flash ignite, dark seal refillable, conq sorc.
farm far from his range until lvl 3, then wait his first Q E, instantly pull him after E. Q auto ign auto auto flash Q. first blood. This is what happens 99% of my games against aatrox, just dont be scared, his lvl 3 is nothing compared to yours. his lvl 4 is stronger btw so if you dont kill him lvl 3 just chill until 6, wait his ult and then ult him cancelling his 3rd Q. This is how to crush an Aatrox.
not easy, you have to E his E or you are doomed. chill lvl 1 and 2, give cs dont try to contest anything. at lvl 3 you can Q while he double auto, then flash auto, he will E away so use E and auto ign auto. if he doesnt flash you auto he die, if he flashes dont ign. hit 6 and gg. ping a lot since he roam but nobody can play him lowelo.
one of the few matchups that you win lvl 2 but still try to wait until 3. stop her E with your E and all in. she doesnt have flash so if she misssteps pre 6 she dies. dont fight her lvl 5 with sheen, wait lvl 6 and permapush the wave. she will ult you for her jungler so ult her just after her ult, kill her and kill jungler.
Flash ignite, dark seal 3 red pots. Bad matchup, she can just dodge everything BUT not unplayable. At lvl 3 wait when she is immobile doing the W and E her during that, follow her flash to not get kited and proc passive for the increased movement speed. If you kill her lvl 3 its won, if not its lost cause even if you hit 6 and you are even with her, she can beat you in your ult. If you kill her lvl 3 and you base with boots+blasting, you kill her lvl 6 and go back with rylais and thats gg. If not im sorry, you will have to play the game as an humble toplaner like Shen or something like that instead of being a 1v9 machine boss monster king of death.
Free, dark seal and 1 red pot, just permapush, you cant loose this. I dont really have tips, just ult when he Q’s and you wont be hairborned. You destroy him from lvl 2 to lvl 18, be sure to W at the right moment btw or he will eat you.
Dark seal refillable. Scared of Darius? Why? You just destroy him lvl 3. Once the wave is on your side (since you let him push first 3 waves) you just Q when he is Q ing the wave, he will 100% use E trying to kill you then auto W auto. You have to auto twice then E when he USDZ another Q. Q auto ignite W ez win. He will probably take a turret short too so easy. At 6 you destroy him since your W completly counters his R.
Dr. Mundo
Not much to say. Pretty boring matchup, you cant really kill him lvl 3 cause of passive so you have to wait 6 unlucky but at 6 you destroy him, he is immobile so you can just trade poke and sustain with W until lvl 6. If you get a lead its over since rylais kills him. E ti destroy shield then ult Q auto aut auto Q ign auto E Q ecc.
Nobody can play fiora in bronze/silver but she still destroys morde. At 3 you win as always, E to bait parry, let her stun you cause she will overcommit, then auto Q auto ign and chase with flash. At 6 you win but if you didnt kill her at least 2 times in laning phase, once she closes divine its over. She can destroy you on your ult cause of mobility+sick healing+%healt true damage. Always try to ask your team to ban fiora.
Nobody can play this champ Lmao. He will sit on barrels the whole game. Try to stay in bushes and let him push, at lvl 3 you can flash and auto the barrel, then E his flash and chase him down. If you kill him lvl 3 its won since you can perma push and poke him under tower. If he oranges for any reason just straight up ult him. On silver this matchup is easy but in high elo its a knightmere.
Free, let him push and engage lvl 3. You are just better cant loose this one . At 6 you just annihilate him cause your w just counters his ult and he cant do shit.
This champ is ass low elo, you kill lvl3 then rush rylais and gg. Wait his transformation before ulting and thats all, nothing to say. The only problem is if he is able to lite you like if you miss your E, in that case immediatly disingage, dont try ti chase.
You hard win early but she is incredibly strong late angainst you. Rush riftmaker cause if you go rylais you’ll loose the 1v1 once she will have riftmaker even if you are 10 kills ahead.
