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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Highest threat. If fed you cannot kill him with this build.
Jax is broken. Need I say more.
Jax is broken. Need I say more.
Champion Build Guide
This build pretty much makes the game unplayable for a lot of ADC and midlane champs. Attack speed boots are a must as you rely on lifesteal and damage from lethal tempo / items / passive. If you are fed (+5 kills lead ish) then strong champs find themselves unable to defend against your damage.
Early game, look to get prio in lanes from level 3 q pokes. If you are lucky you might get an early kill which sets you up for a snowball.
Essence Reaver is super overpowered on this champ as it gives a huge damage increase after using an ability; this is something that nocturne relies on for this build to work efficiently. The aim is to be in and out of fights as fast as you can. Essence Reaver also procs after spell shield which means that during teamfights you are likely getting the maximum useage from this item, even if you panic and use any ability it is likely to cause a lot more damage and help you recover (we aren't all pros).
It can be difficult to get kills early on but this build scales so much with each kill you do get that it makes it easy to recover from a few bad trades / deaths.
If you are down on kills, try to farm up for Axiom Arc and perma-gank lone squishies in side lanes for free £$£$
I've never seen anyone else play this build before and it was something that I stumbled accross accidentally that seemed to work incredibly well. Most people choose to go Duskblade which I really recommend against as the shield from Eclipse comes in clutch and is usually enough to get you away from a bad trade.
If you are looking to carry in low elo or want to play mind games with your ult, play this champ and try this combo.
Early game, look to get prio in lanes from level 3 q pokes. If you are lucky you might get an early kill which sets you up for a snowball.
Essence Reaver is super overpowered on this champ as it gives a huge damage increase after using an ability; this is something that nocturne relies on for this build to work efficiently. The aim is to be in and out of fights as fast as you can. Essence Reaver also procs after spell shield which means that during teamfights you are likely getting the maximum useage from this item, even if you panic and use any ability it is likely to cause a lot more damage and help you recover (we aren't all pros).
It can be difficult to get kills early on but this build scales so much with each kill you do get that it makes it easy to recover from a few bad trades / deaths.
If you are down on kills, try to farm up for Axiom Arc and perma-gank lone squishies in side lanes for free £$£$
I've never seen anyone else play this build before and it was something that I stumbled accross accidentally that seemed to work incredibly well. Most people choose to go Duskblade which I really recommend against as the shield from Eclipse comes in clutch and is usually enough to get you away from a bad trade.
If you are looking to carry in low elo or want to play mind games with your ult, play this champ and try this combo.
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