People say this is easy pickings for Mordekaiser to deal with. WHAT A FILTHY LIE!!! Aatrox's sweet spots are so dang annoying to work with because he just spams them and then dashes on top of you when you aren't in range for his last one which is the worst of the three of em. what you want to do is get Boots of Swiftness to counteract his W should it hit you and not get drawn back to the center. That and his entire kit is based off of self sustain and CC so bring lots of anti heal. Heck, build Thornmail and Morellonomicon if you need to give him more issues
This one is just one big idiot ya? She can't escape your ult but she can sure make you waste time as you try to find her. Ignite then ult so if she tries to go invisible on you with her Twilight Shroud, she won't have a chance, then she's forced to fight. That's when you outsmart her any way you can
Akshan is one of the most annoying ranged champions in the game but aside from that, he's squishy and not very good against morde. My newly found magic penetration build worked wonders against him and it will do the same for all tanks you fight too
I get busy ready to play Camille support and then I see this doofus going into the top lane against Sett? OUCHIE!!! Terrible matchup for the Aphelios bc he has zero health sustain so 2 isolated q's lvl 6 and he's 6 feet under the stars
If you ult after he does, it disappears and then he dies quite easily. He's squishy and can't do much so if you don't have ult up, then smash him with Q a bunch and he's gonzo
Although I myself am fairly good against Camille, she's still a huge threat for morde, with all her CC and adaptive defenses, there isn't really a way to punch through the Steel Shadow
TOO MUCH DAMAGE!!! I like being a offensive dream-crusher but this is a little much? Try to only face her general direction when attacking her and never look her in the eye past her lvl 6 for more than 1.5 seconds or she'll ult you and freeze you for like 3 seconds
Most tanks are a problem for Morde and this one especially is. You try to fight and he does enough damage to eat you alive. You try to hit from range and he kites you endlessly. Try to avoid this matchup as I haven't found a winning build to fight the Terror of the Void
Yes Darius is dangerous. No not overly so. He will get really dangerous if you let him lower your health to extreme levels. Be wary because Extreme for him is about 25% health remaining for you. Keep. That. Shield. Ready to heal you just in case.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is evil in general but if you don't take ignite then he'll kill you because he simply won't die. You also have to prepare for when you don't have ignite ready. Build Morellonomicon somewhere along the line to account for that and you should hopefully be fine... probably
Definitely one of the weridest matchups my amygdala could've ever come up with. Except for the part where I saw this as I was playing Ornn. Such an annoying matchup for morde, because ezreal just perma-kites you and refuses to leave you alone. Your only hope is for you to find some way to ult him and crush him into your realm
Fiora has the ability to outmaneuver everything Morde does whether it's his E or Q. And if you ult her, she just ults back and kills you so fast your eyes hurt
This dude and his w is annoying but all you have to do is deal enough damage and make him waste his W to save himself, and since it's a split second W, you can ult him immediately after and it will be just fine to deal finishing blows without worrying about his citrus
GODDAMNIT Garen is annoying. He's just stupid easy and every attempt to try and kill him, he just lowers you enough and then ults you to execute you. Don't let him get close and make sure you know how to backward E him. That should keep him offa you and outside of his ult range which isn't very big
Gnar is not commonly played but he's still lethal. Do everything you can to avoid fighting him when he's Mega Gnar. Or bait him into coming close then let him revert then ult him as he won't build rage gene stacks
Gragas is not normally seen in top lane but be wary. The Rabble Rouser has so much CC and so much slow that you can't get anywhere near him
Graves is just rude. I've had the displeasure of woirking against him only once and I can easily say, NEVER AGAIN! He kites you endlessly and does waaay too much damage to be considered a lvl 3 threat. Go with as much anti-heal as you can so his lifesteal build will be of no importance to you. You also may need to time your ults well and sacrifice some tower damage to go behind him if he gets too dangerous (one kill offa you is bad enough)
Gwen's W can be a nuisance but it means next to nothing because if you get in there and ult, her mist goes poof and so does all her protection and then that's your chance to smash her into the dirt of the Rift
