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Blitzcrank is a threat to your adc - not to you. You block his E knockup and damage with your W and unless he is a godlike hooker, you can keep him at bay fairly well. That does not give you the ability to underestimate him though. Don't get cocky.
Thresh is more a threat than Blitzcrank for his ability to turn a fight with a lantern gank and an interruption of your engage with a well-timed Flay (E). That being said, if you play around with this knowledge, you should be fairly even with him.
Brand is one of those champions I will always ban in support role. It doesn't matter how much you shut him down or outplay him in lane phase, he is a danger you do not wish to see ever. He will burn through your HP no matter what you build and as a support, you will be killed easily due to lack of item and gold. As a laner, you are too straightforward in your approach to fight him (you literally dash towards him) which is something he is good at defending against.
Ashe, despite her lack of movement speed and mobility, makes up this weakness with her long ranged poke, W, and wave clear. Killing her early is important.
A good Alistar can counter you and take advantage of your cooldowns. His sustain and ultimate are great against Shen. With his knockback and his knockup, it is easy to be thrown into his turret as well. However, an impatient Alistar is something you can exploit. (I may need to do further testing, but his stun following max stacks should be blocked by Shen W.)
Ahri is highly mobile and will be able to kite you easily whenever you try to go for an engage. Her burst, true damage, and mobility is the primary reason for this threat level - otherwise, if you play perfectly, she should not be a problem. But 8 times out of 10 you will be defensive.
Caitlyn has decent long ranged poke and methods of escaping your taunt with her traps and net. The easiest time to taunt her would be during her Q animation, I find. Afterwards, you immediately Q through and walk behind her while autoing. You do not want to be in front of her when she uses her E.
Diana is one of the few champions that will win trades against Shen. Essentially their basic abilities and engages are similar but her passive magic damage and ramp up attack speed will always beat out a Shen into either a even or losing trade. She will most likely be the aggressor in most trades - unless the player is considerably passive.
Ekko, in the early game, is fairly simple to kill level 1 and 2 depending on what he takes first. Most Ekkos take their Q first and then their dash, which you can exploit by kiting the Q and Q-through them when they dash into you for a trade. After which you trade back with 3 empowered autos and taunt to lock him down.
Assuming you place your Q in the bush close to their mid turret (either right or left - doesn't not matter) always go for a 3 empowered Q trade after killing the first few minions in laning phase. You will take him down to around 60-50% hp with one trade, leaving you with room to kill him with empowered Q-taunt-ignite-3 autos.
Late game is where things get tricky, however. Because you are not the typical Shen, your sustain is not as high and depending on how skilled the Ekko is, you will have a difficult time with him as time passes onward.
Cassiopeia shuts you down entirely and prevents you from moving forward to engage 9 times out of 10. Be careful if you fight her and make sure you dodge her poison before engaging. Take advantage of early game to block her damage with W and her early CDs. Otherwise, wait for teamfights and good flanks/ults.
The little girl can stun you after every fourth ability. She is squishy but again, be careful.
Aurelion Sol
Once in a blue moon, you might run into an Aurelion Sol. Be wary of his Q and his stars. If he misses his Q but uses his stars at the same time, that is your window to engage.
Fizz is a champion that can either bully you in lane phase or you absolutely stomp. Take advantage of the fact that his disengage tool (E) is where you can initiate your trade back if he chooses to go aggressive on you. That being said, do not play too aggro - play smart. If he engages on you and you are in no position to trade back or your CDs are not up, walk away.
As for any assassin, ping when missing and if you see him roaming and the wave is in a good spot, follow him. (However, if it is clearly a bait for the jungler, ignore him)
On a sidenote, his Q and his W are auto attacks or auto attack resets. Further testing is needed to see if Shen blocks Fizz Q damage.
Aphelios is definitely a champion to be worried about no matter what stage of the game you are in. If you put him behind, good. Otherwise, kill this guy first at all cost.
