[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] Early game if Aatrox uses all of his Q you can trade with him because his kit is basically gone. If you get hit by his chain walk sideways out of it and use your speedups to get away from him. If you have to you can Hammer Form E him away but be careful because you might make him hit his Q on you. Be a bit more cautious after 6 because his sustain is real and it does hurt. Buying Grevious Wound early doesn't hurt but try to get it after Dirk because the powerspike off of Dirk is just that strong IMO. If you can't its ok but you will be setting your mid game power back a bit. Look to build either Black Cleaver or Serylda's Grudge.
[EVEN] [PR/Conqueor/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Ahri is just annoying to lane against. She has wave clear, sustain, CC, and 3 dashes. However, we can take care of that through playstyle so its ok. Dodge her Q's by either dodging it or not being on the wave. This makes her either push the wave or poke you. However, don't sit so far from the wave its a free Charm for her. If she uses her charm (especially pre-6) you should be able to pull a full combo off on her and out trade her. However, post-6 be careful of her just dashing onto you and Charming instantly. Quick reminder that her dashes have a really long cooldown lvl1 and if she uses them she'll be pretty vulnerable for a while. Try to abuse this and kill her while she has either no charm or no ult.
[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] Akali is a bitch to play against. LVL1 harass her and poke her down as much as you can while also maintaining CS. If she walks up with energy back up so she doesn't Q AA you. When she hits LVL3 Akali wins the trade if she has shroud. Otherwise, you CAN trade onto her but still be careful because her burst is not fun. Post-6 she can literally insta-kill you from nowhere. Just be careful and don't fight her unless you just that ahead in the game. And even still, she might just one shot you with her execute anyways.
[EVEN/BURST FIGHT] [PR/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword] Look to harass her in lane without getting hit by Q. Dodging her stun is the majority of this lane. If you get hit try to trade back but she might have wall so be careful. Post-6 you can do the same, she'll just slow you and do more damage so you'll want to watch out. IF you can safely get rid of her passive egg then you should probably go for it, but don't waste too much for it. You should outburst her after mythic but mages are mages and should outscale you in the end.
[EASY] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Watch how many stacks she has on her passive. If she has 3-4 stacks don't walk up. If she has 2 you can be a little cautious but its not that bad. Just jump onto her if she has no stacks. Her burst is really good though so don't get too greedy.
Aurelion Sol
[EASY/MEDIUM] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Who plays this character? Either way, if he uses his stun you should be able to just trade onto him. If he extends his stars just stick to him. Its like a bigger Darius Q. He'll roam a lot so push his waves in and take his turret.
[SKILL MATCHUP/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] People play this character? Just kidding I play him. Azir will zone you and it won't be fun. However, if you want to fight him, fight him when he moves his sand soldiers. If you can get onto him when he does that you have a better chance of trading with him. Azir is annoying to lane against, and post-6 be careful about playing up to his tower because he'll just push you into it. He out scales you but you'll still have a good amount of burst against him.
[EASY/MEDIUM] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword/Tear/Corrupting] This is a poke lane and its going to be annoying. Bait his abilities and you should be good. If he wastes his stun (the projectile) then you should be able to out trade him. His 6 is strong though and it will burst you at unpredictable rates. You can beat him after building items though and it shouldn't be that bad of a game.
[SKILL MATCHUP/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] Camille is an annoying bitch as well but its very winable. Play around her passive shield as that is the main way she will trade with you. Try to dodge her grapple stun because if it hits you she'll easily chunk you. However if she misses it and her shield is down you should be able to do a quick trade with her. Camille is scary late game and you should probably aim to build something like Black Cleaver later into the game.
[EVEN] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] Do your best to dodge her Q's and if it hits you just back off so she doesn't trade with you. Watch out for her W because you won't be able to jump onto her or away from her if it hits you. If her W is down you should be able to trade with her pre-6. Post-6 be careful as if you Hammer Form Q onto her she'll probably just R you want you'll be a free kill.
