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Runes: Early game snowballing meta
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Blue smite
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Dream-Laden Bough (PASSIVE)
Lillia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
I'm adding these as I go.
Champion Build Guide
Sup ya sloots? I'm Chevy and here's my Lillia guide. I'm an Evelynn one trick that kinda fell at first sight with Lillia after release. I started playing LoL about a year-ish ago and have hit plat-low diamond during that time. I have climbed several accounts from silver to diamond so a lot of my tips are meant to help anything diamond and below.
To my surprise, I've noticed there isn't much help on Lillia on here. So here's my attempt on adding what I know while also playing her much more than ever and figuring out more stuff. Anyways, below on the rest of the intro I will add any updates I make to the guide:
To my surprise, I've noticed there isn't much help on Lillia on here. So here's my attempt on adding what I know while also playing her much more than ever and figuring out more stuff. Anyways, below on the rest of the intro I will add any updates I make to the guide:
Pick a jungle path!
Lillia has some of the best and most versatile clears in the game. Here are some of her unique jungle pathing:
1. Starting top side raptors. As you can see, with some kiting and practice you can start leash-less with topside raptors and remain healthy all throughout while finishing 5 camps at 3.15. Something not seen on this video is that you can also pull gromp and blue buff together and do them both together.
2. Starting enemies raptors. Lillia, although hyperscaling as the game goes, can also be a pretty big bully in the jungle. That along the fact that she has some of the best raptor clears in the game (12 seconds) make starting enemy raptors viable as long as your team backs up your invade. This allows you to split the map efficiently in case you prefer to play one side of the map more. As seen in this video, it also pressures and sets you up for a quick level 2-3 gank mid.
Besides these 2 unique paths, you of course can also start any buff with a leash and finish 6 jungle camps at around 3.15. It's important to practice and improve on Lillia's kiting while clearing so that you can clear at 3.15 (scuttle spawn) pretty healthy.
Jungle pathing wins or loses games. One of Lillia's biggest strengths is her flexibility and efficiency in clearing which can make tracking her pretty unpredictable.
1. Starting top side raptors. As you can see, with some kiting and practice you can start leash-less with topside raptors and remain healthy all throughout while finishing 5 camps at 3.15. Something not seen on this video is that you can also pull gromp and blue buff together and do them both together.
2. Starting enemies raptors. Lillia, although hyperscaling as the game goes, can also be a pretty big bully in the jungle. That along the fact that she has some of the best raptor clears in the game (12 seconds) make starting enemy raptors viable as long as your team backs up your invade. This allows you to split the map efficiently in case you prefer to play one side of the map more. As seen in this video, it also pressures and sets you up for a quick level 2-3 gank mid.
Besides these 2 unique paths, you of course can also start any buff with a leash and finish 6 jungle camps at around 3.15. It's important to practice and improve on Lillia's kiting while clearing so that you can clear at 3.15 (scuttle spawn) pretty healthy.
Jungle pathing wins or loses games. One of Lillia's biggest strengths is her flexibility and efficiency in clearing which can make tracking her pretty unpredictable.
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