Heimerdinger is lethal in his own right because of his being a ranged top laner and his turrets. Combine that with the fact that his turrets never go away except for inside your ult, you are pretty much gunned down before you have a chance of proccing passive on him
Illaoi is still Illaoi and that's annoying in itself but her tentacles don't come with her in your own ult. That's your best chance to beat her senseless
Can't believe I forgot about Irelia when this guide first came out. She's so deadly because of her perma lifesteal. Half the time, Ignite won't work because she'll just permanently kill minions to counteract the grievous wounds. You'll need an army to kill her if she's too dangerous
Jax is Jax and Jax is evil. How many times can I say Jax in one sentence? Anyway, if he tries to E you, wait till he leaps onto you then activate your E which he can't block and it will completely miss
Jayce is not played most of the time and when he is, he's useless to most because he doesn't build armor. He builds armor penetration. So try not to let him smack you into oblivion because he WILL deal a lot of damage. When he gets close, that's your chance to rip that sucker apart
This new threat K'Sante builds too tanky to stop. On top of that, his ult is a shyvana ult and talon backflip combo that annihilates all in it's path. I have never beaten a K'Sante before and why do I get the sinking feeling I will never beat one
Not even sure when this became a thing but it's strange to say the least. She can root, slow, and annoy but she's weak in terms of health and defenses, get close and she's dead on your screen
People honestly have some weird issues about them if they lose to Kayle. First few games as Morde is understandable but she's useless against you. Except for her range, you cancel her healing out with one Q isolated or not. That and the Armor shredding mean less than nothing if you have more damage about you. Just don't miss and she will get smushed
Kennen is rare to see but he's annoying. He literally perma stuns you and there's literally nothing you can do about it. All you can do is avoid his Q at all costs and keep your passive active when he's on top of you. And bring ignite so you can keep the damage up when he's stunning you left and right
This guy is laughable. He has no strength against a powerhouse mordekaiser. All you have to do is Q him a couple times and he dies. Use no braincells to take down the voidreaver
God I hate Kled, and not just because of the fact that I don't use nasty language a whole ton like this idiot does but his nature is just stupid hard to deal with. His ultimate makes him unstoppable so if you cannot time it correctly then don't use it when you hear the ominous battle horn unless you are after someone else
Lillia is absolutely dangerous because she does so much dang damage that if you use this build there is nothing to be done. Whether or not you use this build, she just wins because of her sleeping notion and massive DOT which just scales with DE and LA
Personally I've never had any problems against a Malphite. He's so easy to kill once his Granite Shield passive is outta the way. So make sure if you take that shield out, to deal as much damage as possible and keep your shield about you so you can stop him from smashing you with his abilities if need be
I have had the displeasure of fighting Nasus before and let me tell you it gets no less annoying every time, you ult him and steal his stats but if you don't let him ult first, his ramping damage and health just wins every time.
Neeko has annoying amounts of CC with her root which can have it's duration extended if your not hit by it first. Try to smack her with your q as much as possible and rope her in with your E so she can't escape
This dude is SO ANNOYING that's it's crazy. He literally presses a button when he has it, and your ult is useless. Do me a favor and just avoid this bozo at all costs. If you see him before you lock in, just pick someone else.
Ornn's knockup is ever so deadly as it literally sends you flying for 2 seconds which makes you veeeery vulnerable. Try to avoid the range of his knockup at all costs. outside of that, he has no sustain off of abilities so anti-heal isn't a huge issue. My reccomendation would be to go meta runes and off meta build to make things a little easier when going all in
This guy is a wall that Morde cannot break no matter how much damage you do, he stuns like crazy and any attempted counterattack he just blocks
Lots of tanks give morde problems but not this one, he has zero mobility so her mobility shield is useless and she doesn't do enough damage to stop you whether you build deadly or tanky.
