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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Sakuritou

Middle [Season 14] Sakuritou Challenger Rank 1 Cho'Gath World Guide

Middle [Season 14] Sakuritou Challenger Rank 1 Cho'Gath World Guide

Updated on September 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sakuritou Build Guide By Sakuritou 253 22 697,416 Views 16 Comments
253 22 697,416 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sakuritou Cho'Gath Build Guide By Sakuritou Updated on September 19, 2024
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oyunup31 | March 24, 2023 11:41am
RandomNPC777 (4) | March 24, 2023 11:12am
The build is incredible, and there's so much information here. However, I don't think it's very visually striking, some bbcode might help? Bbcode is a huge time commitment though, and I understand if you don't wanna do it just because you don't wanna do it. Incredible amount of workable information, and your formatting is very strong.
Sakuritou (1) | March 24, 2023 11:39am
Honestly, you are very right, i have absolutely no clue how to use BBCode tho lmao
RandomNPC777 (4) | March 24, 2023 1:41pm
If your beginning with bbcode I recommend this BBcode guide by the wiki and this Making a Guide Guide by jhoijhoi
ThirstyTurtle42 | January 8, 2023 9:13pm
First time I tried this build, I went 16/0/11 and got S+. It also got me to mastery 5. THANK YOU!!!!!
Sakuritou (1) | January 8, 2023 10:58pm
Ay, that's my boy! Now onto Mastery 7! c:

If you have any questions about anything regarding the Build/Champ, feel free to ask me on discord or while im streaming in chat :3
Copperzpeiralloy | December 3, 2022 5:01am
Hey wanted to thank you for your guide I just got back into league and to my surprise runes were totally different from what I remember I played in 2011 and just back on my original account! Wanted to say thanks for the really helpful guide and congratulations on you skills
Sakuritou (1) | December 5, 2022 12:40pm
Thanks! I appreciate the kind words, must be crazy for someone playing back in 2011 to come back after so many changes.

Feel free to ask me anything on my stream, if you want advices or help with anything :3
Diogenes | November 21, 2022 8:12am
Since when you are clasified like the best Cho in the world, when that title belongs to BaLoRi?
doctordoggo420 | November 21, 2022 11:54am
balori peaked d4 on NA 💀💀
Sakuritou (1) | November 21, 2022 11:00am
Well i got 900 LP Challenger with 95% of those games being on Cho while Balori has peaked in around Mid-Diamond. No hate towards balori but i'd say im better.
TTVXiralid (3) | February 26, 2023 10:38am
Sakuritou wrote:
Well i got 900 LP Challenger with 95% of those games being on Cho while Balori has peaked in around Mid-Diamond. No hate towards balori but i'd say im better.

It took 3 years for me to find a fellow Cho who does not pretend to be rank 1. The fact is Balori has had "rank 1 cho" in his titles for years now when hes hardstuck diamond. Its obvious hes using it for clickbait OR simply because his ego wont allow him to remove it from the titles
Diogenes | November 22, 2022 2:40am
He can easily approve his elo, but because he is conent creator as well, he can think about how is it worthy to his viewers to watch persistent toxicity in Diamond elo and how many trolls is here. Nobody want to watch persistent negativity and trolls and carry imbecils what are using only one of their hemisphere. Thats why I´m not even playing ranked. Because apes what have serious braindamage are allowed to own PC and play online games to ruin other´s fun. Above Diamond its not different. Idiots what when they are not getting their favorite lanes or when someone disagree with them are flaming trolling on purpose or they have no idea what to build and then complain about champions they know **** about. And even then. Tank Cho? Can you tell me one ability what is benefiting from being a tank? Cho is tank as he is. Tank Cho is just a meat ball and when someone loose against tank Cho... then he should reconsider his game knowladges. He is scaling with AP crazyli good and there is no reason to play him as a tank. Same with Urgot for example. Why the hell someone play Urgot as a tank? He is assassin just like Cho. When you have to depend on tank items with assassin then there something really wrong. Or you think tank Soraka is good idea? Or Kha´Zix? Or should I play AP Jhin? Same stupid builds over and over. Any time I´m playing against tank Cho I´m laughing. And even more when he has ABSOLUTELY NO DAMAGE AT ALL. His Q? Non-existent. His E? Non-existent. His W? Oh my... Non-existent as well. You have to wait till someone or early jungler, set enemy´s health bar to the amount of health required by your R to execute him. Any tank Cho is just a meatball. Especially when I´m picking Urgot against him. Botrk is tearing tank Cho apart. Sett is making himself laugh being against tank Cho. Real dangerous Cho is full magic pen version. Most of the tanks are not able to survive against full magic pen Cho.
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Adamikcz2 (6) | March 9, 2022 5:48am
The build itself looks pretty amazing, but I was wandering if you think the HoB runes are playable toplane or if I should stick with the good old full tank grasp.
Sakuritou (1) | March 19, 2022 2:01am
Adamikcz2 wrote:
The build itself looks pretty amazing, but I was wandering if you think the HoB runes are playable toplane or if I should stick with the good old full tank grasp.

Yes it works! If you go full tank, go grasp. If you go for my ap tank or ap build on toplane, it works perfectly c:
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[Season 14] Sakuritou Challenger Rank 1 Cho'Gath World Guide

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