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Runes: HOB Main Build
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Vision loss, DR buff with stacked E, 2 auto hits and youre dead when hes fed. Ask your allies to help if you go into his jungle and try to make his life worse.
Champion Build Guide
Jungle Start
Start at raptors with 3 boxes, they die in 4-5 seconds and youre lvl 2. Now you can do one of the following steps:
1. Go to your enemy blue buff and steal it with smite, if hes still there doing it and you have warded the area. Use oracle lense to see if they warded, if they did leave... otherwise go forward and jump over the wall with the plant -> smite it -> leave with q Most wont smite it at lvl 1 because they prepare it for other buffs you might invade, otherwise bruh.
2. Go and take his blue buff and gromp to get lvl 3.
3. Leave him alone and take your camps.
Note: Its a safe way to keep your buffs. For example if you mess up and die while trying to steal, your enemy will go to your red and steal it but then you can go to his red and steal it aswell or if he wont steal it, you still have your blue and red to take. It will take him a while to get to his red so you have enough time doing it. I really hope you dont have that many tryhards that give their jungler fulltime support like warding his buffs, leaving lane to join for assistance etc.
1. Go to your enemy blue buff and steal it with smite, if hes still there doing it and you have warded the area. Use oracle lense to see if they warded, if they did leave... otherwise go forward and jump over the wall with the plant -> smite it -> leave with q Most wont smite it at lvl 1 because they prepare it for other buffs you might invade, otherwise bruh.
2. Go and take his blue buff and gromp to get lvl 3.
3. Leave him alone and take your camps.
Note: Its a safe way to keep your buffs. For example if you mess up and die while trying to steal, your enemy will go to your red and steal it but then you can go to his red and steal it aswell or if he wont steal it, you still have your blue and red to take. It will take him a while to get to his red so you have enough time doing it. I really hope you dont have that many tryhards that give their jungler fulltime support like warding his buffs, leaving lane to join for assistance etc.
Small Info for ya
This "Guide" more like build is just my build how i play and build Shaco. Im a Shaco main and love tilting enemies by making their life worse. Thats the most efficient way for me to do it. Its up to you how you value my build or my thoughts but im a silver and like to stay there because its way funnier on the low ground causing trouble than living a stressful life in the higher society. I dont play much rankeds (mostly the rank in games) because im enjoying the game instead of tryharding for a rank that has no value at all. You can call me an idiot or whatever, who cares. You probably call me hardstuck now but i can assure you, im a hardchill silver lmao.
Have fun tilting your enemies. Enjoy it as long as they still can respond in chat.
Have fun tilting your enemies. Enjoy it as long as they still can respond in chat.
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