Outranges, nearsights, and annoys. That is what Quinn specializes in. and it's why she so damn strong these days. No fun at all to fight. If you can stop her from sniping you, you can potentially do something. But that's a big if with her insane speed and destructive strength
She could shred your armor and MR. But she could not do damage after that. She could CC you and annoy you. but she cannot capitalize on it. You literally squish her every day
The meta Renekton build is to go Goredrinker. But that's a problem for you because he just activates it and gets half his health back not to mention the new omnivamp on it. Stay clear of his Goredrinker range but be wary because he may just E on topo of you then slaughter you. Be especially careful of his deadly combos as they will slice you in half
I don't generally find Rengar a threat, but I've never beaten him while going meta Mordekaiser. He builds pure lethality in case it's not known to you. And that alone makes him dangerous as FRICK! But keep slapping him with Q when you can actually see him or know where he is and you flatten him
Riven can be annoying with her ridiculous amounts of CC and her damage/range buff with her ult. Smack her with Q from range but do your best to maximize your damage by making her the only enemy hit by your Q
Ryze's added power due to mana% can get annoying so make him spam n miss if at all possible. then try your damnedest to avoid all added effects in the spells
I saw this as I was playing my Cho'Gath build and they said they were trying it out. I thought it insane but soon as I stepped in it was gg. I died too quickly because of her rampant stunning and inability to be slowed. In terms of morde, her slow protection means nothing because Morde has none except for the lowered speed when he ults someone. But whether or not she can't be slowed means nothing because you can still get her. She's difficult to deal with but one kill on her and she won't live to speak of it
Sett isn't horribly dangerous for Mordekaiser to take on, you just have to be extra careful for his W shield. It will legitimately annihilate your chances of beating Sett. My advice to whoever is reading is to stay clear of him when he surrounded by your allies. He'll just stun you with his E, then Q you, then R you, then you are die.
He is stupidly easy to kill... IF you bait his Q and then find him. He will disappear, clone himself, and fear like crazy. As if that ain't enough, he can execute with his E if you are low enough. Not an easy kill to say the least
Shen's Taunt can be used against him easily because it procs your passive one way or another. It can demolish you if you don't have full attention of where he's teleporting but he won't do much if you smack him early on
Singed is quite frankly my least favorite tank to deal with, first he tosses you into his mega adhesive to prevent you from flashing away then he activates his poisonous trail to keep you damaged and then when you try to leave, he just ults and permanently stays on top of you so you never can leave his eyeline
Now this undead doofus is really dangerous for Mordekaiser. Try your hardest to avoid his Q range at all costs. A good Sion will end the charge early to still deal damage so try and E him before it happens
Using my experience against skarner as a reference and the one time I saw him top lane, I can easily say, he's gonna get squashed like a bug. Literally. Just bait his ult and unless he builds tank, you ult him and then pulverize him. He's not a huge threat at all
This dude has become a major nuisance in the top lane. His rework was the cause of a lot of people's pain in support and mid lane. But the top lane vs. morde? Not so much. You don't win pre 6 but when you get inside your ultimate and start smashing him? Easy to win. But be careful pre 6
Sylas is destructive as all get out so be careful for that but if you can make him ult you then get him to use it, it's Morde vs. Trundle all over again. Whoever uses the Realm first loses automatically
Tahm Kench
The River King is rude as ever with the seemingly endless CC he has. Avoid him as much as possible and try to predict where his nasty, froggy, tongue will lash out before you get hit by it
Taliyah First Strike is annoying and will outgold you quickly, but if you can ult her when she ults near you, then you quite literally erase the wall and perma win post 6
Like Illaoi, Teemo is annoying by nature but his blind won't stop your Q, simply shield the Blinding Dart and as much poison as possible and you will be fine. And like Illaoi's tentacles, Teemo's Shroom traps don't follow into the Realm of Death
This isn't as bad of a threat because of ult brawls. whoever ults first in this matchup loses. Simple right?