[EASY/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror] [Tear] As Cho'gath is a tank it'll be a boring lane. Don't get agressive because he will easily outtrade you, especially with the new buffs. Just sit back and farm up and get that tear stacked. Build one armor pen item and 2 if its really needed.
[EASY] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword] I forgot this character existed. As he is a poke champion just wait for LVL3 and you should be able to easily trade with him. Though if there's one thing to watch out for its his dash. You should be able to out duel him anyways. Just kill him. I don't have experience against a Corki but this is what I assume you would do.
[MEDIUM/BANNABLE] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] This matchup is pretty winable and isn't too hard to play, but banning Darius is a good idea in general just because of his kit and team fight potential. Don't get hit by his Q and if he pulls you in and activates it remember to just hug him and don't hit him away instantly. You should be able to harass him while he doesn't have good enough gap close. Watch out post-6 obviously due to his execute and don't call for ganks unless its easily winable because he WILL 1v2 you and your jungler. You can probably build one armor pen item and do fine. If he's fed just build a second one.
[MEDIUM/HARD] [PR/Conqueror] Dodging her Q is essential in this lane as if she gets on you her dash will add a lot of kill pressure. Wait for her to use her W shield and that is when you'll be able to engage on her. If she uses her W shield while dashing onto, Hammer Form E her away and do your best to kite her. Be careful if she has ult though because she can burst anyone if she wants to.
Dr. Mundo
[EASY] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] Mundo shouldn't be that much of a threat. Dodge his Q's by staying behind wave and poke him down. Eventually you'll get him into a killable range and you should be doing fine into him. Build Grevious wounds at some point (preferably after Eclipse) and probably one armor pen item.
[HARD/BANNABLE] [Runes: PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] Ekko will be able to consistently out trade you and you can't E him off of you because he will trade with you through an E Q combo. Do your best to trade with him when his Q is down. However the second he hits level 6, back up. EVEN if you get him in killable range, he will have ult and just obliterate you. You can kill him later in the game, but in laning its really a no go.
[SKILL MATCHUP/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] Fiora will easily out trade you with her vital procs. Try to zone her as much as possible and watch out for her parry because it will stun you if you Hammer Form E her. Look to harass her as much as you can and take all the CS that is safe. Let her push you in and just wait for your items. You should be able to beat her if you play it right after you get Eclipse. Her Ult is pretty dangerous and if you want to fight her you can but I really wouldn't suggest it. Just try and run from her if she puts it on you and burn its timer. Buying Grevious Wounds isn't that bad of an idea but I tend not to build it and just focus on the rest of my items.
[SKILL MATCHUP/EVEN] [PR/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword] Fizz is just annoying and has a burst potential somewhat equal to Diana. Poke him and try to punish him for CSing. His dive and burst potential is still good early so don't get greedy. Don't get baited into tower because he might have his invulnerable jump up.
[MEDIUM/HARD] [PR/Conqueror] [Tear] As Galio is a tank, he basically just beats you instantly. His engage is super fast and if you get hit he'll just stun you and easily outtrade you. Look to poke him and stack your tear in lane. Do your best to get vision in the river so that when he does eventually roam you can at least ping it. When he does roam push in his wave and take plates and the tower.
[SKILL MATCHUP/EVEN] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Long Sword/Corrupting/Tear] Gangplank is a really annoying matchup but not broken. Try to break his barrels when its safe but you can honestly just look to CS and stack tear on him. If he messes up like misplacing barrels or doesn't have his passive up you can fight him. REMEMBER: If he breaks a barrel it will give him his passive back. Don't get baited too hard. His passive does a good amount of damage and it is true damage so try not to get the auto range of his. You can also Hammer Form E him away if needed.
[EASY] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] This shouldn't be hard. Poke him down and don't let him rest. You can go up to the bushes, auto him, and go back in to reset the minion agro. If he does start charging towards you swap to Hammer Form and E him away. Unless you were originally hugging him there should be no way he chases you. After his Q goes on cooldown you can trade with him or poke and kite him. This matchup is super simple as Garen loses early into ranged tops. However, the difference between a Vayne and a Jayce is that you have more self peal.
