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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Max Order
Break the Mold (PASSIVE)
Rell Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
High mobility with blinks make engaging easy and valuable. Great for E Stuns.
High mobility with blinks make engaging easy and valuable. Great for E Stuns.
Champion Build Guide
Rell mains unite for she can and will jungle!
If you come into this thinking you will hard cary you likely will have a bad time. The main strength of Rell in the Jungle is her heavy suport to your teams mid and to a lesser extent top and bot. The objextive is to make it easy for your team to capitalize on engages and direct player focus. If done right, the taregt you cc will likely be focused by the rrest of your team, allowing you to direct their damage to where it is needed. As a cc heavy tank, stealing and ensuring smite priority at objectives becomes easier. If the jungle is cc then they cant smite, but you can. Using blast cone as well as W dismount also functions as get in and get out, with flash being yet another option.
In theory you should be a roaming support who is a god with smite.
If you come into this thinking you will hard cary you likely will have a bad time. The main strength of Rell in the Jungle is her heavy suport to your teams mid and to a lesser extent top and bot. The objextive is to make it easy for your team to capitalize on engages and direct player focus. If done right, the taregt you cc will likely be focused by the rrest of your team, allowing you to direct their damage to where it is needed. As a cc heavy tank, stealing and ensuring smite priority at objectives becomes easier. If the jungle is cc then they cant smite, but you can. Using blast cone as well as W dismount also functions as get in and get out, with flash being yet another option.
In theory you should be a roaming support who is a god with smite.
Taking Jungle
Jungle pathing is not as tricky as one may think it would be on a low damage champ such as Rell.
To start you should start at bottom buff to obtain a resonable leash and allow security in case of an invade. Starting W is recomended as it allows for more tanking and damage to monsters.
It is suggested that you treat all basic abilities as if they were auto cancelling.
Following buff it is recomended you take Q if it was Blue and Q or E if it was Red. Q allows you too hit all monsters if positioned correctly. The reason you might take E second from red side is becase you can use your mid laner as a way to get more reliable aoe damage as well as a stun on Raptors.
Note that Cruggs is not recomended. If you wish you may even tell lanes they are free to take it at the start. This camp takes too long without first having Brambi's and is ecen easier with Tiamat.
Taking Scuttle is your strong suit as Rell. Using Q to remove all shields then walking with scuttle as you attack allows for quick vision.
When taking Rift do not dismount. The move speed reduction makes geting the eye on the back while dogeing its attacks difficult.
Unfortunately you will need you team to help take Dragon. While you are stong at stealing objectives, you have dificulty taking them solo.
To start you should start at bottom buff to obtain a resonable leash and allow security in case of an invade. Starting W is recomended as it allows for more tanking and damage to monsters.
It is suggested that you treat all basic abilities as if they were auto cancelling.
Following buff it is recomended you take Q if it was Blue and Q or E if it was Red. Q allows you too hit all monsters if positioned correctly. The reason you might take E second from red side is becase you can use your mid laner as a way to get more reliable aoe damage as well as a stun on Raptors.
Note that Cruggs is not recomended. If you wish you may even tell lanes they are free to take it at the start. This camp takes too long without first having Brambi's and is ecen easier with Tiamat.
Taking Scuttle is your strong suit as Rell. Using Q to remove all shields then walking with scuttle as you attack allows for quick vision.
When taking Rift do not dismount. The move speed reduction makes geting the eye on the back while dogeing its attacks difficult.
Unfortunately you will need you team to help take Dragon. While you are stong at stealing objectives, you have dificulty taking them solo.
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