[PATCH 12.20] [Diamond] [Nunu OTP]ONE SHOT SUPPORT Nunu
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Recommended Items
Runes: Most Common Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Every game ability path
Call of the Freljord (PASSIVE)
Nunu & Willump Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She is almost impossible to lane against on the very rare Anivia support games I'd recommend perma roaming midlane and trying to build a lead elsewhere
Ashe has great synergy with Nunu W and Ultimate the slow allows you to easily hit your snowballs and her ultimate allows a longer charge on your ultimate easily and extremely good gank setup for your Jungler
Ashe has great synergy with Nunu W and Ultimate the slow allows you to easily hit your snowballs and her ultimate allows a longer charge on your ultimate easily and extremely good gank setup for your Jungler
Champion Build Guide
I play this game for fun and I think that is one of the most important elements of climbing especially for me and I hope this build is also fun for you no matter the elo or your skill on Nunu
Your Q allows you to run it down with your W all the time and just heal the health back and building full damage allows you to outdamage the enemy support and even your own laners which I have been doing regularly and with good macro and timing your picks right you can establish objective control and map control super easily
Your roaming is also pretty much top tier when it comes to supports and can easily just make enemy laners and junglers quit and give up CS or tilt them to the moon and make the game easy for your laners and hell for the enemies
Immobile adcs and mages are pretty much free kills on repeat for you even as a support if you end up getting on top of them with ghost you can one-shot or one-combo them easily and get out fast with your night harvester movement speed
Your build path right now is also super good getting you health and AP easily with multiple Alternator items and then getting a LOT of AP with Deathcap and Mejais which leads to you one-shotting pretty much every champ in the game even bruisers and some tanks with a full charged ult or a snowball combo
Late game you can sit in a bush and one-shot pretty much anyone and everyone on their team to get easy objectives and can lead to a won team fight and ending of the game or taking of inhibitors to lead to an end
He also buffs his adc with his passive giving an extra 20% attack speed and 10% move speed at all times during the fighting while you're also doing damage so he ends up being a damage support with a Lulu W as his passive which is easily applied
Your gank setup is also top-notch allowing the jungler to camp your lane if they want to and pretty easily rack up kills
I only see this getting better with the new items being released and getting access to Sunfire while also building AP and the new AP items looking good for Nunu
Gank setup and ganks are super good on Nunu and you should be playing with and pinging your jungler as much as you possibly can throughout the game playing with your jungler and midlaner will lead to a lot higher chance to win
Stacking your Dark Harvest is super useful and easy to do in a 2 person lane with 2 semi squishy champs and you should definitely be stacking as many as possible and it gives you a lot of early kill pressure because you can auto them to get the stacks and make your autos more powerful when they are low
Your passive is useful early as well giving movement and attack speed to your adc to allow them to catch up to the fight and lethal tempo stacking or PTA adcs to stack faster and get earlier kills and damage
Your E slows the enemy and allows you to root them for your adc or jungle to easily kill them
Getting creative with your W is the most important part of skill expression on Nunu and once you've got it mastered it can lead to crazy plays once you use ghost navigating corners and the jungle can get difficult but is possible and can lead to some super crazy plays
Your shield and heal from your ult and Q scale with ability power and health so alternator items are really worth especially for the burst you get from them along with the raw stats the movement speed from Night Harvest can either make it easier for you to reach the backline or get out of the enemies grasp fast enough so you don't die
Diving with your ultimate can be super good or just charging it under turret against enemies without stuns or knock-ups because it will continue to charge regardless of roots which can one shot someone under turret or allow your adc to easily kill them with autos and you can heal with your Q and escape with Night Harvester and Passive speed
A typical mistake is generally being out of lane too often and not getting any exp so try to make sure if you're out of bot lane you are still getting enough exp because hitting level 6 is one of Nunus biggest early spikes allowing him to one shot pretty much any support or adc in the game
You then want to just keep up the pressure constantly rolling snowballs from the alcove, river, and your turret once you are low health wait for level 2 and eat a minion or 2 to get back up to full health before using your W to engage more your Q is the best tool in your kit allowing you to permanently fight healing off jungle camps and minions and the enemy laners
If you end up forcing a back from your lane opponents or killing them and you still have mana and health left a mid gank can be done using ghost to get there quickly things like this can be game-changing for your mid-laner especially if they are in a losing matchup
You can also less frequently gank top if the opportunity looks too good to pass up like the enemy top preparing a big wave for a dive and your jungler shadowing the lane for a counter-gank backing and getting up there in time could lead to a double kill and a fed top laner
Nunu is really good in a lot of these situations and getting your jungler to be near your lane during key moments is super valuable due to Nunu's extremely good gank setup either getting out their flashes or CCing the enemy for extended periods of time
Stacking your dark seal is important but losing stacks to give your teammates kills and objectives is always worth it, especially on support and is why you save getting mejais for the very last item either in the middle of getting or when you have Deathcap
Nunu is very hungry for gold and exp, especially early-middle game getting kills and CS isn't necessarily bad on Nunu support, especially in lower elo while trying to carry I've dropped 80,000+ damage games on this support and regularly do 1,000+ damage per minute in my games and end up out damaging my laners and other supports easily
Play for the Herald and Dragons with your team and try to get picks before they spawn and help your junglers capture and setup for these objectives make sure you're always watching objective timers and letting your team know when they're up and that you're available to do them Nunu Q is the best ability in the game for taking objectives and an Ult Q combo can easily steal from low CC or no CC enemy junglers like Graves because you can basically get 2k damage from ult and 980 True damage from your Q onto the objective while zoning with your ultimate which makes you a sort of hybrid jungle support that can objectively take over games
You can also cheese really easily in the alcove/alcove bushes in your lane and pretend like you're backing and actually sit and wait in a bush where your ultimate can one-shot most adcs and supports from the bush make sure to either control ward or use your oracle lense to make sure the bush is clear of vision and especially in lower elo you can do this over and over again with pretty much no pushback
Landing these one-shot combos or bush ultimates is super tilting and will pretty much guarantee enemies are weary of unwarded bushes and can even cause them to just quit the game or they become so stressed it's hard for them to focus typing in chat and messing with the enemy mental is a super viable way to win a game and something that a lot of high elo players pay attention to this kind of thing and use it to their advantage and so should you
The best way to basically become a game-ending/changing late-game Nunu is by clearing vision and waiting in a bush and getting multiple enemies low or dead with your ultimate (the enemies can't see your ultimate if they can't see you)
Once you get a pick or maybe even 2 your team should either get jungle objectives or try your best to 5 man down mid and end or just get close to it and shove out waves which should lead to an easy win
Level 16 is important late game to allow you to easily get the one-shots with a max rank ultimate with a 300% ability power ratio and crazy base damage
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