[SKILL MATCHUP/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] Poke him while dodging his boomerang. You can beat the shit out of him while he's in small boi form, but be careful of being kited because he does have the potential to out trade you like that. If he is close to his transformation back up. He will destroy you in his hulk cosplay and even out poke you. Dodge his projectiles and do your best to wait out his form. After the becomes smol again, assuming you have a good amount of health, you can probably trade your full combo with him.
[EVEN] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] Gragas has strong trading but is predominantly melee. With this in mind look to harass and punish him for CSing. Watch out for his engage though because it is decently strong. Remember that the main mechanic on Gragas is him a buffered flash dash. However, if he does get onto you just Hammer Form E him away and start to poke him again. His R is a good tool to get you back into his range and you should try to juke it if he does throw it.
[EVEN] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] I haven't played too many Gwens as Jayce but you are a bruiser who can stick to her pretty well. Wait for your Dirk power spike and you should start out trading her from there. You can also Hammer Form E her away from her when she starts her Q animation. Watch out for her LVL1 potential though as it is stronger than you'd expect it. She will auto you to death and chase you with her E. Stay away from bushes and hold your upgrade until you know what you know where she is. Also sniping her is less effectively due to her wind wall.
[HARD/BANNABLE] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword/Tear] Welcome to hell! Grab yourself a bed and set it down at your tower because this lane will put you to sleep real fast. You might be able to get his turrets but its pretty easy for him to punish you. His trading is strong throughout the game and this lane is just unenjoyable. Look to farm and stack tear.
[SKILL MATCHUP/EVEN] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] Illaoi isn't that bad of a matchup because she's a bruiser but not that good either. Bruisers usually aren't the best thing for Jayce to play into, but its ok. Dodge her Soul Pull and be wary of her tentacles because its where the majority of her damage comes from. Look to poke her and try to harass her for CSing. When she has no soul pull you might be able to trade with her but she can still slam her tentacles on you and trade back. When she ults you run away as fast as you can because if you stay in the tentacles its GG.
[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Long Sword] This is a heavy skill matchup. Whoever plays better wins. Try to harass Irelia when she goes for minions or dashes onto them. Look at your minion's health constantly as its how she gets her passive stacked and how she's going to gap close onto you. If she hits you with her stun wait until she uses her dash stack on you to Hammer Form E her away because she'll just dash back onto you. After you do this just try and kite her. The main thing to do though is to play around her passive stacks. If you do that you should be decent.
[SKILL MATCHUP/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] This matchup depends on if Jax hits his stun. If you see him charging up his stun you can either run away or (the better option) knock him away when he jumps on you. You'll have to Hammer Form E him away mid air, but if you make him waste his jump you can not only trade back onto him, you can also kite him without having to worry. Try to not leave him alone at tower and roam because he will smack your tower hard.
[FREE LANE] [Omnistone] [Cull] Ok obviously I'm trolling. If you got this lane (especially in low elo) it should be free. Just pick a tank and don't miss abilities. Pick something like Ornn, Chogath, maybe even Maokai because Jayce is trash into them. You can also pick Yorick if you want. Jayce's main form of damage is burst and tanks don't get bursted fast. Also, lets be honest, if you're in like Gold or even Platinum and under, how good is the Jayce REALLY going to be?
[EASY] [PR] [Long Sword/Corrupting/Tear] This lane isn't that hard. She'll poke you a little bit over the course of the lane. If you just wait for your items you'll kill her instantly. Go for Serpant's Fang because it will negate her shields by a fuck ton. If you want stuff on laning, dodge her Q's and if you see a good opportunity you can trade with her, but she'll just shield and kite you for a little bit. Try to poke her if you started Tear and just wait it out for mid game.
[GET OUTSCALED] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [Long Sword/Tear] Harass Kassadin as early as you can. If you see an opportunity pre-6 to kill him, do it. The more you set him back the better. You'll get outscaled by him the longer it goes on. You'll still be able to burst him but his burst will be insane. Play aggressive and take ignite because you really want to kill him early.