Good Akalis are tough to fight against because they understand their combos and their damage numbers. Take advantage of their CDs, block their empowered autos, and don't initiate an engage if they have shroud and you can kill them before they use it.
She can't do much of anything against Shen at any point of lane phase unless you are actually autopiloting. Mid game and late game, she becomes more of a threat with items but if you successfully make her go 0/4 before lane phase ends, your work is done unless the game doesn't end before 25 minutes.
THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU FIGHT HER LEVEL 1 AT MAX STACKS. Play smart around your minions and your Q. You know she wants to stack her passive so when she moves in to Q, you position yourself so that you get 3 empowered autos for any attempt she makes to stack passive.
With this build, Fiora is a rough match up but doable. It is completely based on your skill as a Shen player and their skill with Fiora. Needless to say, buy bramble. And absolutely make sure you do NOT ignite during HER PARRY.
Darius is made to win the 1v1 and lane. You can beat him as a Shen, there is no question about that, but it is definitely a rough task. You will not be able to trade well against him with this build early.
A good Aatrox will be able to beat you regardless of how skilled you are as a Shen. Early game is where you can take advantage of his high CDs on Q and where you can get easy kills. Shen can 1v1 Aatrox fairly easily this season (season 11). Buy bramble early.
Azir is a tough nut to crack. As with all match ups, take advantage of his CDs and mana costs. Do not fight him near his turret or overextend without vision. His Shurima Shuffle is as potent as Shen's taunt.
You can trade with Camille pretty well early and mid game. Late game is where she shines and outscales you no matter what you build. Block her Q with W and most Camille players will W first, Q, E, and Q again. Wait until she goes in to stun you with her Second cast E to use W to stop her from landing the true damage.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo has good sustain and percent magic damage on his Q. I recommend either shutting him down early or at best, farm out the lane. You cannot taunt him with his passive up but if you do, immediately take away his passive reset to prep for another engage.
A good Ezrael will never get hit by your taunt and will not pre-emptively dash away. He is probably the roughest ADC to go against.
Galio straight up counters Shen as he is classified as an AP fighter. He will block most of your damage from Q with his W shield if he chooses to max this first (which I do). His ult is also on a lower cd than Shen's and his taunt has a bigger radius. Whether Galio goes AP or Tank, it is not a good matchup for Shen.
Scaling with Kayle.
Kill her early and do NOT let her farm. She will eventually beat you.
You beat Katarina in lane - no contest. But if she roams and gets one kill, she becomes a monster. Your objective is to put her so far behind and end the game before she gets items.
Gangplank is the classic counter into Shen and for good reason. The matchup is doable if you understand what you are doing but because this is not a traditional Shen build, your damage and sustain are less potent to some extent.
Her passive movement speed on kills on both champions and minions makes her hard to lock down and her passive bonus attack speed is hard to deal with. Make sure you do not let her get ahead.
A Kaisa botlane is dependent on their support. You murder Kaisa and block her stacks through W unless she Qs.
A lot of mobility - then again, that's why we are using this build. If you land the taunt, she is screwed. Otherwise, play safe and wait for your opportunity.
You block Leona's Q with W, which removes half the engage pressure she has. If you position your Q correctly and Q through when she tries to hop on you or your ADC with her E, she gets nothing out of it.
Major threat in midlane - not so much in botlane.
He is a lane bully but if you farm out, he falls off.
This champion counters your engage with Polymorph every time, making your engage worthless. Now if you can force her to Polymorph EARLY, then you have kill pressure.
Whether in midlane or support, she is hard to deal with because she can zone you out with her E. Farm as much as you can and kite her abilities. If she spams them, take advantage of it and punish her because your trades will burn half her hp.
Kog'Maw scales into late game so it is up to you, if you are support, to set him behind. He is reliant on his support to ensure he lives but otherwise, he is not difficult to kill early.
