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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He can jump out of Veigar's cage with his E. His high mobility and huge burst damage makes it extremely difficult for Veigar to survive on lane.
Basically any champ that can push/pull enemies into Veigar's stun is good. If they are frontline tanks with some engage, even better.
Basically any champ that can push/pull enemies into Veigar's stun is good. If they are frontline tanks with some engage, even better.
Champion Build Guide
I was hardstuck in elo hell until i discovered this build.
Click the link below for free Ri0t P0ints (works 100%):
Veigar also has a passive.
Use Baleful Strike for farming.
Use Dark Matter for vision.
Learn to place the edge of Event Horizon on enemies so they are stunned as soon as the cage appears.
Don't use Primordial Burst if it doesn't finish off the enemy.
Void Staff is for heavy magic resist.
Mejai's Soulstealer when you are smurfing.
Archangel's Staff when you don't want to worry about mana.
Build Lich Bane when you want to one-shot turrets with empowered auto attacks.
When you have all items in your inventory and still some money left over, swap every non-situational item for a situational full tank item. Veigar's passive got more damage than any item.
For maximum Item Haste you will need Cosmic Insight and Ingenious Hunter.
The other runes are all optional. Take armor vs an AD match-up and magic resist vs an AP match-up.
Depending on the situation you could choose Barrier, Exhaust, Clarity or Heal as well.
Do not take Ignite. It is scientifically proven that (especially non-challanger) players who take Ignite on Veigar will lose 69% more games.
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