Nightmare matchup. You need to be wary of brushes and facechecking brushes can be one way ticket back to fountain. Only way to win is if you focus heavily on tracking Rengar and try o counter gank him as much as possible. Counter invading him is also important to make sure that you have farm lead.
Master Yi
A lot of kindred players seem to hate playing against Yi and I get that. But I think he is manageable as long as you keep track of his abilities. Wait for his Q and try to kite him with your own Q. Don't use your E if he has W since he can easily block the damage from your E hit if he's quick. Also his R is pretty much impossible to play against and you're better of fighting him when his R is on cooldown or if you have lot's of teammates by your side.
Amumu is a tricky matchup. Kindred generally wins this matchup but if amumu get's lead on you the game can change drastically. Watch out for his Q into R since that locks you in place and allows for other enemies to burst you down. His E is also very strong since it has high damage regardless of him being a tank champion. Kiting your way out his W is the best option for fighting him and by following these steps you can win against him. Invading him is crucial since you rely on being ahead of him at all times.
He's an extreme threath in his "Blue form" but managable in "Red form". His way of speeding around the map with his E and the fact that he's able to move around whist casting W makes him a very hard matchup for Kindred since he usually tries to catch you of guard and one shots you.
Probably the worst matchup for kindred. Never fight him in the jungle, especially if he has a lead on you since he will one shot you in 9/10 fights regardless of his health. He can go invisible and kill you. You won't be able to kill him in your R due to him going invisible over and over again.
Lillia should lose every game against Kindred. Kindred's kit is basically a nightmare for Lillia since you can kite out her Q, W and E making you avoid her R better and therefore you can burst her down easily. If she happens to R you and the enemies proceed to burst you, then you can rely on your R and make your way out of there.
I think Thresh is very good with Kindred since they can lock champions in place with Thresh Q and E. Also your E grants a slow to enemies which can be beneficial for Thresh to land his abilities. Thresh W gives you an extra sence of security as well. I also like that thresh R plays rather well with Kindred R since enemies kind of want to stay inside the Kindred R and therefore you can force damage on them with Thresh R.
Only one thing t point out here. Nasus W = free kill when ganking
Can jump in and out with you. Generally good.
Pretty similiar to Thresh for Kindred, but different in the way that you have more damage and less crowd control. Also Pyke R can secure kills that you may miss out on. It can also help you gain a massive gold lead depending on the skill of the Pyke player (I'm talking about R timings here)
I think Thresh is very good with Kindred since they can lock champions in place with Thresh Q and E. Also your E grants a slow to enemies which can be beneficial for Thresh to land his abilities. Thresh W gives you an extra sence of security as well. I also like that thresh R plays rather well with Kindred R since enemies kind of want to stay inside the Kindred R and therefore you can force damage on them with Thresh R.
Only one thing t point out here. Nasus W = free kill when ganking
Can jump in and out with you. Generally good.
Pretty similiar to Thresh for Kindred, but different in the way that you have more damage and less crowd control. Also Pyke R can secure kills that you may miss out on. It can also help you gain a massive gold lead depending on the skill of the Pyke player (I'm talking about R timings here)
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