[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Harass Katarina as much as you can, and if she wastes her Q LVL1 try to play aggressive or harass her as much as you can. You want to get her low enough so that she won't engage on you. Level two be careful for her engage. While you should win the LVL2 trading, you can still get outplayed. If you want to smack her away, wait for her to waste her dash and then Hammer Form E her because just like Irelia, she'll dash onto you and it'll mean nothing but a little extra damage. Make sure to ward the river or even just in the middle of lane so you know where she's going when she goes into fog of war. If you see her roaming at 6 ping the shit out of your team to get away or play safe. If they don't, there's only so much you can do. Don't fight her 6 and just wait to buy your items. Mid game and late game you can burst her fast but her burst is also good and she has insane outplay potential on you so be careful.
[EASY] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword] Pick on her pre-6 because she can't do a lot. You can usually look for trades on her after she uses her Q projectile. If you get hit by it wait for the armor reduction to go away and then fight her. End the combo with Hammer Form E because she won't have ranged autos to kite you. Post-6 be a bit more careful because she'll start scaling and your burst won't matter as much due to her outplay button. Get your items and look for plays with your jungler (After you clear your own waves ofc). In team fights focus Kayle if you can because it'll force her to ult and she won't have it for other priority targets.
[EASY] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword] Jayce wins into squishy matchups. Don't let Kennen stack his passive onto you and you should be fine. Poke him and harass him when you can. When he's in killable range burst him as fast as you can before he runs away and you should be good. Later in the game look for him because he'll probably be running into your team to ult. Back up as fast as you can before getting stunned and look to kill him if possible. Kennen's main focus isn't laning, its teamfighting.
[SKILL MATCHUP/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] This lane is won by Kled slightly in the early game. Its like reverse Gnar. When he's on Skarl its not optimal to fight him as he can chase easily even through your knockback, but once he's off of it it becomes way easier. Not free, but easier. CS as much as you can and poke him when you get the opportunity. If he misses his hook you can get a decent trade in as he can't just pull you back. Remember, don't get greedy simply because He's at low health. He can Consistently have 1v2's even 1v3's due to his Skarl mechanic. Make sure to poke him and be sure that he doesn't have too much of his bar and that he's also in an easily killable range before jumping onto him. Build some armor pen items and you'll eventually be able to out duel him.
[EASY] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword] From every game I've played against LB, I've won. Her jump range just isn't enough to get into you compared to your ranged AA. When she jumps onto you, Hammer Form E her back, and then dodge her chain (if she throws it). The second she leaves start fighting back through either an all in or poke and harass her down. Eventually you'll just be able to burst her so fast she can't do anything.
Lee Sin
[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Long Sword] What has this world come to where junglers play multiple roles. He can regen in lane a bit through his vamp and its not nice. His early game power is slightly stronger than yours, but you have poke to make up for that. Poke him down and look to dodge his Q's. If he Q's onto you just Hammer Form E him away and kite. Watch out for his all in's, especially post-6. He can burst you pretty fast and his bruiser kit doesn't help you either. Play for Dirk power spike. If you get one kill in and back on Dirk, you should be able to snowball the absolute hell out of the lane. Just don't get cocky. One small trick you need to know is that If you Hammer Form E people at a certain timing in their dashes, you can push them back like they were in their original position. They can still do things though so still be careful about it. He can also just flash and you can't really do much about it.
[EASY/SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword] If you're worried about her burst and R take Cleanse. I find that I don't need it but in higher ranks Lissandras know what they're doing and Cleanse is worth it. Don't play close to minions so she can't poke you. Play off of the wave and CS and poke her. Her Claw is extremely obvious and you should be able to just run away from it. If she tps to it and uses W in attempt to catch you just trade back onto her. She has no other form of escape and you should just be able to trade onto her for a bit. When she hits 6 she becomes a nightmare. This is where you really don't want to take poke. If she gets you to about half health she can sometimes just instakill you depending on her items. Even at decent health you can get caught out by her claw and completely bursted down; its even worse if she has ignite.
