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Avoid taking too much damage after she has chapter and lvl 6, either sit back and farm and wait till sidelane, or try to freeze infront of your tower and setup ganks, by calling your jungler.
Impossible to shove against this champ after lvl 6, since she will just jump on you and oneshot you when you push, she will also win sidelane. Setup freeze and either ask for jungle ganks or farm it out. mid and late game, catch sidewaves (kill the wave when its shoved to you and try to teamfight.
Impossible to kill in lane unless you hit her with with an r, very hard to hit q's on and she has a lot of burst damage, in this matchup you sit back and try and farm to outscale her, either you win in sidelane by ulting her or you teamfight.
very simple matchup, you win lane and win sidelane, the only thing you have to watch out for, is not getting too low so that you can die to his charged e flash into second charge q and ignite (this can also be amplified by using his r)
Very easy to win against and kill if you're playing Cassiopeia top, or when u're in sidelane as midlaner or in teamfight.
This matchup is fairly easy, the only thing you have to look out for is her charm, you can go barrier or cleanse into this, cleanse securing that you wont get cced, on the other hand, barrier blocks some of the burst, it is really up to what you prefer.
very easy to play against, you just have to make sure to freeze the lane on her, not waste ur r on her while she is activating her r and to not fight too early
Very easy to punish in lane, freeze the wave and call a jungler, just dont let him scale too hard (like any other game). Like most mele matchups, he has to jump into you to actually do proper damage which lines it perfectly up with r w combo.
Playing against syndra is very hard, since you have to catch her off guard or she has to fuck up so hard to die in lane, try to freeze the wave infront of ur tower and call for jungle ganks (i know i say this a lot but it is very important for Cassiopeias laning.) try to farm out this lane and call for jungle assistance, a Nul-Magic Mantel helps you greatly in this matchup.
Ryze has to come into r range to use his combo, which gives you the perfect chance to you ur ultimate or return fire with ur other abilities. Ryze can't just straight run you down or burst you down like syndra or leblanc, which makes it a pleasant laning experience aswell.
yone is known for not having the strongest lane phase, which is why he is mostly going fleet, going tear into seekers armguard with barrier makes it nearly impossible to die and allows you to scale up.
Xerath is a very hard lane, you have to be able to dodge a lot his skillshots and try to freeze infront of ur tower, and farm up till you can go onto sidelane, where you can hide in a bush and catch him off guard. The only ways of killing him in lane is freezing infront of ur tower and hope he steps too far up when your jungler is around, or if u catch him of guard with a flash ult.
ekko has apparently not had the easiest transition from season 10 to 11, and is very weak at the moment - the only way ekko can trade with you is by proccing his passive with double q and e, or having gotten super fed of roaming and now runs you down.
Velkoz long range, burst and safe laning followed up by likely flash barrier or flash cleanse, makes laning against him impossible and the only chance of a kill, is if you freeze and he walks too far up when your jungler is around, since he is an imobile mage.
Talon is a super free lane for Cassiopeia since he has to come mele to trade, and if you can wirthstand his damage, (with for an example: seekers and a tear + barrier) then you can run him down afterwards. The fact that he has to q you to do any real damage , sets up the perfect chance for you to get a good ult off, and if he doesnt have ult, then u've got urself a freekill and a free scaling lane. The only chance talon has to kill you is if he gets disgustingly fed from roaming, so be sure to ping ur sidelanes missing.
Somewhat even lane, which ofc means its a hard skillmatchup, and both champs have a very hard time killing eachother early game, while both scaling super well, going cleanse in this matchup to just run through the cage, will definitely give you the edge, and you will hard win on sidelane later on.
Zed vs Cassiopeia is a super skilldepended matchup, which of cause means its a skillmatchup, and the one that gets the lead will sure hardwin. Going seekers and barrier will for sure help you.
Even tho its double ap (AP mid and AP jungle) the lockdown potential with a jungle who has a stun and burst, is exstreamly good with Cassiopeia, since it makes it easy to hit q and follow up and layer cc (w and r)
Having a frontline when play front to back teamfights AND having cc (stuns and slows) AND can use that cc to engage, it creates the perfect fight for Cassiopeia, where she can follow up and layer her cc and hit her q's, while having protection from the frontline
Any frontline engage is super nice for Cassiopeia since it allows her to follow up and dash out damage safely. Champs like Malphite, Chogath, Zac, Mega Gnar, Sion ext. is pretty good at this.
Having a Pantheon support, roaming up and dealing nearly 50% of your opponents damage, while allowing you to follow up with ur combo is an amazing feeling and rarely fails to secure a kill.