Tryndawhack as I like to call him is one of my least favorite matchups. He's so annoying with his refusal to die for 5 seconds! When you ult him he just says NOPE and presses the R button. So uncalled for every time but there is a caveat, he won't have much health left when he tries to do that if you deal enough damage to him so make him use it then prevent his escape with your ult. Also please try to fight him early game so he's not as much as a problem to deal with
God this one is annoying to even think about. All he does is perma W you then ult you which executes you if low enough. Do me a favor and try to not E him right on top of you. You'll need good aim and timing in order to keep the backward E on target
All Ranged top lane matchups for morde are risky but Vayne in particular is a nuisance, she basically has nonstop PTA and it gets to the point where she's a bug in the Iron Revenant's system
Vladimir may be the health draining king but it means next to nothing if you go full damage. Just don't attack him when he melts into the ground because it won't work no matter what you do. But if you ult him and have your shield up the moment he tries to ult you, you will negate a lot of his damage. That's your chance to deal half his health with one dang isolated Q
Volibear is really mean because of his ability to deactivate towers with his ultimate and if you are right in there when he tries he basically rends you into oblivion with his Frenzied Maul (W) Don't build defensive boots until you know what he's building because he can go AD or AP so be careful. And watch out if he goes Predator. It'll couple with his Q MS and make him a Singed ultimate every 10 seconds
The rating does not speak the truth, if you see Warwick in your game, don't ult him, he'll make you waste half of it by ulting you right after the fact. He's usually seen Jungle so have your Jungler to be wary and help you with pest control if need be
Wukong is not a massive threat, just make sure you don't ult his double and you will be veeeeeeeeeeery fine. It doesn't take much to kill him because he's only semi-tanky but it won't be a massive problem if you can get behind him and ult him in range of your tower. Be cautious because the detour will sacrifice some tower health so time that tactic wisely
I thought I'd seen it all and then I saw this against my morde gameplay. This particular Xayah player was building meta in a completely off-meta role and it shredded me. Facing m7 Xayah's is not my idea of a fun time. Just try your hardest to stay behind her feathers or she'll perma root you
Yasuo may be able to dash around and has a wall that stops projectiles but that's very meaningless to you. You have no projectile abilities so you can go right through the wall. But be careful, the nature of his build makes him impossible to kill. Go Ignite and rush thronmail as soon as you build boots and mythic to slaughter him
This isn't a huge problem simply because you simply deal enough damage to him. Treat him like a Yasuo (See the counter tricks for Morde Vs. Yasuo) but take into account that if you ult him while his spirit is unbound, he may be able to recast and end your ult all surprising like. Try to wait for him to return to his body
This one has always been a pet peeve of mine but it's not a massive deal for me to work with. He summons a monster with his ult but if you can bait that out then he's screwed because it won't travel inside your own ultimate with him
Akshan can do damage but it means less than nothing because if you ult his target, it cancels his ult instead, making it a bad combo to work with
Janna's Tornado makes it easy to set up an ultimate. And the slow if you aren't in range and if she has glacial augment, makes it much easier
Kha'zix's damage and outright annoying ability to slice the enemy i half is useful to you as a mordekaiser. Though not perfect, it still works
Morg's root/stun is helpful and the black shield useful in defense, however, she builds DPS and that wreaks havoc on your plans to win in terms of taking kills
Rakan's charm and knockup makes it easy to land an E or R. Just time it right and it'll be easy as pie or a piece of cake or whatever floats your boat (I got em for days)
Renata Glasc
Renata's ult is broken and if you ult one of the two enemies hit by it, it leaves them berserk long enough to land an E and begin the death dealing process
Shaco's fears do too much damage and screws your chances for an ult kill. Whether he's building lethality or DPS, avoid this jg when playing morde
You simply don't want this chick playing support when you play mordekaiser top lane. She can either deal damage, or build the wrong support stuff when you need a damage or tank support
Soraka's healing is good but it does not heal you in your ultimate which sends you into another dimension. Utilize the healing as best you can outside of it
Talon's raw damage sets up nicely for an ultimate finisher. Use every weapon to your advantage
Trundle's easy to aim slow and attack speed bonus makes it simple to land your Q isolation damage and all else you need
He deactivates towers for you, that's about all he does. You don't want this matchup helping you
WW's healing may be useless to you, but the slowing fear makes it quite easy to land an ult. This is interchangeable for WW's ult too
Zed's damage helps, but the burst in his ult is pretty bad for plans to win the battle in taking the kill. Be cautious of him stealing it.