You ult negates her, you can win lvl 3 too. If you dodge E its won, stay behind minions and poke with Q, if she misses E instantly engage and she cant do shit. At 6 all in her, wait her ult and after the animation ult her. Free matchup
Another champ that is destroyed by your ult. At lvl 3 you hardwin, instantly E if she uses W and insta ignite, then you auto to death. At 6 wait her E, when she Es insta ult her so she cant recast E and stun you. She is usless with 0 stacks so its a free kill in your ult.
You win lvl3 but you have to play really safe lvl 1 and 2, if you take a bad trade lvl 1 or 2 you will loose hard the lvl3. Q him and auto one time, he will 100% E before you prox passive, after his E, E him behind you and proc passive, ignite and kill, use W at the very last time possibile and you cant loose.
Ive never seen this champ in low elo, when you dont know what your opponent does just play safe until 6 and ult them, ez as that
Pls kill this shit lvl3. He will Q3 and W, thats it. just Q during his Q3 and E just after his W, then auto ign auto Q auto auto ez. At 6 just wait his ult and ult him right after.
This champ is garbage at the moment. Dont try to fight her lvl 1 or 2, wait lvl3 and if she does a single mistake kill her, her speed is not enough ti escape your E. Dont ult immediatly, wait her to be low so she has to ult at the start of your ult and she will be stuked. Kill her 2 times, rush rylais and ggs. You outscale btw, if you ult her lvl 18 you kill her easly.
Same as jayce, never seen this rat. Dont eat his shurikens, ult during his ult and gg i think.
His lvl3 is infredibly strong but not as strong as yours, use E as soon as possibile so you can have it again when he dismounts. Dont ult while he is unstoppable and you cant loose, nobody plays kled in low elo.
If he goes tank its free, if he goes full ap… still free. Lvl 3 you completly open his ass, at 6 wait for his ult, then ult.
Not easy at all, like kayle you can kill him if he does a mistake but you cant really punish nasus if he afk farms under turret since you have to Q him and Qing him you will Q the wave and you will push. At 6 with sheen he can beat you in brazil too if he has ignite. Just hope that he does a stupid mistake lvl 3 like greeding for a cannon or something like that.
Ban Olaf pls, ban him. You have to be lucky as fuck lvl 3, and even if you kill him he will win for the rest of the game. He can destroy you 1v1 with 1 full item behind at every stage of the game. Unplayable matchup, Idk Why riot is not changing anything about this, like he cant ult if he is in morde ult or something like that, because right now this matchup is unfair. Ban or dodge.
Easy tank, you can rush riftmaker or even demonic if you want but i dont think its necessery. You basically cant loose a trade since the only way that he can damge you is by engaging with E but if he does he cant run from your E. Basically unolayable for him, he cant even ult cause of your ult. Be sure that he uses w before ulting him btw.
At lvl 3 he will empowerd W double aa Q E you. Q while he jumpes, then auto during the end of his Q and E his E to keep up the trade, ign auto Q and chase. At 6 he become usless, kill him.
Idk, like jayce and kennen wait 6 and kill i think, nobody plays her.
One of the few matchups that you loose lvl3. He can just E W aa Q E out, you can E him back but its not easy and risky, wait 6 and ult his ult, ign and gg.
Silvers cant play Riven, kill her lvl 3 and 6. Be sure ti flash her ult in brazil or she can burst you from half hp basically.
Incredibly hard, nobody plays Ryze top but if they do, know that he has more range than you so life is not easy. Go ghost and full tenacity to 100 to 0 him lvl 6.
Lvl 3 flash his W and you win, lvl 6 wait for his ult and then ult. Good matchup but if he takes a kill before lvl 6 it can become quite hard. Q during his E, auto E auto Q flash his W ign auto Q auto.
You are his worst matchup, h
Goofy ah champ, just kill him at 3/4/5/6/7/8/9 when you want. Rush rylais and he cant do shit. Be sure to ult him after his E or ult.
He cant run from your disengage, you win from lvl2 to 18. You can rush demonic if you want but i think rylais is better. Be sure to not ult while he is unstoppable.
Bad marchup, he can kill you lvl3 and lvl6+once he has divine its over. Try not to stand still and poke poke poke. Play like a ranged champ and pray for a mistake. Ult him after his ult and insta ignite. If you poker right you will kill him.
