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Runes: general
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Break the Mold (PASSIVE)
Rell Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She wins every trade. Want to ban her if possible
ults pair nicly together
ults pair nicly together
Champion Build Guide
My first impression of Rell was that she was Leona 2.o a utility support. Then I pressed w and fell in love with it. It is so satisfying watching her jump and land. When she mounts back up it is equally fun as it can reset her aa and deal some good damage. Her q can keep you alive in a pinch and heals a lot of health. her e however is clunky. It has a starting cd of 21 seconds. and it gets better as you level it. q starts at 9 and ends at 4 making it nice and spammable. W the main engaged and disengage. static 10 seconds but sheild and ms increase per a point.
She is slow. Really slow after you jump in with w. You will not be able to dodge any skill shots after you engage but that can be fine because your tanky with aftershock.
Her attack speed is adismal. you start with like 0.55 attack speed so once every 2 seconds you do damege.
Her damage is also non existent. If you out-damage people as Rell Report them as they were trolling that game Rell should never ever do more damage then a Yi, ahri, kat, or any non hyper tank.
lastly her E, Rells E feels super buggy. Sometimes it can attach itself back on other times it does not. It has a 3 second cd after you attach it to someone before you can stun or attach it to someone else. It is understandable because it would be busted if you can stun people on the fly but the 3 seconds is defintly to long.
She can tank tower for ever making tower dives easy. her passive screws over tanks.
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