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1 Why do some masters/GMs/Challs take conqueror with elise?
2.Why do some people go red smite?
Thank you!
Luv Shacnedo ^^
But I have a few questions regarding the items.
So is Night Harvester against squishys, and Liandris against Tanks?
And why do you still prioritise Morellos so heavily, it doesn't give you magic penetration anymore, right?
And at what point in my itemization should I build the mythic item? Always first?
These mew items are overwhelming me a little bit. Pls help xD
Hope you all have a great day!
thanks for your feedback.
So is Night Harvester against squishys, and Liandris against Tanks?
Liandry's Anguish passive: UNIQUE – TORMENT: Dealing ability damage burns enemies, causing them to take「 60 (+ 10% AP) (+ 4% target's maximum health) magic damage over 4 seconds 」and the user to ignore 3% of their magic resistance, increasing by 3% per second over 4 seconds, up to 15%.
This passive deals a lot of damage against tanks due to burning the enemies max. health. It will ignore 3% of their magic resistance which is way more effective against tanks (3% from 60mr (squishy target) =1,8 per second --> 7,2 after 4 seconds , against tanks it will be 15% at max. for sure) (same for the enemy max. health).
Night Harvester gives you a lot more burst. My way of playing Elise is to catch someone out of position. Imgaine the dmg output from this Item (175 − 250 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) bonus magic damage) + Electrocute + Elise abilities. There is like no way to survive this. If they will survive somehow you get 25% increased movement speed for 1,5 seconds so you can chase them down easily.
And why do you still prioritise Morellos so heavily, it doesn't give you magic penetration anymore, right?
I updated the guide before i replied to your questions. I think morellos is still a nice item because it gives you ap and hp. Elise is squishy and you dont want to be a oneshot.
Against healing from the enemy team you should still build it.
If there is no healing from the enemy team i think Rylai's is the better choice at this point. It gives you more Hp and AP and it only costs 500 gold more than morellos. Its gold efficiency is 96% compared to morellos which has 86% Rylai's is the better item. If they didnt remove the magic pen aspect Morellos would be better. The slow of rylais will give you a lot more opportunities to get some kills or to get away from death. Just try it and you will see what i mean.
And at what point in my itemization should I build the mythic item? Always first?
Tbh i would go for Rylais / Morellos. Followed by Zhonyas (against heavy ad damage) or Void Staff (If you are ahead and they have some tanks). After that i would build Void Staff or Zhonyas depends on what you build as second item if you are behind. If you are ahead i would go for the mythic item.
I hope this will help you :)
hope you have a nice day :)