[SKILL MATCHUP/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade] Imagine playing ranged top laners smh. Anyways, this guy will poke you down through your wave so try to play off of your wave. Try to line yourself up with him correctly to where he can't poke you with his Q. Push for LVL2 and see if you can trade onto him before he gets his LVL2. When he gets his E his danger increases a lot. His engage range has just been increased and this is when the lane becomes pretty unfun. Try to poke and CS while dodging in and out of his engage range. Try to bait his dash because if you can you should be able to trade back onto him. You can trade back onto him if he uses E onto you but before you have a Dirk or items it'll be a bit risky. You should start to beat Lucian from Eclipse on out.
[SKILL MATCHUP/BANNABLE] [PR/Aery/Conqueror] [Tear] Its been some time since I originally made this guide and I've now changed my opinion on Malphite. He's not as hard to beat as you might think. HOWEVER, the only reason I still put him in the ban zone is because of his teamfight potential. He can be as behind as ever and just ult your team and win the game. Either way, to lane against him go for poke. Get the CS when you can. If he Q's a minion play a bit more up front so you can actually gain the CS. You have one objective in this lane and its to BREAK HIS SHIELD. Throw Q's and even AA harass him. The second you break his shield, if he doesn't have Q up pre-6 fuck him in the ass as hard as you can and run. This will be the only weakness he will have in laning. Abuse the fuck out of it because if you don't you're not killing him and you're not going to snowball the lane. When he has his ult be careful because his burst is real and it does hurt especially after her gets items. Though in lane if you play correctly and don't take too much poke you should be able to duel him even if he does have ult. You just have to be careful about diving him under tower something like a Flash + Hammer Form E.
[EASY/SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [Long Sword/Tear] If you need sleep you should start asking to play this lane along with Heimerdinger. Malzahar is a free laner meaning that he just pushes waves in and waits for items and scales. If you can get his shield off. If he uses his Q that'll be the best time to trade with him as he can't silence your combo. When CSing try not to get hit by his E DOT because the more poke he gets in the closer you are to Flash R instadeath range. Do your best to catch his waves and just CS and play for your jungler. Clear his waves and even go for a roam if you want to. If you do find an opening though you should abuse it because that shield is never fun.
[MEDIUM/HARD] [PR/Conqueror] [Tear] The only reason I don't have him on the top of the difficulty list is because I haven't seen one in a while. However, when he is played, and when he is top it sucks. Try to poke him and don't take too much of whatever poke he hits you with. Play to stack tear and let him push you in. If you need to call your jungler over and ask for help. Try not to play in the middle of lane because he will just jump onto you and get his burst off onto you. In teamfights he will have 10x the amount of power as you are single target. If you can try to flank and pick off a high priority target. This will have to be after Maokai's ult and after their team uses their main peel tools. This is so that you can freely get onto the target and burst them. You'll probably die but if you play front to back into a Maokai its kinda hard to not have your team obliterated. I also haven't played on in a long time so if he doesn't wreck the shit out of you let me know.
Master Yi
[EASY] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Long Sword] The only reason I haven't listed him as a free lane is because I haven't played one since season 10. However, his power in lane is lack luster and the second he uses his Q onto minions just eat him. He can't chase you and he can't damage you if you knock him back. Play a bit back but close enough you can get the CS. If he walks up just walk away and then kite and poke him. Watch out for his item spikes though because as you should know by now a Master Yi with items is a sight to behold.
[SKILL MATCHUP/EVEN] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] Mordekaiser is never fun to play against. You win this matchup pre-6, lose it after he gets ult, and then you should start winning after you hit Eclipse Muramana Serpant's. Poke him when you can and if he misses his slam you can trade onto him. However, you want to run away as fast as you can before he gets his passive stacked and gets his Q back. You have to dodge his pull because otherwise he'll easily outrade you. Serpent's is something that will really help you while in his ult so you'll want to buy it. Grevious wounds is also good but it isn't extremely necessary.
