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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Way of the Wanderer (PASSIVE)
Yasuo Passive Ability
. Strong early game
. Mid-game = 100% CRIT
. Scales very well into late game
. Passive shield helps with staying alive, even through overcommitting
. Very mobile when around minions
. If you get ahead, you typically stay ahead
. VERY difficult to master
. Immobile when there are no minions nearby
. VERY item dependent (he doesn't begin to snowball until Shiv is completed)
. If you fall behind, you very rarely come back
. Strong early game
. Mid-game = 100% CRIT
. Scales very well into late game
. Passive shield helps with staying alive, even through overcommitting
. Very mobile when around minions
. If you get ahead, you typically stay ahead
. VERY difficult to master
. Immobile when there are no minions nearby
. VERY item dependent (he doesn't begin to snowball until Shiv is completed)
. If you fall behind, you very rarely come back
Trade with a basic attack, fully stacked Sweeping Blade by ensuring you last hit with it without taking damage if possible, Steel Tempest use Sweeping Blade on a minion to get out, and if you had your shield up, you should instantly win the trade by at most taking maybe one ability, and an auto attack. Use Steel Tempest stacks to deny the enemy from farming or getting close.
All in combo: Sweeping Blade Steel Tempest with full stacks, auto attack, Last Breath Steel Tempest basic attack, and use Sweeping Blade if they're still somehow not dead to finish them off. Ignite should be thrown somewhere in there, use common sense when to use it.
You should also note, that if you land a Steel Tempest tornado from the distance, you will have enough time to be able to Sweeping Blade Steel Tempest combo just as they land still Last Breath your target, this ensures maximum damage.
This is the guide guys,i hope you enjoyed and the guide is helpfull to you. Some chapters i pick from other guide like the ''Combo/Trading'' Because
I like it,its very useful and well written. The credits go to Autoswitched,here is the link of his build THANKS EVERYBODYYYYY!
I like it,its very useful and well written. The credits go to Autoswitched,here is the link of his build THANKS EVERYBODYYYYY!
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