Malzahar is anti-fun for Shen as Shen is considered anti-fun for most melee match ups. Put your sword in the bush as close as you can to their turret so that when you Q through, your burn his Spell Shield. Early game is when you can bully Malzahar. After 6, you are forced to play defensive.
Miss Fortune
Morgana root is the most annoying cc amongst all the supports in botlane and in midlane. She is probably one of the main champions to ban because of this, her spell shield, and her ult. That being said, if she uses Spellshield and Q too early, punish her.
Shen W blocks Nautilus passive Auto root. However, Nautilus is one of the few supports that can 1v1 Shen if played correctly. Be wary.
Lots of CC and burst damage that you can't always dodge. Her ult is potent as well. Pray she misses her abilities and go for an engage so long as you keep track of her ult CD. She is probably worse to fight than Ahri.
Orianna is great at zoning opponents out and poking. Shen can't really engage on her without losing the trade after backing away. Watch her mana and make note of whether she is burning it to clear waves or to poke.
Poppy W hard counters Shen taunt but this is fairly an even match up. Stay way from walls and do not get hit by second Q. Block her Grasp procs from her shield with your W and if you can, break the shield if she can't reach it.
Another traditional counter to Shen. Prior to Season 11, this match up was much more skill dependent, but the recent item changes has made this more favorable for Mordekaiser. Short trades are recommended - extended trades are suicidal.
Shen level 2 beats Qiyana level 2. Assuming you place your Q in the bush closest to their turret, you can get a free 3 empowered Qs on her at level 1. Then push for level 2, taunt, ignite, 3 empowered autos, and kill her. A good Qiyana will take river and grass most of the time against you. If she uses grass for her second Q throw (after reset) walk into it and wait for her to come out to initiate your own trade.
Beats you late game but you can fight him decently in lane.
if he tries to land his airborne on you, taunt through him either forward or backwards. If I remember correctly, this cancels his knock up.
Sivir has a spell shield which basically means your taunt will do nothing to her. Bait it out first before engaging.
Swain is rough to fight against whether in mid or support. Kite his W before attempting to do any trade and if he lands the w on your ADC, Q-W as soon as you move within proximity of them to prevent follow up autos.
Sylas is completely broken as a champion but that doesn't make him impossible to fight. Kite him with glacial and stand by minions to avoid his stun. If he misses, you can force a trade. Make sure you ALWAYS ping Sylas if he steals your ult. His ults will be bigger than yours because he is usually going full AP. That being said, if there is no saving your teammates if they get collapsed on by a Sylas using your ult, do not follow - no matter how much your teammate may ping you. The disadvantages of Shen ult follows suit so you immediately full push the wave and let it crash into his turret.
Tahm Kench
Twisted Fate
You cannot block most of Varus' damage with your W and he can easily burst you if you are not careful. However, he is not very mobile so if his support does not carry hard CC, you can punish him somewhat in lane phase.
Lane phase Vayne is not so much of the issue. Once she gets items and kills, she becomes more and more of a problem for Shen with her true damage. You can spare yourself some of it with your W and can outplay her with this build - but you will most likely lose a straight 1v1.
Kill this cat. Enough said.
If you are into a Zoe, take cleanse. Do not let her have a second ignite and you will be fine.
Galio Ult with Shen Ult is super strong no matter what build you go.
Shen with Jhin is an easy kill lane. Landing a taunt leads to an easy root from Jhin.
Trundle is a monster once he gets items, being able to beat almost anyone in the 1v1 and equally fighting 1v3 or 1v4. Ulting him if he is losing slightly can turn the tide of a terrible engage.
Dr. Mundo
Diana Ult into Shen Ult and taunt with stridebreaker is a massive cc chain.
Assuming evelynn is fed, you ult in while she is invisible and you pop out of nowhere and taunt the enemy in place while Evelynn cleans up.
Galio Ult with Shen Ult is super strong no matter what build you go.
Shen with Jhin is an easy kill lane. Landing a taunt leads to an easy root from Jhin.