Zilen can stum and slow enemies but speed you up, the only hope you have is if he revives you but it only lasts 3 seconds before it expires on you so stay sharp
Akshan can do damage but it means less than nothing because if you ult his target, it cancels his ult instead, making it a bad combo to work with
Janna's Tornado makes it easy to set up an ultimate. And the slow if you aren't in range and if she has glacial augment, makes it much easier
Kha'zix's damage and outright annoying ability to slice the enemy i half is useful to you as a mordekaiser. Though not perfect, it still works
Morg's root/stun is helpful and the black shield useful in defense, however, she builds DPS and that wreaks havoc on your plans to win in terms of taking kills
Rakan's charm and knockup makes it easy to land an E or R. Just time it right and it'll be easy as pie or a piece of cake or whatever floats your boat (I got em for days)
Renata Glasc
Renata's ult is broken and if you ult one of the two enemies hit by it, it leaves them berserk long enough to land an E and begin the death dealing process
Shaco's fears do too much damage and screws your chances for an ult kill. Whether he's building lethality or DPS, avoid this jg when playing morde
You simply don't want this chick playing support when you play mordekaiser top lane. She can either deal damage, or build the wrong support stuff when you need a damage or tank support
Soraka's healing is good but it does not heal you in your ultimate which sends you into another dimension. Utilize the healing as best you can outside of it
Talon's raw damage sets up nicely for an ultimate finisher. Use every weapon to your advantage
Trundle's easy to aim slow and attack speed bonus makes it simple to land your Q isolation damage and all else you need
He deactivates towers for you, that's about all he does. You don't want this matchup helping you
WW's healing may be useless to you, but the slowing fear makes it quite easy to land an ult. This is interchangeable for WW's ult too
Zed's damage helps, but the burst in his ult is pretty bad for plans to win the battle in taking the kill. Be cautious of him stealing it.
Zilen can stum and slow enemies but speed you up, the only hope you have is if he revives you but it only lasts 3 seconds before it expires on you so stay sharp
Couple my autism and the analytical mind I've had since birth, I am able to successfully formulate and carry out different strategies with every idea that comes to mind. They call me DevilDawg most of the time. I am actually one of the youngest hopeful streamers I know at 16 and a half. I go to high school currently with hopes of becoming a pro streamer of LoL in college. It won't come easy but your support would mean wonders. I also stream on Twitch @devildawg1234
Builds and their contents
I used to build off-meta (and still do sometimes), but everyone was telling me that it would never help me climb the ranks. One way or another I heard them and I started becoming an even better player. Now I have a new objective, achieving m7 on all champions old and new. Every guide I make is for a champ I have achieved at least mastery 5 on so more will come out sooner than later
Flash and Teleport are what you need to run. I used to go ignite but that gets old in the meta universe plus just isn't the right move, you aren't building hyper damage, ur building like a bruiser so always go tp just in case
Conqueror is absolutely what most morde players run. I never understood it but now I do. Standard runes for morde help keep him healthy enough to do lots of damage in and out of his ult, and do a **** ton of sustain to keep himself alive
As I said before, I used to do off-meta so this chapter got a hard revision. But I'll list the items
Boots: Defensive Boots
Mythic: Riftmaker
3rd: Zhonya's Hourglass
4th: Thornmail
5th: Rylai's Crystal Scepter
6th: Demonic Embrace
DO NOT STRAY FROM ABILITY PATH. It is vital to max out Q first to max out damage potential
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