Nunu & Willump
Any type of tank junglers with cc is pretty nice, especially when also having a good engage tool (Nunu w) since it allows for some easy kills while ganking, even tho lacking a bit in damage till lvl 6.
Bard, even tho not a engage tank, he has some amazing synergy with Cassiopeia, both because of his stun and damage, allowing cassio to followup, but also because of bards ultimate, which can greatly (with Cassiopeia w and r combo) win a teamfight before anyone has even taken damage.
Ad junglers, like Khazix and Rengar provides some divercity in damage (AP Midlaner and AD Jungler) so that the enemy can't just itemize mr, however they dont provide much synergy with any stuns or anything for Cassiopeia to catchup - none the less they do a GREAT deal of damage themselves and can work really well in 2v2 early game (if 1 target is focused).
After collection a bit of mana as Cassiopeia, this duo can sit in enemy jungle and win the pressure of the pure 2v2 potential they have. The e slow and burst damage, from the Kindred e is very with Cassiopeia is very underrated.
Even tho not having a real stun, and being a none tank toplaner, Camille can be really great to play with as Cassiopeia both in lane, where she pushes her lane out and roams down to ur lane, where she closes in with e, then r onto ur opponent where you follow up by using w or r for a nearly 100% lockdown kill, but also in teamfights to lockdown the enemy carry (a fed jungler, midlaner or adc). It is not a Malphite or Bard ult for 3-4 people, but its a deadly singletarget combo to the enemy carry.
Ashe being one of the only adcs, having a nice picktool/engage, which allows Cassiopeia to catch up and layer cc to a single target.
Graves doesnt really provide much when ganking, and doesnt really have much to offer Cassiopeia, because of the lack of cc and single target burstdamage, when ganking (unlike Khazix and Rengar to put it in perspective)
Like Ashe, Varus has a picktool that allows Cassiopeia to catchup, and layer cc - but unlike Ashe's r, it is not super longrange.
Lee Sin
Even tho its double ap (AP mid and AP jungle) the lockdown potential with a jungle who has a stun and burst, is exstreamly good with Cassiopeia, since it makes it easy to hit q and follow up and layer cc (w and r)
Having a frontline when play front to back teamfights AND having cc (stuns and slows) AND can use that cc to engage, it creates the perfect fight for Cassiopeia, where she can follow up and layer her cc and hit her q's, while having protection from the frontline
Any frontline engage is super nice for Cassiopeia since it allows her to follow up and dash out damage safely. Champs like Malphite, Chogath, Zac, Mega Gnar, Sion ext. is pretty good at this.
Having a Pantheon support, roaming up and dealing nearly 50% of your opponents damage, while allowing you to follow up with ur combo is an amazing feeling and rarely fails to secure a kill.
Nunu & Willump
Any type of tank junglers with cc is pretty nice, especially when also having a good engage tool (Nunu w) since it allows for some easy kills while ganking, even tho lacking a bit in damage till lvl 6.
Bard, even tho not a engage tank, he has some amazing synergy with Cassiopeia, both because of his stun and damage, allowing cassio to followup, but also because of bards ultimate, which can greatly (with Cassiopeia w and r combo) win a teamfight before anyone has even taken damage.
Ad junglers, like Khazix and Rengar provides some divercity in damage (AP Midlaner and AD Jungler) so that the enemy can't just itemize mr, however they dont provide much synergy with any stuns or anything for Cassiopeia to catchup - none the less they do a GREAT deal of damage themselves and can work really well in 2v2 early game (if 1 target is focused).
After collection a bit of mana as Cassiopeia, this duo can sit in enemy jungle and win the pressure of the pure 2v2 potential they have. The e slow and burst damage, from the Kindred e is very with Cassiopeia is very underrated.
Even tho not having a real stun, and being a none tank toplaner, Camille can be really great to play with as Cassiopeia both in lane, where she pushes her lane out and roams down to ur lane, where she closes in with e, then r onto ur opponent where you follow up by using w or r for a nearly 100% lockdown kill, but also in teamfights to lockdown the enemy carry (a fed jungler, midlaner or adc). It is not a Malphite or Bard ult for 3-4 people, but its a deadly singletarget combo to the enemy carry.
Ashe being one of the only adcs, having a nice picktool/engage, which allows Cassiopeia to catch up and layer cc to a single target.
Graves doesnt really provide much when ganking, and doesnt really have much to offer Cassiopeia, because of the lack of cc and single target burstdamage, when ganking (unlike Khazix and Rengar to put it in perspective)
Like Ashe, Varus has a picktool that allows Cassiopeia to catchup, and layer cc - but unlike Ashe's r, it is not super longrange.
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