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Ahri Build Guide by bar123k5

S10 very long guide! Updated!

S10 very long guide! Updated!

Updated on October 31, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bar123k5 Build Guide By bar123k5 10 0 6,943 Views 0 Comments
10 0 6,943 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bar123k5 Ahri Build Guide By bar123k5 Updated on October 31, 2020
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Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

S10 very long guide! Updated!

By bar123k5
hello guys! Welcome to my guide!
First of all thank you for coming here and checking on my guide!
secondly, this guide is going to be very detailed, and very long.
I will try to put my heart into it.

I dont have time for this!! I'm in the loading screen!

no problem. simply go to Matches .

again this guide is not complete yet but make sure to check it later because i am currently work on it on the weekends
please come back later! thank you!

Update: Thank you guys for 3000 views!! you guys are AWSOME!~
why to pick ahri?
Ahri is very safe pick. she have everything:
sustain, damage, crowd control , mobility , engage, disengage. most of the champions excel and one thing, and bad in other things. Ahri doesn't excel but is just fine in a lot of things.
Because of that, Ahri pays the price of having less damage then other champions and Ahri is very item and runes dependent (it have been like that always, even when there was DFG).

I think Ahri is very good because she is so safe, she doesn't get hard countered unlike a lot of other champions. Even if Ahri gets counter picked ,(for example Kassadin) she have lots of tools to respond.

if you have a friend that is new to the game, Ahri can be a good starting champion. she is very simple, and you can tell him to keep his ult, Spirit Rush for escape only. newer players tend to over extend and die.

what is ahri?
Ahri is half mage half assasin. without ult, your like Lux: have no moblity, have damage and some cc.
with your ultimate, Spirit Rush, you become assassin, just like Zed or Talon and you should act like that too.

i will not talk at all about Glacial Augment Ahri becuase i do not like this form of Ahri. yes, its easier to hit charm with this build, but you lack of overall damage. and your team will suffer from it, because the adc and the mid (theoretically) are the damage dealers. if your support Ahri, sure.
besides that your abilities are SKILL shots. SKILL.which means that even if your fed, you need to AIM (uham Veigar uham)

dont get me wrong it works and iv seen alot of good popolar ahri players play with it, i just odnt like it.
I dont have much experience with it, either.

another thing that i like about Ahri so much is that you cannot be blamed to be op.
people can dodge and juke your stuff. always. even if your 7/1.
every champion tries to accomplish something.

Zed will try to dive your adc.
Malphite will want to ult 5 people

Yasuo will do ctrl 6
you get the idea.

so what does Ahri wants to do?

it depends on the situation:

if your a beginner, just try to kill people (obviously) and leave it, because you need to focus about getting used to her. doesn't matter who you killed. if you can kill and go back to safty, kill him. end.

the situations:
if your mage you want to keep Spirit Rush for disengage ONLY, and you never get greedy. if they escape, however. your goal here is do dish as much damage as you can, doesnt matter who the target is, and you build against everyone. obviously if in the middle of the fight you can combo the ad carry instead of the tank go for it.

your just like Lux, stay behind and dish damage.
when do you act like that?
1) your the only one that is not behind (everyone exept you lost lane)
2) your team is full AD and AND the enemy stacks armor (if they dont, better to act as assassin)
3) when you dont have ult up ( Flash doesn't count)


As an assassin, you have 1 target that is priority. You dont care from the rest of the enemy team , and your goal is to kill him and escape to safety.

when will you want to act as assassin?
1) The enemy have a key target that you need to take down, usually a hyper carry, a fed adc or a Master Yi.
2)the enemy laner is really good, and you understand that based of the laning phase.
in this case you want to do everything that you can to waste his time. Even if you jump on him and combo him with your Spirit Rush without successes, he will probably be low and will have to recall, denying him from roaming bot.

3)you are too weak ((or behind) and you feel that you have no overall damage. in this case there is no point to sit behind yor tanks and act as a mage, as you will deal low overall damage. you want to target the enemy adc or support (if the support is squishy).

you know these situations when before a 5 v 5 teamfight starts there is a "cold war", when everyone see everyone and no one starts a fight? (and after 1-2 min someone decides to engage)
in this situation you dont want to be seen. you want to hide behind a wall near your team and wait for your target patiently. never do this without checking for enemy wards!


ahri off support will not try to kill, rather peel for the team. you rush Rylai's Crystal Scepter as soon as you can. after that you pick Liandry's Torment.

when will you want to play off support?
1)when you fall behind (example 0/4) AND your adc is strong.
you will not try to kill anymore, but you will walk with the adc as much as you can and you will defend him. when he farms, you sit in a bush next to him.
its relevant more if you have hyper carry, and its obvious that he is strong and knows what he is doing.