[HARD/BANNABLE] [PR] [D Blade/Tear] This matchup is literally fucked. Just get as much CS as you can and poke him as hard as you can. If he walks up throw Q's and Hammer Form combo him. You want to punish him as much as can while he goes for CS. DO NOT FIGHT HIM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Unless you are 200000% sure you can kill him, then ok, but this man will slow you, press R, and slam you to death. Build Black Cleaver, Serylda's Grudge, and Grevious Wounds. This is when you can kinda fight him. Don't let him get stacks and clear/pressure the waves that he pushes in.
[EASY/EVEN] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Neeko is a squishy burst mage, and you shouldn't have a problem with her because she was one form of self peel. If you dodge her root you can just destroy her. In lane try not to get poked by her bubble and wait for her to use her root. After this just jump on her and if she does use her clone, remember that the fake Neeko moves faster than the real one, so the Neeko that is the farthest behind is the real one. Watch out for her in team fights because like Kennen, she will look to dive in the middle of your team and Ult. Get out as fast as you can and look to attack the priority targets of the team.
[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Long Sword] Nocturne will be a threat to the rest of your team as well and he has great gank/follow up potential. Try to poke him and get him low while he goes for farm. Don't use your Knockback on him while he has his spell shield up because you'll just be wasting it. Nocturne will be a tough guy to fight because he'll just fear you and start beating you down so try to space well and don't dive him unless you are confident he's killable.
[MEDIUM/HARD] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Tear] Olaf is a really strong bruiser when he gets his sustain going and he can just heal up your burst. Try to poke him down and dodge his slows. His dueling power is pretty good so try not to engage in long fights with him. When he hits 6 you need to be careful because you can't knock him back anymore and you will have no self peel to save you. Buying Grievous Wounds is really helpful in this matchup and unless he's really fed you should only need one Armor penetration item.
[EASY/EVEN] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Oriana is a poke mage so this lane will be pretty annoying. CS when you can and if she doesn't have her shield up she can't do a lot to save herself from a trade. Your poke has more burst than hers so poke her back when you can. You should be able to kill her pretty easily, though you should be careful of her using her Ult to bait you under tower. Her shield is also a great excuse to buy Serpant's Fang.
[MEDIUM/HARD] [PR/Conqueror] [Tear] Due to the nature of tanks this lane is not fun for Jayce. However, this lane is similar to Malphite's. Poke him when you can, and his engage patter is very simple to predict. Stay away from walls as much as you can because if he hits his knock up you instantly lose the trade. Next thing to watchout for is his breath thingy. You don't have to dodge the whole thing, but as long as you don't get hit by the last part you're fine. Use your speedups to laps around him while he tries to breathe on you and just stack your tear. Ornn's attack pattern is very linear (find wall, run into wall, breathe) so it is relatively easy to dodge him. Using your speedups in this matchup is key if you don't want to get caught out. Buying armor penetration items your best bet in this lane because he will have a lot of defensive stats late game.
RUNES: Personal Preferance
Level 1 you can't play too aggressive. Take his shield away by harrasing with autos. Level 2 you just win. Continue to poke him if he gets his shield up. Get off of the wave if he gets his tornado up, which is when he can trade successfully. However, the second he loses tornado you can look for trade (Hammer Form Q AA W E + AA R (Q E IF HE DOESN'T HAVE WINDWALL) W AA AA AA. He loses without his tornado.
RUNES: Personal Preference
He loses after level 2. This lane is COMPLETELY unplayable for Teemo. Play back lvl1 so that you don't take too much harras from his autos. Trade a few autos maybe, and you CAN launch a few Shock Blasts at him if you want to. When you hit lvl2, if he walks up for cs, he's in range of an engage (Hammer Form Q AA E R QE). He should've lost somewhere around half his health from that alone. Now here's the fun part. You can continue to do this, or (if you have mana for it), just harras him under tower. You can get free kills like this because of how squishy he is. If you want to, you can (Hammer Form Flash Q AA E) and you can easily oneshot people under turret. After lvl6 though, he gets a bit annoying. On first back you should probably buy Control Wards, or Sweeper. You shouldn't ignore his mines, however, they don't do much if you don't hit many. If you hit one, you're not engaging onto him unless you have some insane speed. He can just bait you into more, and then you're just inting.
