Caitlyn is a very hard matchup for vayne, as she can peel herself really well from Vayne's only wincondition in this matchup: All-inning Caitlyn.
Caitlyn can get the push with her Q very easily and level 3 you cant really get on her anymore due to her using traps and Net to slow you down whenever you're too close.
Winning this matchup is only possible if Caitlyn oversteps, especially level 1, if her Q is on cooldown you can try to get an all-in off. Otherwise try to not get poked to much under tower and be happy about being 20cs down.
However this matchup shifts a lot if Caitlyn oversteps and you can find an all-in on her flash over her net and chase her down the lane. Generally its better to have an Engage support with you in this matchup as its more likely you find an all-in, rather than an enchanter that can't save you from all the poke, especially if Caitlyn is paired with a poking/range support.
Aphelios can bully Vayne in lane due to having higher range+some poke, better waveclear with Infernum and higher combat damage. Vayne has to bait out Aphelios's spells and then look to all-in him to win this matchup. Imo Aphelios wins every stage of the game if piloted well
Ashe is very hard to all-in due to her slow and range and can also poke Vayne out a lot, if she missuses her W or R once though Vayne can find very easy all-ins/decent trades, she also outscales Ashe a lot!
Draven is one of the strongest if not the strongest Laner in the game, if he never missuses E Vayne cant find a kill window on him either so its genuinely just suffering playing vs him potentially taking an Axe on every minion you try to lasthit.
The way to win this matchup is to tumble forward in windows where draven cant auto back (for example when hes lasthitting) and by baiting out his E+ punishing him when he oversteps after
Good ezreals will try to poke you out a lot, but generally in this matchup you should try to hit the wave as much as possible to generate prio so Ezreal has a hard time poking you under your turret, hes generally useless vs you if you can take push and just scale without being in danger. If he missuses E once you can find good all-in windows aswell
Jhin is relatively easy too, though u will get pushed in, if you avoid his 4th shot and Q/W poke you will be outscaling past 2 items, hes genuinely pretty easy to run down aswell, because his return damage is very low especially when hes about to reload.
Jinx outranges you a lot, but if she missuses chompers once you can find good all-ins vs her, this matchup is easily winnable if you abuse Q trading/ poking whenever she goes to auto you or a minion.
Kai'Sa has slightly stronger trades than Vayne but shes relatively easy to scale against and she cant fight you if you manage to get push/ you're inside a wave, Kai'sa's whole damage comes from her Q and W which will be split onto all of your minions and W will be blocked by them.
Kalista is a lanebully but has the same range as Vayne so playing for push is the wincon again here as Kalista will have a hard time all-inning without hitting Q's, you can also abuse Q'ing forward whenever she goes for a lasthit because she will be locked in jump animation
Kog'Maw wins trades and pokes you out easily whenever his W is up, but since its really high cooldown early, what you have to do is bait it out, wait until it ran out and look for trades after (about 10 sec window), Kog'Maws range and damage is way lower than Vayne's if his W isnt up.
Lucian is a tricky matchup as his trades in early are way stronger than Vayne's, you want to keep your Q to dodge his Q while trading. Try to avoid him getting PTA stacked on you and in general try to play for the wave instead of trades as you will outscale him lateron in the game
Miss Fortune
Miss fortune is a tricky matchup as her passive+Q dmg is pretty heavy in trades. Try to avoid her proccing Firststrike or PTA on you and bait out her W, after shes quite vulnerable to allins from lvl 3 on.
Nilahs only purpose as a champion is all inning Vayne as her range is very low, Vayne has an easy time gaining push in this matchup and can scale for free. Keep your condemn to avoid Nilah dashing on you+ ulting you, If you bait out her W she has 0 threat on you for ~25seconds
Samira is quite easy due to her having less range than Vayne too, Vayne can cancel samira ult with condemn so it should be kept for that in most cases. Take push and avoid getting all inned by engage supports, Try and auto/tumble forward on every lasthit that Samira goes for especially if her Q is down.
Sivir matchup is really chill as you both just farm, only downside is her massive waveclear advantage.