Trundle is a monster once he gets items, being able to beat almost anyone in the 1v1 and equally fighting 1v3 or 1v4. Ulting him if he is losing slightly can turn the tide of a terrible engage.
Dr. Mundo
Diana Ult into Shen Ult and taunt with stridebreaker is a massive cc chain.
Assuming evelynn is fed, you ult in while she is invisible and you pop out of nowhere and taunt the enemy in place while Evelynn cleans up.
The whole purpose of this build was more of an experiment for me. I wanted to see what I can do to create a Shen build that is, not only differently, but also viable in various team compositions and situations. There are plenty of builds I enjoy and I have tried over Season 11 but Stridebreaker was always an item that piqued my interest - specifically after its change a few months ago. I've viewed the recent change more so as a buff than a nerf, regarding the removal of the dash. Seeing how Shen did not require a dash to engage or remain on top of his opponents, this seemed to be a more viable alternative mythic.
Lo and behold, I began theory crafting and testing item combinations in Practice Tools and games with friends. And to my pleasant surprise, it works. Keep in mind that this is not a "MOST BROKEN OP BUILD SEASON 11! WILL SLOW AND ONE-SHOT YOU" build. I am not a clickbaiter. What I will say is that this increases the strengths of Shen's kit with faster cooldowns, mobility, and kill pressure. Having tested this build out for a fairly lengthy period of time over the course of maybe 30+ games, I am confident in this build's potential.
Planning: Champion Select and Pre-Laning Phase,
To me, the most important aspects of the game overall that one should be considering before picking any champion boil down to the following points: "What is my team composition?", "What is their team composition?", "What can I play that will help my team win the game regardless of how well I do?" Balance is often a good default when it comes to damage type, champion type, and etc. Despite this, nowadays tanks or melee bruisers appear to be less popular picks over assassins or carries- but they tend to find a good home in the support role. In other words, Shen is probably one of the more underrated picks in Support that people should be playing more of- even more so in Midlane.
Shen is not too common a pick but is often seen as a welcome one, presuming the player understands the champion and the usage of his ultimate. Most players I would argue do not understand Shen's capabilities/limits and will often times expect Shen to perform for them when either the play is too risky or impossible. Picking Shen in any role outside of Top lane is almost always a red flag for your team on paper. They will question you and your pick, demand to know why you are trolling, and why you are ruining the game for the rest of them. The pressure of proving yourself with your champion and in your selected lane is doubled, or perhaps tripled.
However, what most people do not know, but perhaps you know if you are Shen player to some extent, is how much early game damage and pressure Shen has. There are very few melee champions, especially in Midlane, that can beat a Shen prior to level 6 with the assumption that all is equal. He is among one of the safest picks, in my opinion, to take into an assassin mid and easily can continuously prevent such a champion from snowballing. And if you take him in Midlane, not only is returning to lane easier because it is the shortest lane and the closest lane to either Top or Bot, his Ultimate as a whole is pressure on a global scale. He can mitigate any jungle gank or midlane roam, assuming there is nothing in which can cancel his Ultimate and Shen is in a good position, both in terms of wave management, items, and overall progress of the fight, to do so.
In Champion Select, you want to pay attention as to whether their enemy team consists of two things: skill shots or auto-attack-based. Shen is one of the best picks, in my opinion, to take into team compositions that rely heavily with auto attacks and auto attack resets. Shen is not so great into champions with long ranged skill shots or targeted crowd control abilities. Majority of the time, you will be the engage or the counter engage which means the beginning of the fight and outcome of the fight often depends on you whether you like it or not. At this point, assuming you haven't picked yet, you should be constantly reviewing your own team composition. Ask questions such as "Who am I going to be ulting?", "Who is the most important part (the carry) in our team?", etc.
And the most important aspect of all, communication. This is especially important with your ADC if you are supporting. If you are following my skill order, you know you do not have an engage until level 2. Plan your engage ahead of time with your laner to come up with the best move for lane phase.
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