Now that thats out of the way, hi! Kind of unfortunate that you stumbled along this guide and its not even updated. Most of the stuff in here is probably still viable just not optimal. As of 2/22 I've mostly moved on from playing Jayce though every once and a while I'll play a game of him. Right now I play mainly Gnar, Diana, and Kog. I will always love Jayce but I used to be a top laner and now I'm kinda throwing myself everywhere including mid where you're kinda expected to go AP so the chance to pick Jayce is not the highest. I would absolutely love to revamp this guide because writing guides is surprisingly fun and I would love to do stuff like this again, but that does mean one tricking which can be pretty tiring. Also, Jayce is less likely to get banned over a Diana especially with how good she is jungle. If I ever start one tricking this hammer swinging dilf then get ready for a revamp.
Who am I?
I have no idea what happened to these pages but I somehow copy and pasted matchups into here. Hi :) I'm a silver player who enjoys Jayce, Lissandra, and more recently, Azir and Kayle. I currently have M7 and 100k+ mastery points on Jayce. This was originally a guide called "Balanced" when I just made the guide for fun, but now I like making guides so I'm revamping this one. I hope you enjoy this guide and I wish you luck on learning Jayce :).
Pros and Cons of Jayce
Multiple Playstyles
Good Damage Output
Gets Stronger With The Player
Strong Early-Mid Game
High Skill Cap
Multiple Playstyles
Mechanically demanding
Sort of falls off late
No Ult
Team Comp Reliant
Not The Best Team Fighting
Why does Jayce have a high skill cap?
Due to Jayce being a transform character, he naturally has more abilities to use. At LVL1 he already has 2 abilities he can use. This makes him have 6 abilities instead of the normal 4. Not only does he have more abilities but he can only have 3 of them available to him at all times. So for him to get the access to the other 3 he must input a button and continue his combo. This goes for all transform characters, but it doesn't mean anything less on Jayce. It honestly might be worse on Jayce as he is a burst character meaning that the player must be able to correctly input the whole combo quickly.
Another reason why Jayce is so hard to play is due to that availability and freedom of his kit. He has poke, disengage, speedups, dive, outplay potential, ranged and melee forms, and good wave clear. He may seem broken, and he is when he's used to his full potential. However, to get the maximum potential out of his kit you have to understand how to play and adapt to all of his playstyles. Jayce is an extremely flexible character, and to master Jayce you must have good mechanical skill, decision making, adaption, understanding of the matchup, and the ability to play multiple styles of one character. A true master of Jayce will be able to break the game and demolish people with his flexibility.
"Hextech Capacitor" P:
Each time Jayce switches between Hammer Stance and Cannon Stance he gains 40 bonus movement speed and ghosting for 1.25 seconds.
"To the Skies!" Q:
ACTIVE: Jayce leaps to the target enemy's location and smashes his hammer on the ground upon arrival, dealing physical damage to all enemies within an area and slowing them for 2 seconds.
ACTIVE: Jayce surrounds himself with an electric field for 4 seconds, dealing magic damage each second to all nearby enemies over the duration.
"Thundering Blow" E:
ACTIVE: Jayce swings his hammer at the target enemy, dealing them magic damage, capped against monsters, while also marking a location 500 units away from him in the direction of the target, pulling them to it.
"Transform Mercury Cannon" R:
ACTIVE: Jayce transforms the Mercury Hammer into the Mercury Cannon, receiving access to its abilities, becoming ranged with 500 attack range, and empowering his next basic attack to reduce the target's armor and magic resistance by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% (based on level) for 5 seconds.
