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Runes: Roam God Support
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Samira is currently a pick or ban champ anyways, so you can be sure to get matched against one if you're not banning her out. Her w basically counters you as your stun is your only utility. She has a longer cooldown so try play around it or bait it out before throwing the card.
Both Tristana and Ezreal are amazing synergies for this playstyle. They can hard shove, all in early, and have good poke. Additionally, they have great escape, allowing you to roam more freely.
Both Tristana and Ezreal are amazing synergies for this playstyle. They can hard shove, all in early, and have good poke. Additionally, they have great escape, allowing you to roam more freely.
Champion Build Guide
About Me Hi there! My name is Sam and I've been playing league since preseason 6 in 2015. I took a strong liking to the game right off the bat and I managed to climb all the way to diamond in season 8 by spamming jungle(mainly just spammed Rammus). Soon after, I transferred over my old NA account as it had all of the champs, and I was looking to play league less competitively. I stopped spamming roles and champs and just played for a laugh with my friends, so naturally I'm now hardstuck gold. I still really enjoy the game, especially these fun niche off meta builds that can actually dominate some games! Hope you enjoy the build! |
My Mains I really enjoy keeping a wide variety of champs under my belt. I have mastery 7 on about 30 champs now and its hard to choose a select few to say are my 'mains'. That being said, Bard, Rammus, Twisted Fate, and more recently Gangplank and Lillia take the top spot in my all time favourite champs. One of the main factors I look for in a champion is their ability to build diversely while also remaining somewhat viable. Bard is a great example of this, and he probably would take the slot for my no.1 fav champ, if I had to choose. The fact that you can be a speedy roaming support who also does tons of damage while also being pretty tanky and remains utile during fights is amazing. He can be built so many different ways, which is the same reason I love Twisted Fate. Hopefully this build will allow people to enjoy the build diversity some champs can have as much as I do! |
My Socials Just started streaming on twitch! Come check it out if you're up for some laughs or just to chill! You can also check out my insta (also called llamacorn171), where I upload some funny/clutch clips from the stream! |
I picked up tf in 2019 and, after spending a few weeks spamming him out, I slowly fell in love with the champ. One of my favourite things about tf is that he can function as both a high damage carry midlaner, as well as a supportive stunbot midlaner. His build can wildly vary based on how strong your team is compared to theirs, and how you are doing compared to your teammates. I enjoy this adaptive playstyle, and, after seeing an old video by tilterella all about support tf, I decided to try it for myself. The results were very satisfying, as the champion remained the same at his core, but you were able to apply so much early pressure that the enemy could rarely keep up. I adapted the build and added some of my own items and thoughts, and decided to share those with you all here on mobafire! Enjoy!. |
+ Heavy utility + Amazing roam pressure + Good early lane pressure with w + Good at shutting down many carries + Late game stunbot + Great vision/map control Twisted Fate is a great champ in general as he can make many fights into 2v1s with his ult Destiny and the added movespeed from predator and mobos increase this pressure even more. |
- Needs a duo or good adc to function - Can get outroamed by champs such as bard in the early game - Hard to lock down multiple carries - Doesn't utilize passive very well - You'll probs get flamed in champ select Support TF can be amazing or totally flop depending on a variety of factors. You have to get used to building around your team and against theirs, then the build will feel more consistent. |
BULWARK OF THE MOUNTAIN Every good support needs a support item, and to me, there's no better pick than a good ol' Relic Shield. The relic procs allow you to both effectively help the adc shove the lane and get gold off roams by simply using your three procs every time you finish a gank. Additionally, you can make an extra bit of money due to your passive, Loaded Dice, which you wouldn't be able to do should you take an item such as Frostfang. |
MOBILITY BOOTS Mobility Boots are the heart and soul of this build. They turn you from your average midlane Twisted Fate to the much cooler and much faster support variant. I rush these basically every support tf game I play, besides select few cases where I get Boots and a Dark Seal on my back. |
SHURELYA'S BATTLESONG I find this mythic so cool but you rarely get to use it, as there are many, stronger alternatives for support these days. Luckily, Twisted Fate is no average support and this item synergises with the playstyle perfectly. The aim of this build is to be a stunbot who can lock down carries and allow your own team to carry. A well-timed shurelya's can turn the tide of a fight, and is very difficult to deal with from a roam, as now both you and your ally can run them down. On top of all of this, shurelia's gives all of your other legendaries extra movespeed, making Twisted Fate invisible to the naked eye once predator is procced. |
RAPID FIRECANNON Rounding off the core items is an rfc. This item is even taken on normal Twisted Fate as it works surprisingly well with his kit. You gain a bit of movespeed, you get attack speed, allowing you to proc Stacked Deck more often, and, above all else, it gives you a 675 range point and click stun at the start of an engage. This comes in handy in most fights, and can even be used to set up sneaky over the wall stuns. |
Dead Man's Plate Dead Man's is a great option in most scenarios. It provides you with bonus movespeed, a bit of tankyness, and a strong initial auto to pair with Pick A Card, Stacked Deck, and Rapid Firecannon. I personally love this option, but if you need to go a more supportive route there are many alternatives. |
Vigilant Wardstone Vigilant Wardstone has begun to become one of my preferred support items. As we all know, control wards suck and are a waste of time and money, so naturally I scoffed at this item upon its release. However, upon closer inspection this item is actually pretty good even if you don't utilize its Control Ward storage potential. It gives the most ability haste in the game, and provides us with an extra bit of movespeed so we can ruin enemy laner's days all the more efficiently. 40 ability haste is actually crazy good on Twisted Fate support, as the core items don't provide much haste on their own, and being able to keep adc's out of the game for even longer is a great feeling. Pick up this item at level 13 and dump your entire ward supply in fountain for optimal charging, you can't really go wrong with this item. |
Force of Nature Force of nature is basically the mr equivalent of dead man's. I would rarely buy both, as you don't need to be an uber tank, and you will normally be able to see what damage type the enemy team is leaning towards. Force of Nature doesn't provide the same out of combat movespeed which Dead Man's Plate does, but the in combat movespeed and magic resist is actually quite helpful, allowing you to stick on carries or run away from threats. |
Stunning In teamfights, your main objective is to lock down carries and other threats to your own carries. Your Pick A Card will be on about a 3.6 second cooldown if you go the wardstone route and the stun last 2 seconds. This means you can basically choose to fully lock down an adc or you can opt to spread your stuns out depending on what's needed. It can also be helpful to stun frontilers who threaten your backline but don't have too much mobility, like Nasus. You can also get your team to travel with you and get early picks before the fight even begins with a long range gold card. |
Survival While support Twisted Fate is quite a powerful roamer, he still relies on good fights and team support to be able to function. You are rather lacking in damage and aren't very tanky, so stunlocking someone isn't really helpful unless you have a teammate there to back you up. Try not to take unfavourable fights; picking and choosing what time to go in is vital when it comes to the lategame success of this build. |
Ulting Destiny is an insanely useful roaming tool, but it also has many versatile uses during fights and on objectives. I would rarely recommend engaging with an ult, unless it is to get a pick or to secure an objective. Destiny is far more useful for securing picks, killing remaining enemies after teamfights, and getting global vision to aid your team. You don't have to teleport every time you ult; sometimes vision control is all you really need. |
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