You hardwin lvl 3 even if he crits 5 times. Je aot for his ult then ult him like2 sec after. Take ghost if you want so you can run while he is in ult and then chase. Not free but easy enough.
You win lvl 3, bait him and then just shield for half hp and gg. Lvl 6 always wait W fir his ult. Easy matchup since he is a stats checker and you outstats him.
No family. A use her early, stay away from walls and engage lvl3. Even if she is 2 items behind, at lvl 16 she just kite you like a dog even in your ult and shred you with W. Bad bad matchup, not impossible cause in silver they cant kite but still hard.
If you eat his combo with pta lvl 3 you loose. Try to bait out the E then engage. At 6 you destroy him btw. Care at his ult when he is unstoppable and you should be fine.
Just ignore him early lvls, dont fight dont poke, dont ask for ganks ecc. Go full scaling and once you are lvl9 with bramble and blastig allin. You can try and kill him lvl 3 if he misses his E but its risky, especially with barrier.
At lvl 3 you win easy. Q and auto until he uses E, then E his E when its ending and gg. At 6 its even more free.
You counter his kit completly. At 3 engage and flash out of his cage to go behind him and chase. Tra 6 just ult him after his W and its free win. Care since he will buy Qss probably so ask to someone else to stop his push sidelane and just carry teamfights.
Best enchanter to have on your team as morde. Buy spirit visage and become immortal
The poor kitty doesnt have the one ticket to brazil.
Best enchanter to have on your team as morde. Buy spirit visage and become immortal
The poor kitty doesnt have the one ticket to brazil.
Hi, Im a morde otp, i started playing like 2 years ago but this game is my life so i played a lot in these 2 years. Im italian so my english is not good, im sorry for all the mistakes but I can guarantee you that this guide is 100% effective.
You have to know that Mordekaiser is designed to be a really strong long fight champion, almost nobody (Olaf XD)can beat him 1v1 without moving. The problem is that in high elo people know how to kite and dodge so morde becomes a lot less effective, in low elo in the orher hand, its the strongest champion ever. Your level 3 is stronger than anyone's else. Your aa+isolated Q+aa+your passive+the E to reengage+aa+ignite deals a lot of damage and can oneshot anyone lvl 3 and even if the fight is close your W just add 1/3 of your healt to you. Mordekaiser is just better and, in the game like in the lore he is the only lord.
Another reason why morde is op is his lvl 6. If you ult someone you will 100% win the trade cause the champion is done in order to beat anyone in the realm (Olaf XD).
This guide is done for people who are struggling in iron/bronze and silver. Im currently plat 2 (ive almost never play morde there) but i have many accounts at silver where i spam morde. If anyone wants to 1v1 thinking that a matchup is better for his champ and try to change my mind, add me euw Daddyassuo (no olaf/fiora).
Now the guide:
The most important thing is to play knowing when you are stronger than your opponent and when you are weaker. With this guide you will be really strong lvl 3/4/5/6 and then always stronger and stronger.
The laning phase will be like this:
Take dark seal refillable
Let your opp push the first 2 waves, enagage when his wave is close to your tower (last hit with Q and E until lvl 3)
At lvl 3 with the wave in your side you engage him with Q and he will think he wins the trade but dont be scared. 99% of the time you will be lower healt than your opp but you have to bait him into keeping the trade up. If he tries to run E him, if he takes the trade you win cause of W and ign.
If you win lvl 3 gg, you won the game. If you loose np, you will win lvl 6 anyways.
The guide pretends that you win so after that you push the wave and recall. buy blasting+boots.
Now 1 isolated Q deals 1/3 of your opp hp. Just permapsuh the wave and poke him undertower. DONT WARD, you want to bait the enemy jungler into coming into your lane so you can 1v2 whit your ult.
Just rush rylais so its even easier to chase your laner.
Once you take tower just go bot and dive, then drake.
This is the perfect game and it happens to me 90% of the time but obviously it wont be always like this.
You need to practice and play a lot but if you want to reach gold just learn morde and dont bevafraid, be cocky, be agressive, think that you can always win because your champ in low elo is something else, a different breed.
Now go, 1v9 everygame and reach gold, good luck.
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