Jayce begins the game with Transform but cannot increase its rank. Instead, his basic abilities each have 6 ranks.
"Hextech Capacitor" P:
Each time Jayce switches between Hammer Stance and Cannon Stance he gains 40 bonus movement speed and ghosting for 1.25 seconds.
"Shock Blast" Q:
ACTIVE: Jayce fires an orb of electricity in the target direction, detonating upon hitting an enemy or reaching the end of its path to deal physical damage to it and other enemies within the area and briefly grant sight of the area.
If the orb passes through Acceleration Gate, it supercharges, instantly increasing its speed and remaining distance and causing the subsequent blast to be larger and deal 40% increased damage.
"Hyper Charge" W:
ACTIVE: Jayce gains 300% bonus attack speed on his next 3 basic attacks within 4 seconds, with each one dealing modified damage.
Hyper Charge resets Jayce's basic attack timer, and the modified damage is affected by critical strike modifiers.
"Acceleration Gate" E:
ACTIVE: Jayce deploys an energy gate centered at the target location for 4 seconds, granting sight of its area and granting all allied champions who come in contact with it, including himself, bonus movement speed that decays over 3 seconds. The buff is continuously refreshed inside the gate.
"Transform Mercury Hammer" R:
ACTIVE: Jayce transforms the Mercury Cannon into the Mercury Hammer, receiving access to its abilities, becoming melee with 125 attack range, gaining 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, and empowering his next basic attack to deal 25 / 65 / 105 / 145 (based on level) (+ 25% bonus AD) bonus magic damage.
Jayce begins the game with Transform but cannot increase its rank. Instead, his basic abilities each have 6 ranks.
Combos/Tech I remember
Cannon Form:
Basic Poke: Q
Very simple ranged projectile for whatever you need it for. Whether its grabbing CS or punishing your laner for walking up, this is just a basic damage projectile.
Gate Q: E > Q
Place the gate in front of yourself and throw Q through it. Throwing E before Q makes time to cast both spells decrease and makes it easier to place your gate. To poke you don't necessarily need the gate as it will increase the mana cost but it will enhance the power and range of your projectile. You can use this for the same reason as just throwing a Q.
Basic Spell Rotation: E > Q > AA > W > AA x3
This combo branches off of the poke combo by adding auto attacks. This is a heavier version of the poke combo and is just optimizing damage without having to go in hammer form.
Cannon Form All-In: E > Q > AA > W > R > QW > AA x3 > E
This is the all-in combo starting from Cannon Form. Starting in Cannon Form means that you get 3 melee autos off faster but in return you can't kite in ranged form after you're done with the combo. Hammer Form
Simple Melee Trade QW > AA (optional) > E
We primarily want to Q onto the enemy because it will get us directly on top of the enemy to AA them. However, you only need to Q onto a nearby minion because even if you don't hit the direct Q the AoE slow can still hit and allow you to trade.
Melee Trade Swap QW > AA (optional) > E > R > AA
This is the same thing just if the enemy can't engage onto you easily and the extra AA gives a slightly stronger trade.
Melee Form All-In QW > AA > E > R > EQ > AA > W > AA x3
This is the melee all in combo. This combo allows you to kite your enemies after bursting them in return for not being able to quickly melee attack your enemy. Tech
Surprise Projectile Cannon Form Q > Flash
For when your enemy is easily killable from a ranged Q but you either want to make them react or you want to easily close the gap due to the range limitations. You can also add the gate into this combo but it will take a bit more time if you want it, and the tech would now be Flash > EQ. You could also just fire Q and then flash and put the gate before the Q's range ends making the tech Q > Flash > E.
Mobility Cancel E Hammer Form E
If someone is dashing onto you say like an Urgot, timing your Hammer Form E correctly has the ability to cancel their dash and will send them as far as your E will take them.
Q Animation Cancel Hammer Form Q > Emote
I don't even know if this is practical but if you Hammer Form Q onto something and then do an emote/dance you can stop the animation. I think it still does damage but I haven't actually used this before.
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