pay attention if NO ONE wins his lane DONT NOT buy ryal's. if you all lose tthe lane you want to start to take huge risks, and you will need damage.
because if no lane is winning, no one will carry
this is standard rune page. if your a new Ahri, always pick this, the rest is irrelevante.

i tried not taking Electrocute many times, just to test other builds, for example picking main page sorcery and second page precision, just to have Manaflow Band and Presence of Mind together. it does work but Ahri is just too dependent on Luden's Tempest, so it doesn't worth it . because Ahri is very safe and versatile champion, she lacks damage (otherwise she would be op) and that's why she relies so heavily on Electrocute.
you can go Dark Harvest, i just personally dont like it on her. (unless its aram or URF, there always pick dark harvest)

Cheap Shot will trigger on e>q combo, and again, Ahri lacks damage, so we pick this. never take Taste of Blood, unless you know you will get poked very heavily (example Xerath Lucian Ziggs ). sudden impact looks good on paper, but think about it:
you dont have your Spirit Rush always but you will always have your Charm. so cheap shot will get proced more often.
next, it depends. if your gold of lower, pick eyeball collection, becuase there is more action in low divisions.
but as you climb the ranks, there will be less kills, because people do less mistakes, so ghost poro will be usually better.
i shift between the two depends on the moment.

lastly you'll want to choose between Ultimate Hunter and Ravenous Hunter.
Ultimate Hunter is just soo good on Ahri , because her ult completes her kit. without ult, Ahri is much like more Lux. A mage without escape, have small cc and damage. with ult, Ahri is more similar to Akali. you'll be looking to assassinate a target. and that's why she is mage - assassin.
even if you think that you'll not want to assassinate people and you want to play as a mage, your ult is your escape plan. so you will want to go with ultimate hunter most of the time.

if you see Vladimir , always go with Ravenous Hunter. its just ******** how much he heals, and his Transfusion is point and click, so you will match him (sort of) with this rune.
it is also worth to mention that Ravenous Hunter is good against Yasuo as well, because he tends to harass a lot.

if you are against heavy poke champion like Ziggs and you are bad in dodging you can pick Ravenous Hunter, but usually heavy poke champions such as Xerath, Ziggs, Orianna etc will have low\no mobility, and you will want ultimate hunter to catch and kill them. ahri is designed agisnt those champions.

one last thing about this tree, never ever pick Ravenous Hunter aginst Zed. it might look appealing on paper
because he pokes a lot and you think you will be able to heal his damge while he ults you but his ultimate is on lower cooldown then yours (i mean if both of you dont have runes and cd at all) and its critical that you will have your ult aginst him, because if you miss your charm when he ults you and you dont have your ult, you will probably die. in addition his ultimate gets to a ridiculous cooldown, less then 30 sec on late game (with runes and cd)

your second tree will most of the time be sorcery and sometimes will be presicion.


manaflow is great and the cooldown from transcendence is also very good on Ahri .

never pick scorch becuse it got nerfed alot and it cant beat 10% cooldown.

if you will face Veigar or LeBlanc you want to switch manaflow to nullifying orb, because they burst so fast. (always pick Nullifying Orb agisnt veigar).

when i know i will roam alot (becuase their bot have low mobility or i play with duo, for example) i will pick Waterwalking . overall its better then the 10% cdr.
think of it like that: more cdr vs more preaasure on the bot/ top

TLDR: Electrocute and Cheap Shot are must, the rest is dependent.
In game
Before i talk about matches, i want to write some basic stuff that you need to keep in mind. this is relevant not just for playing Ahri but for this game as whole.

Identifying who you are up against

It is your job to identify who you are facing. The better you will be in judging who you are facing, the better player you will be. you do not want to throw your abilities to the place the player is going to dodge, if he is bronze 5 and does not thinking about dodging. that's why the laning phase is so important.
Is he trying to dodge your stuff? he is comboing well his abilities? he played safe until now, why suddenly does he playing aggressive? (maybe his Lee Sin is hiding in a bush nearby)
it comes with experience. If you understand you are playing against smurf, you may want to change your tactics, right?

greed level

Everybody are greedy at some level. Some players are more greedy then other.
You have to remember this. I am generalizing here, but usually assassin players are more greedy then other players. why is that important? Its important because you can use it against them. The most classic example is that you know your jungler will gank you, so you lose trade by purpose, leaving yourself with 1/2 hp (make sure you have Flash or Spirit Rush to escape!). the enemy laner will start to think how he can finish you, and because he will be busy with that he will be less likely to think about your jungler.
of course its not that simple, and you can die but keep that in mind, its more handy then you might think.

Annoying the enemy

It is no secret that league of legends is a toxic game. and , you guessed it, you can use it for your advantage.
First of all, golden rule, if one enemy starts to flame his entier team, try to go gank him or take him down. this will tilt him more, and he will probably perfom worse, curse his teammates, or even rage quit.

