[Patch 12-12.6] Glacial Augment Nunu 67% WINRATE DIAMOND 2
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Recommended Items
Runes: Best glacial rune page
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Challenging Smite
Threats & Synergies
Anivia is the worst champ to play against as Nunu would highly recommend a ban regardless of role because of how easily this champ can shut you down
Nunu snowball into Yas ult then start e and ult gives you a guaranteed full charge ult
Nunu snowball into Yas ult then start e and ult gives you a guaranteed full charge ult
Champion Build Guide
Very good 15 minute game
Allows you to buy Dark Seal almost every first back regardless of death if you do 2 camps and die at 2 minutes you can still afford Dark Seal which is very important for Nunu's mid-game presence. I also use Futures to get bramble at 500 gold if I die or back early
I buy a lot of the Elixir of Irons(which are super easy to get late game with futures) before 4th drag or baron (extra 300 hp and tenacity if you don't have mercs is really good)
Cosmic Insight with ignite
Flash is definitely something I miss for steals
with cosmic its a 254.24-second cd while Ignite is a 152.54-second cooldown and can be used every other gank
sometimes ill drop Ignite on my lvl 2 gank just for the chip dmg and go back to farming and have it up by the next gank.
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