Avoid her Q's and you're fine, Sivirs return damage is very low so as soon as you get on top of her you will win the duel 99% of cases
Tristana is more of a farming matchup too, and Tristanas range is lower than Vayne's early, avoid getting all inned with E stacks on Tristana E and you're chilling. Try and abuse Q'ing on every lasthit tristana goes for and try to bait out E and look for trades/all-ins after
Twitch can't punish Vayne in lane and is also very vulnerable to being all-inned due to his low mobility, all his abilites are very high cooldown so as soon as he missuses Q, W or R you're free to bully him.
Varus matchup isnt easy, but you can avoid all of his spells with your Q.
If Varus oversteps once while having Cd on Q E or R you're winning the all-in. Try and bait out his spells, if he misses/has no blight stacks theyre very high cooldown and you have good trade/kill windows after.
Xayah matchup is rough, if played correctly she can never die to your all-in as you have to get on top of her and she likes people going into her due to her feathers. Xayahs all in is also insanely strong due to her W, you can win this matchup if you bait her Q and E + avoid them, then look for all in/trades.
Zeri is another farming matchup, and you can easily abuse Q's on her whenever she goes for lasthits as she cant hit you if youre inside the wave, If zeri uses R you can disengage with your condemn. When zeri tries to go for dashes to escape you can also just pin her in her E animation and she gets pulled back out of the wall.
This matchup is all about avoid karthus Q's then it becomes a farming simulator, if karthus ever oversteps and doesnt have exhaust up all-inning is very is, Vayne can build mr such as witsend/spiritvisage/maw etc so she's chilling vs Karthus later
Vayne is an all in champion just like Nautilus, Naut also creates good space for Vayne to farm due to his all in threat.
Good for the same reason as Naut
Good for the same reasons as all other engage supports, just too weak before lvl 2-3 so you can get zoned off
very easily!
Vayne has bad waveclear so its hard to find good angles with blitzcrank, but he still provides good all-in damage.
Good synergy, would use as counter to other engage supports only!
Doesnt provide much for Vayne, it has it's spots but there are better enchanters.
Karma has a strong lanephase helping Vaynes weak phase and can also find good all ins with W and E, her only downside as an enchanter is that she gets outscaled by most other enchanters such as Lulu/Millio
Good for the same reason as Naut, just weaker at everything that Naut does.
Renata Glasc
Good as counterpick vs engage just like Braum, provides Vayne with good buffs for all-inning and peels her well
Has everything Vayne wants, peel, extra range, heals/shields, extra dmg+ qss ult
Other enchanters outscale her, doesnt provide much for Vayne except sustain
Very good all-in and peel (everything Vayne wants)
Best enchanter for all-ins, you can tumble into enemies and knock them up, has extremely good peel for Vayne and scales really well too
Vayne is an all in champion just like Nautilus, Naut also creates good space for Vayne to farm due to his all in threat.
Good for the same reason as Naut
Good for the same reasons as all other engage supports, just too weak before lvl 2-3 so you can get zoned off
very easily!
Vayne has bad waveclear so its hard to find good angles with blitzcrank, but he still provides good all-in damage.
Good synergy, would use as counter to other engage supports only!
Doesnt provide much for Vayne, it has it's spots but there are better enchanters.
Karma has a strong lanephase helping Vaynes weak phase and can also find good all ins with W and E, her only downside as an enchanter is that she gets outscaled by most other enchanters such as Lulu/Millio
Good for the same reason as Naut, just weaker at everything that Naut does.
Renata Glasc
Good as counterpick vs engage just like Braum, provides Vayne with good buffs for all-inning and peels her well
Has everything Vayne wants, peel, extra range, heals/shields, extra dmg+ qss ult
Other enchanters outscale her, doesnt provide much for Vayne except sustain
Very good all-in and peel (everything Vayne wants)
Best enchanter for all-ins, you can tumble into enemies and knock them up, has extremely good peel for Vayne and scales really well too
Hi I'm Jona "Reptile" Fritz an EUW Pro Challenger ADC, previously played for teams such as Fnatic Academy and Unicorns of Love. Before I went pro I used to be a Vayne Onetrick Pony and I still love and play this champ a lot.
All the important info is in the notes for builds/skillorder/runes/items/lane matchups and support synergies, so I suggest you read what you're interested in!
I put out daily content on Twitter/Youtube and Tiktok and I also stream almost everyday! Would love to see you guys in chat, thanks for reading! <3
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