayce, Kayle, Fiora, Yasuo: Summon aery
When Ornn trades, they regens (Darius Q, Fiora Passive) or does more damage than the damage that Ornn gave (Vayne, Kayle after 6)
You can't trade like as if you trade against tanks, but what you can do is maximize your Q damage to poke them early game
Ornn's Q damage early game to those champions are (with my experience) about 100.
That is why you take adaptive damage rune + scorch
Against Olaf: Unsealed Spellbook
You have no other choice than this viking. Can't CC. Can't poke whatsoever
Hope your team carries you
Btw ban Jax
Skill master
This chapter is simple
I wrote the skills you should master
Max W when you take grasp because brittle+grasp damage is insane
Max Q when you take aery to maximize the poking damage
Max E when you take aftershock to maximize the damage of E (Armor+Magic resist ratio)
And you only max Q until level 4 because after that, you wont to that much damage with your q since they have armor + health
I wrote the skills you should master
Max W when you take grasp because brittle+grasp damage is insane
Max Q when you take aery to maximize the poking damage
Max E when you take aftershock to maximize the damage of E (Armor+Magic resist ratio)
And you only max Q until level 4 because after that, you wont to that much damage with your q since they have armor + health
Item build
Ornn has his own build due to his passive
2 out of 3 items are purchased
Abyssal mask
Gaerihyeong recommended to build Iceborn in low elo because Ornn can solo kill ADC
When enemy is all AD: Iceborn + Sunfire
When enemy is all AP: Abyssal + Sunfire
When only tank: Sunfire + Abyssal
After those 2 itmes alwayes Warmogs
but when the adc is fed and our suppport is shield/heal support, then Knight of Vow
2 out of 3 items are purchased
Abyssal mask
Gaerihyeong recommended to build Iceborn in low elo because Ornn can solo kill ADC
When enemy is all AD: Iceborn + Sunfire
When enemy is all AP: Abyssal + Sunfire
When only tank: Sunfire + Abyssal
After those 2 itmes alwayes Warmogs
but when the adc is fed and our suppport is shield/heal support, then Knight of Vow
Hope you understood my english (poor english)
Hope you reach you r wanted elo with Ornn.
Here is the link of Gaerihyeong
I am going to improve on the format over time
ask questions if needed in comment
I am a big fan of him fyi
And gl hf summoner!
Hope you reach you r wanted elo with Ornn.
Here is the link of Gaerihyeong
I am going to improve on the format over time
ask questions if needed in comment
I am a big fan of him fyi
And gl hf summoner!
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