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Recommended Items
Runes: AD Shaco Jungle - Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Fiddle W will reveal you and continues to cast if you are still in range when you Q. His W will also show when you are nearby. Try to cheese him by warding the enemy topside jg at the start of the game. Take red buff, krugs, and gromp then invade his red (if he started blue,) or take gromp, red buff, and krugs then invade his blue (if he started red.) This may allow you to cheese a kill on him and break his clearing pattern.
Exceptional roam potential.
Exceptional roam potential.
Champion Build Guide
Red buff is crucial to Shaco and is important to his ganking power, if bluebuff is botside you may want to start top. However, if your support is playing a champion like Nautilus or if your ADC is playing Jhin or Ashe it may still work out and even surprise the enemy botlane if you start blue and gank bot level 3.
If botlane is a low priority lane such as Ezreal Janna look to gank mid with level 3 and red buff then head toplane, or vice versa.
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