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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Hello MOBAfire readers and welcome to my
Shaco Guide. I am "Oppocaliptic" and I made this guide after getting a very good idea on how to play him. I have played 150+ Games with Shaco and have put a lot of effort into this guide, I hope you enjoy.
My Opinion on
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Most would say that death isn't funny. It isn't, unless you're Shaco - then it's hysterical. He is Valoran's first fully functioning homicidal comic; he jests until someone dies, and then he laughs. The figure that has come to be known as the Demon Jester is an enigma. No one fully agrees from whence he came, and Shaco never offers any details on his own. A popular belief is that Shaco is not of Runeterra - that he is a thing summoned from a dark and twisted world. Still others believe that he is the demonic manifestation of humanity's dark urges and therefore cannot be reasoned with. The most plausible belief is that Shaco is an assassin for hire, left to his own lunatic devices until his services are needed. Shaco certainly has proven himself to be a cunning individual, evading authorities at every turn who might seek him for questioning for some horrendous, law-breaking atrocity. While such scuttlebutt might reassure the native inhabitants of Valoran, it seems unimaginable that such a malfeasant figure is allowed to remain at large. Whatever the truth of his history might be, Shaco has joined the League of Legends for reasons only he knows. He is a terrifying figure, typically shunned by both his fellow champions and the media at large. Only the summoners in the Institute of War know why such a creature was allowed into the League, but most Runeterrans suspect it to be a means that allows the power that be to keep an eye on the ever-elusive Shaco. Unsurprisingly, this champion is popular in places where madness can openly reign, such as among the power-hungry summoners of Zaun and Noxus. Whatever you do, don't tell him you missed the punch line. |
![]() + // Tier 1 Jungler + // High Mobility + // Great Ganking Strength + // Excels Early Game + // Perma-Slow with ![]() + // Very Versatile Kit + // Pushing Strenth with ![]() + // Can Take out Carries Easily in Team Fights + // Allows Teammate to Win Lane (Successful Ganks) |
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![]() - // Squishy - // Item Dependent - // Wears Down Late Game - // Difficult to Master - // Oracles is a Great Counter - // Often Banned in Draft / Ranked - // Susceptible to CC (Quicksilver Sash) - // Melee Champion - // Did I say Squishy? |
This is my most used Mastery Page. The 21 points in the Offensive Tree is used to greatly increase your jungling and ganking strenth. I put 9 points in the Defensive Tree instead of Utility to help you maintain your HP while counter-jungling. Now, the 4 Points in![](/images/spacer.png)
This Mastery Page is for my Tanky-DPS Build (Build #2). I take 9 Points in the Offensive Tree for the 10% Armor Penn from![](/images/spacer.png)
This Mastery Page is for Dominion. The 21 Points in the Offensive Tree is too greatly boost my Ability Power and Magic Dmg. Your boxes will hit like a truck and by lvl 18 you will have 22 Ability Power added from![](/images/spacer.png)
Strong Ganks and Fast Jungle
greater Mark of Desolation: I take 6 Mark's of Desolation for the Armor Penn it provides. This helps you deal good damage even if they stack armor.
(Remember if early armor penn fits you better, than make sure to take 3 greater quintessence of desolation for stronger Dmg. output vs. those beefy enemies).
greater Mark of Desolation: For my Off-tank build I take 9 Marks of Desolation for the increased damage throughout the game. You can trade these for 9
greater quintessence of Desolation: 1 Quint of Desolation coupled by your marks is more than enough. Your damage output will get a nice boost versus those nasty armor stackers.
Fastest Jungle Route/CDR
greater Mark of Desolation: I take 9 of these marks to slice right through armor. Since most solo top champs are off-tank, for this build, I take armor penn to do as much damage as possible. You can trade these for 9
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Other Viable Spells:
Ability Sequence Order
Our first priority is going to be
Next comes
Ahh, the beautiful and hated Jax in the Box is the next ability we decide to max. Each level increases the time the enemy champion is feared aswell as again the damage dealt. We want to be using these to disrupte team fights so the longer the fear the better it is.
Lastly we have
Shaco's Abilities
- All your skills except
Jack In The Box, item actives, and the clone from
Hallucinate will be affected by
Tips and Tricks
- To jump over almost any obstacle, before you cast the spell, have the circle go over the half point of the wall and you can
Deceive over it. [Thx to Teodur for Tip]
- When trying to escape from someone and there isen't a wall nearby, simply
Deceive behind them. 99.9% of the time they will continue to chase forward as your recalling in a bush behind them.
- If you are 1v1 an enemy champ and you are both at low health,
Deceive behind them and hit them to proc the bonus damage from your passive and the ability.
Tips and Tricks
- Use
Jack In The Box to ward for your teammates and protect them from ganks [Check Warding Section]
- When going in for a gank, place a box where the enemy is likely to run for the fear proc. You can also use this to cut off an enemies escape route when chasing.
- Place a box infront of you to fear the enemy chasing.
- When jungling, the neutral camps only aggro the boxes if you are FURTHUR away from the camp then the boxes are.
- Make sure to smart-cast
Jack In The Box. Go into Key Bindings and scroll down till you see smart casting.
Tips and Tricks
- Always save your active as the last skill to use when engaging 1v1 or ganking.
- If the opponent is facing away from you and you use the active,
Backstab procs and it will deal 20% bonus damage.
- Use smart-cast for this ability. It will take a few games to get used to, but I assure you, you won't go back.
Tips and Tricks
- Hold down the Alt key while right clicking to move your clone.
- When activating this spell, you disappear from the map for around 1 second. What does this mean? Lets say you just killed your foe but he places an ignite on you and your sure of dying, cast
Hallucinate and you can remove one dot of ignite.
