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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Strong early junglers are great with mord mid also when kindred ults you can ult anyone that is in there and they will get insta killed due to Kindred ult not going to Shadow realm.
Strong early junglers are great with mord mid also when kindred ults you can ult anyone that is in there and they will get insta killed due to Kindred ult not going to Shadow realm.
Champion Build Guide
Strong blindpick will lead to your toplaner getting counterpick most of the time and enemies really hate buying Qss vs you.
Poke enemy with Qs and contest every minion when possible. Use W for sustain and force your opponent out of lane. keep E for self peel and for jungle ganks.
Into Range mages:
Farm with Q, if enemy allows fish for E + Q for poke and use W to sustain your way untill lvl6 where E+R will be your go to combo.
On objectivs ult enemy jugnler for free drakes and heralds and barons.
Escape gank. Q -> E (infront of you) aa for passive movspeed.
All in at lvl6 : Flash E+R -> Q + AA.
When rocketbelt built.
Rocketbelt -> E + R + Q + AA
When using flash -> E into ult most of the time enemies will flash and end up at the back of the wall immeadiatly. this usualy means they die anyway casue their flash does not change the ult bounds.
Q imputbuffer into flash can grant you a lot of kills so use it but dont telegraph it. meaning change up your flash timer, sometimes flash later and sometimes flash sideways rather then straight. Make yourself unpredictable.
Zhonyas usage, zhonyas will mostly be used to either stall for a secondary W or to dodge a major ability, try to always get your passive going before Using stopwatch or zhonyas. The AOE dmg and slow is not to be underestimated!
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