I had this one game not long ago when the enemy had Kayn who started to flame, so i saved my vision trinket and went to his jungle and got red warded. once he went to red, i went to "gank top" at around level 7 (i made it look ovious so) and i killed kayn in his own red, stealing his red as well. He flamed more, and i asked from our jungle to invaide him. Instead of going back to base i shoved mid and went to a bush in his jungle, killing him again. because of that he rage quitted an we won the game.
Again, this stuff will not always work and is risky, but the more you do it, the better you will be. I want to mention that the Kayn player was really good, really.

mind games

Even if you are not LeBlanc , there are plenty of mind games that you can do.

lets start with juking. Sometimes the enemy will try to juke your abilities.
usually (myself included) players tend to juke in a certain way. Some juke to a certain side more often, some walk back, etc.

what you want to do in the laning phase, is to throw some q's on your enemy (when they try to last hit) and to observe how he react. This is EXTREMELY important as you are understanding the enemy in this way.
if he is dodging a lot.
lets say the enemy mid is really good at dodging, and your jungler comes for gank.
what you want to do is to get closer to the enemy and to not throw your abilities right away. wait 2-3 seconds and then throw your skillshots.

Getting camped

if you are getting camped, you should be happy.
now you are probably thinking wtf bar? r y stupide or something? if i am getting camped how am i gonna be able to carry?

As i said before you should always expect from your team mates to be ****ty.
and if they are ****, they will die to ganks.
if the enemy jugnler is camping you and he and the laner dont manage to kill you, you just wasted the junglers time
And it keeps pressure off your team mates. if you are able to hold 2 v 1 and not die your jungler can get free objectives or gank other lanes without worrying of counter ganks.

This is of course very hard as you are in disadvantage, but its really worth it after you become good. you just need to hold the line , shove the wave and poke the enemy laner
not to kill him. i love to look at, just to see that the enemy mid and jungler are premade, and then starting trash talking to them, while asking from my jungler to pressure other lanes.(I do NOT promote swearing by any means. Try to annoy them without cursing, beside cursing= ban)

let the wave to come to you, same emotes and keeping Spirit Rush ready to escape from a gank. Ask the ENEMY jungler to come to you, and try to waste his time.

General tips

-always assume your team mates are bad. With this mindset you will not get tilted, you will appreciate good team mates. Dont rely on your team i n the early game, and try to analyze who is good and you can work with, just like your trying to analyze the enemy midlaner.
- do not shove the wave mindlessly. if you want to ward\roam then sure, shove and leave. but you want to play near your tower
- Do not underestimate a weird pick. if you do not know what the enemy is trying to do, always assume he knows something that you dont know.
- some people love to hear music while playing, and its actually helping them to focus, while some cant and its distracting them, so try yourself!
- Might sound funny to you, but doing some sport will actually help you to be better league player. You dont need to be hardcore athlete, but running twice a week will not only keep you healthier, but increase your focus level and sleep quality , which will greatly help you to improve , especially in these corona days. Keep in mind this is only my opnion, im not an expert or something.

- Playing too much games will NOT help you to improve. how many? it depends on your focus level. i tend to lose it really fast, so im doing 3-4 RANKED games a day.
understand that this game is mentally hard. you need to watch the map, minions, when to poke your enemy, when to go in, what to buy, etc etc. thats why i think playing to much league in a day will not help you climb, as you will not play your best in all those 10 games that you play to day.

- just playing league will usually NOT help you climb. I know it sounds weired, but by just playing you will improve only mechanically, which is important, but there are a lot of subgects to improve on. You need to activly think when you are playing in order to improve, and not play on auto pilot.
here is a vid (not mine) that shows all these areas of skill

if your in a hurry and dont know what to build/you are new ahri, use the items and the runes that are in the top of this guide. these are general and will fit to most of the situations


Spoiler: Click to view

tldr: buy Lost Chapter and Stopwatch
because of that he will out damage you if you dont dodge his stuff
-he will always appear in fixed position (short video in spoiler)
-his level 1 is weak
-before 6 after he wastes Living Shadow you poke him WITHOUT Charm.
if he swap places with his Living Shadow then you have an easy Charm hit.
- it is easir to him to kill you, and he roams better then you


Spoiler: Click to view


ALWAYS separate your combo, so he cant block all of your spells together.
You can bait his Wind Wall, with Fox-Fire by pretending to going in but your just poking him with Fox-Fire. Then you engage on him in that window.


Spoiler: Click to view

start Boots and 4 Health Potion
Her advantage:
Better poke damage

Your advantags:
Better sustain (run Ravenous Hunter)
you can juke her combo with Spirit Rush


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Enemy key ability:
Q Dark Sphere + E Scatter the Weak (her stun)


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League of Legends Build Guide Author bar123k5
bar123k5 Ahri Guide
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S10 very long guide! Updated!

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