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Really annoying, since you can't duel him or run away. Additionally, he can easily dodge your W.
She can lock you down, being unable to use your W for a while. Additionally, she prevents your CC to one target.
Dr. Mundo
He has insane survivability through his healing ultimate and he deals more damage than you. Escaping will be hard as long as he hits his cleavers.
Really annoying, hes faster than you while stealthed and he will hook you back / stun you. Especially his ult is frustrating, because everytime you would get out with low hp, he will come to execute you. Also, he is pretty hard to catch.
While Jhin has not huge (fast) DPS and usually tends to struggle against tanks, his W can be pretty annoying, especially if its added up to other cc's. You can't dismount while being rooted, means that you wont get your shield and additional resistances.
High mobility, High CC, High damage.
Pyke is one of the best Team partners Rell could imagine. He helps you catching targets, so you can follow. And he provides a lot of damage you're lacking. And on top of that, he will share the gold if he executes them with his ult.
Her E has good Catch potential, her ult provides good AOE damage.
Comparable to Neeko, only less catch potential, but additional stuns in Teamfight.
Good CC Partner, good engage, good Catch potential. Her passive increases your damage slightly and her CC let's you survive longer.
While he is a real good meatshield for you, his Kit provides comparable weaknesses to yours. Except his Ult, he also lacks consistent damage. But still, his CC is a good addition to yours.
While she is not providing AOE burst, Akali has enough mobility to get behind / close to the enemy so you can apply your E - Repel. The additional resistances of E - Attract also help her to survive.
Her high mobility allows you to hit your E, and her Ult makes it easy for you to hit your W - Ferromancy. Additionally, your CC provides enough survivablity for Camille to Execute her target(s) before heading to the next ones.
Her Arrow has a good catch potential for you to follow up and the pretty long stun duration increases your survivability aswell.
High AOE damage and CC is everything Rell wants to have in her team, so here we go.
AOE damage and CC, here we go.
Ekko has lower catch potential and mediocre aoe damage. But still, if you land your combo, he might aoe stun the whole enemy team.
AOE damage and CC, here we go.
AOE damage and CC, here we go. Besides that, she can support you with another shield and especially with movespeed.
Good gapclose makes it easier to hit your E-Repel, but it can sometimes hard for you to keep up with those dashes. Also, only mediocre and not reliable AOE damage and CC.
Even tho he has lower damage than most Midlaners in this Tier, Galso provides Good CC, a gapclose and a protective global ult. Can be good if you have other AOE dmg champions in your team.
AOE damage and CC, like the others.
AOE damage and CC.
AOE damage and a gapclose, quite good to improve her survivability with your E and CC.
Busted ultimate damage. If she teamfights with you, the game should be won.
Hell yeah, we like Zyra. CC and high damage potential, no matter if midlane or support.
Busted AOE damage, you secure his ultimate jumping arround as often as possible.
Good engage option for you, its easy to follow up. Sadly, Rakan has also low damage, but it can be still very good if you have a good follow up.
AOE damage and CC. The wall has also good catch potential and can save you in some cases.
You have a knockup to enable his ult, while he has AOE CC and pretty nice damage.
High AOE damage, good mobility and a bit CC. A good Riven is always something we want to have in our team.
Miss Fortune
Nice for every AOE comp.
No matter if AP or Tank, Malphite is always a good Teamfight partner. His Ultimate has pretty high base damage and gives you enough time to follow up. Vice versa, you can help him landing his ult on multiple targets.
Strong AOE damage and quite a lot of CC. Just like riven, less mobile, but more Crowd Control.
Jarvan IV
High damage, AOE CC, High mobility. Even though Jarvan toplane is quite rare, he will be a good Teampartner for you.
While her AOE abilities are limited, your Ult / E Combo can enable her a multiple Target E / W Combo. Not perfect, but can still be nice.
AOE CC, a gapclose and insane single Target damage. If you protect him, he will be able to carry you.
Provides a lot of Area control with her wall and has high utility through her CC because her ult is an ae slow. Your ult will keep the enemies in hers, so the damage will be much higher. Your CC's makes it also easier for her to hit her Q (stun) for even longer CC chaining.
High mobility, High CC, High damage.
Pyke is one of the best Team partners Rell could imagine. He helps you catching targets, so you can follow. And he provides a lot of damage you're lacking. And on top of that, he will share the gold if he executes them with his ult.
Her E has good Catch potential, her ult provides good AOE damage.
Comparable to Neeko, only less catch potential, but additional stuns in Teamfight.
Good CC Partner, good engage, good Catch potential. Her passive increases your damage slightly and her CC let's you survive longer.
While he is a real good meatshield for you, his Kit provides comparable weaknesses to yours. Except his Ult, he also lacks consistent damage. But still, his CC is a good addition to yours.
While she is not providing AOE burst, Akali has enough mobility to get behind / close to the enemy so you can apply your E - Repel. The additional resistances of E - Attract also help her to survive.
Her high mobility allows you to hit your E, and her Ult makes it easy for you to hit your W - Ferromancy. Additionally, your CC provides enough survivablity for Camille to Execute her target(s) before heading to the next ones.
Her Arrow has a good catch potential for you to follow up and the pretty long stun duration increases your survivability aswell.
High AOE damage and CC is everything Rell wants to have in her team, so here we go.
AOE damage and CC, here we go.
Ekko has lower catch potential and mediocre aoe damage. But still, if you land your combo, he might aoe stun the whole enemy team.
AOE damage and CC, here we go.
AOE damage and CC, here we go. Besides that, she can support you with another shield and especially with movespeed.
Good gapclose makes it easier to hit your E-Repel, but it can sometimes hard for you to keep up with those dashes. Also, only mediocre and not reliable AOE damage and CC.
Even tho he has lower damage than most Midlaners in this Tier, Galso provides Good CC, a gapclose and a protective global ult. Can be good if you have other AOE dmg champions in your team.
AOE damage and CC, like the others.
AOE damage and CC.
AOE damage and a gapclose, quite good to improve her survivability with your E and CC.
Busted ultimate damage. If she teamfights with you, the game should be won.
Hell yeah, we like Zyra. CC and high damage potential, no matter if midlane or support.
Busted AOE damage, you secure his ultimate jumping arround as often as possible.
Good engage option for you, its easy to follow up. Sadly, Rakan has also low damage, but it can be still very good if you have a good follow up.
AOE damage and CC. The wall has also good catch potential and can save you in some cases.
You have a knockup to enable his ult, while he has AOE CC and pretty nice damage.
High AOE damage, good mobility and a bit CC. A good Riven is always something we want to have in our team.
Miss Fortune
Nice for every AOE comp.
No matter if AP or Tank, Malphite is always a good Teamfight partner. His Ultimate has pretty high base damage and gives you enough time to follow up. Vice versa, you can help him landing his ult on multiple targets.
Strong AOE damage and quite a lot of CC. Just like riven, less mobile, but more Crowd Control.
Jarvan IV
High damage, AOE CC, High mobility. Even though Jarvan toplane is quite rare, he will be a good Teampartner for you.
While her AOE abilities are limited, your Ult / E Combo can enable her a multiple Target E / W Combo. Not perfect, but can still be nice.
AOE CC, a gapclose and insane single Target damage. If you protect him, he will be able to carry you.
Provides a lot of Area control with her wall and has high utility through her CC because her ult is an ae slow. Your ult will keep the enemies in hers, so the damage will be much higher. Your CC's makes it also easier for her to hit her Q (stun) for even longer CC chaining.
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