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Her high range and early damage output make it quite hard for you to farm safely. A good Cait can make your laning phase really hard, so just max Q and try to get as much free farm as you can before spiking in midgame.
Tough to deal with both as support, she can poke you from afar while staying relatively healthy and her invisibility is tough to deal with. Caitlyn+Senna is the hardest lane you can get.
Second hardest support to deal with, her engage is pretty strong and if she's good, she won't let you E away. Play safe and try to poke her with Qs and fast trades. Dodging her E and R is essential if you want to win.
Similar to Leona, Nautilus can be a real threat. Don't even think of approaching the wave when he's paired with a strong early game ADC, since you will most likely either die or blow summs. Hide behind minions to avoid his Q and use FFW to run away from his R.
For some it's the hardest matchup, but since his range is smaller than other ADCs, he can't bully you as hard. Just be careful when fighting him early.
Similar to Caitlyn, he outranges you quite hard in the first few levels because of his green gun. He is easier to take down than her because his lower mobility, so you can take advantage of that with a hard engage support.
Kaisa usually has a similar buildpath to yours, but her burst is higher and her kit is a bit better. If you manage to put her behind early though, you will have a big advantage till midgame.
Miss Fortune
Strong early game champions are usually hard to deal with for Quinn, get a few points into Q early to farm easier. As long as you go even in lane, you will spike better than her.
Mostly a skill matchup, if you manage to abuse him early with your support, you will win. If you go even or he gets ahead, he will spike sooner because he can stack Manamune faster.
Pyke can be hard to deal with because of his high mobility. With a strong adc, he might force you away from farm, but his E is the hardest thing to deal with. You can cancel it with Vault, but it is really hard to do and mostly ends with you jumping into the enemy adc instead.
Probably the strongest enchanter to play against. Her disengage ability makes it really hard to stick to her and her W poke can be annoying. Invest some points into Q and poke her back if you can.
Her W is the same as Janna's and she has better sustain. Her disengage is a bit worse because of her Q, so make sure to dodge that.
A good Ashe can be a pain, especially when paired with an engage support, but you can take advantage of your faster combo with AA-Q-AA to outtrade her.
His early game power is nothing to sneeze at, especially when paired with a good support, however you can use his low range to your advantage and cancel his ult with your E, so he becomes a bit more manageable.
She can be deceptively strong early, but if you hit your Q, you can screw her up pretty badly in trades. Also, timing your E to allign with her E can negate that spell entirely.
Her rockets can be difficult to deal with, but you can collapse on her easily as long as you dodge her traps.
Her E can make it hard to approach waves. You might have to concede early lane against her, but if you have an engage support with you, you can all-in her without much difficulties.
Yuumi's biggest strength is how annoying she is. Her poke is decent and her E can turn a fight. You can deny her W with your E though, so make sure to abuse that window.
Soraka is similar to Yuumi in that she is mostly annoying. You can, however, abuse her low mobility and squishines, so make sure to focus her as much as you can.
A weaker version of Janna. She can make it hard to kill people, but she can't poke as well. Lulu with a hyper carry can be nasty though.
Thresh can be kited easily with FFW. He can try to walk up with E, so just watch out for that so you don't accidentaly use yours too soon. Otherwise, dodge his Q and you should be fine.
His bombs are hard to deal with and his ult can be gamechanging, but he is really squishy and vulnerable to CC.
Jhin needs a good support with him in order to beat you. On his own, he can't really bully you early outside his 4th shot. He is low mobility and your Q can win you trades on its own.
A pretty easy matchup, you can cancel her W if you time your E right, and she generally wont be able to do much early. Your Q also does a lot against her.
Can be annoying early, but her insane squishiness and lack of mobility make it easy to pick on her.
Easily kiteable and you can poke him out in lane. His E can be annoying, but it's no big deal.
Dodge her Q and you're fine. You should be able to outrun her ult with FFW and passive.
As long as you dodge his Q, he is completely harmless to you.
Yuumi is pretty much the ideal support for you, you can roam together, she helps you survive laning phase, she can poke and she makes you faster. What more can you want?
I put Senna here mostly because she is so strong right now. Her laning power is absurd, so your time with her on lane will be that much easier.
She can poke and help you shove, her E makes you giga fast. If you can't get the other two top tiers, you want Karma.
Pretty much a knock-off version of Yuumi, she provides a bit more CC than her and her E is probably the single best spell for you.
You really can't go wrong with Soraka, she is the same as Yuumi and Nami in that her sustain helps you a lot.
Similar to Senna, without the added utlity. His poke can help you outlast enemy bot.
Same as Vel'Koz really.
A pretty good all-rounder, requires a melee support in the enemy team otherwise you'll be outranged heavily.
Leona is an alright support, and you can all-in people much better with her, but she doesn't provide you with any sustain in lane.
A decent all-rounder. His pick potential can help you turn around lanes while his lantern can help you avoid ganks and fights.
Early roaming supports generally don't work with Quinn that well. You are already at your weakest point in the early game and having to play 1v2 doesn't help that.
Braum isn't terrible, you can just do much better than him. He requires your pressence in order to create a solid pick, unlike Thresh or Leona.
Just get Thresh instead.
Just get Leona instead.
Yuumi is pretty much the ideal support for you, you can roam together, she helps you survive laning phase, she can poke and she makes you faster. What more can you want?
I put Senna here mostly because she is so strong right now. Her laning power is absurd, so your time with her on lane will be that much easier.
She can poke and help you shove, her E makes you giga fast. If you can't get the other two top tiers, you want Karma.
Pretty much a knock-off version of Yuumi, she provides a bit more CC than her and her E is probably the single best spell for you.
You really can't go wrong with Soraka, she is the same as Yuumi and Nami in that her sustain helps you a lot.
Similar to Senna, without the added utlity. His poke can help you outlast enemy bot.
Same as Vel'Koz really.
A pretty good all-rounder, requires a melee support in the enemy team otherwise you'll be outranged heavily.
Leona is an alright support, and you can all-in people much better with her, but she doesn't provide you with any sustain in lane.
A decent all-rounder. His pick potential can help you turn around lanes while his lantern can help you avoid ganks and fights.
Early roaming supports generally don't work with Quinn that well. You are already at your weakest point in the early game and having to play 1v2 doesn't help that.
Braum isn't terrible, you can just do much better than him. He requires your pressence in order to create a solid pick, unlike Thresh or Leona.
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