- This also means casting your ult enables you to evade every single damage dealing ult or skill [Except AoE]. For ex:
Caitlyn just used
Ace in the Hole on you, if you time it correctly [And don't get me wrong, it's difficult] you can survive. Works for champs like
- If you ping
Shaco before he ults, the ping Mark will stay on top of the real
Core Items
Congratulations, your Core build is now complete!
Your Final build Needs to Have atleast 1 Defensive Item! Please always remember that. Don't always take the build above but learn to adapt from what your enemies are building.
Recovery Build!:
This for when the game is not going your way and you are behind on gold, xp, and are just getting killed constantly.
Get Gold/10 Items and get them fast!
1) Finish your
2) Start on your Gold/10 Items. Perferably in the order above ^.
3) Build
4) Deciding on what you built first above, build the second item.
5) Finish
6) Build
7) Game going better? Build
8) Not dying as much?
9) Deciding on what you built first above, build the second item.
If your early game got shutdown and you have died very often, It's very hard to comeback. Plus, after having a ruff start, it's not beneficial for your team to still try to be their AD Carry.
You need to start supporting your team and split-pushing. Your items stated above coupled with
Now. What is split-pushing?
- When: If you can't 5v5 them underneath one of their turrets without dying. Team Comp > All for this. You have baron buff? Doesn't matter. It's a very common mistake to get baron and think "Oh, we have baron buff, we must 5 man push down mid" when even with baron buff the towers are still too strong at that point.
How: Take your strongest tower pushers/pokers and split them up in multiple lanes. Usually push in a 2-3 configuration. Split your team up so that even if they split react 2-3 themselves, your ability to siege a tower in both groups is strong enough that you'll kill their towers momentarily. If they decide to 5man gank one of the groups, that is, if at /any time/ one group goes MIA, the threatened group stops sieging and backs off while the safe group destroys a tower. Rinse and repeat until you reach inhibs. Make sure, like I said to ward, to have enough map awareness to recognize when they are coming to gank you.
You, Your Team & Wards
Warding is way too over looked by many teams. I'm going to show you how to ward correctly, or at least how my team and I ward. The ward possibilities are obviously endless for 5s. These are the primary areas that you and your team will be warding each and every game.
Order of priority; Use Sight ward Sight Ward and
Vision Ward Vision Ward where necessary:
Baron/Dragon Wards:
However you decide to set these up with your team, whether it be orderly among the team or supports only buy wards, make sure these are always laid out! Baron and Dragon are what we're primarily keeping an eye on here. Early in the match it's not as important obviously, however, you still need to know whether top, mid, or bot will be set up for a gank when enemy laners/junglers are wandering about. These early kills can help the enemy sculpt the rest of the match and land a victory. We don't want to be allowing the enemy to kill either Baron or Dragon. That's a good chunk of gold that will distribute among their team, not to mention Baron's handy buff. Again, don't overlook these wards!
Note: I would recommend using Vision Ward for these locations, especially Baron mid-late game. If not Vision Ward, then make sure someone, usually the tank, has Oracle's Elixir for discovering enemy wards.
Self Privacy Wards:
There's orange points at top, mid, and bot hiding locations. I would hope that your entire team would try to ward the areas entitled to them. These wards are not entirely important, however, they are lifesavers. Junglers and wandering laners will use these bushes to set up for early kills. If you're pushing your lane, then it would be a good idea to ward the bush(s) that is closet to you.
Team Privacy Wards:
These are crucial wards to put out when the match can go either way by eliminating possible ambushes when pushing minions or entering your own jungle.
Game Changing Wards:
Of course all of the wards posted on the map are capable of changing the outcome of a game, but these wards are placed in a location that both teams will always drift by. Reasons to go through the wards (for both teams): Getting to Baron and dragon, changing lanes, shifting from allied jungle to the enemy's jungle (either by self or team) to steal mobs/buffs, shifting as a team to gank the enemy team, etc. If you just have a ward on either Baron and/or dragon, you can still miss the enemy slipping by into your jungle never knowing it. This allows enemies to set up ganks. Therefore, these wards change the outcome of a game because you know whats coming.
Invading Wards:
I thought it was appropriate to name these wards in this manner because you can enter their bushes knowing whether they're there or not before you attempt to set up a gank. The enemy usually walks through these bushes hoping to freely enter their jungle for experience/gold and/or buffs.
Buff Wards:
Monitor your's and enemy's buffs with these wards. Good to set in your own jungle if they start playing dirty and snatching buffs early game from your jungle. These wards are primarily for the junglers of each team.
This section was copied from Your Tryndamere Resource by Apotheosis. Make sure to take a look at his great guide!
Jungling Routes
Double Buff/Lvl.3 2:45
- Place 1
Jack In The Box at the Wraith Camp at :44 seconds.
- Then run to the location shown in the video above, and place 3
Jack In The Box.
- After placing 3 boxes at Red Buff, go to the Wraiths Camp and kill the Big Blue Creep and 1 of the smaller (red) Creeps. Do NOT Use
- Run down to the Red Buff and place a fourth
Jack In The Box where your previous 3 boxes have been placed. Consume a Health Potion here and finish off killing the camp. At Lvl. 2 get
Two-Shiv Poison and head to the Blue Buff. Do NOT Use
- Place 1
Jack In The Box behind the Blue Buff and position yourself further away from the Camp then the
Jack In The Box is. This way, the Creep will aggro the Box not you. Throw your
Two-Shiv Poison and Finish it off with
- After clearing the Blue Buff camp, Level
Deceive and go Gank a Lane!
Recovery Route
If they invade your Red Buff when your starting the route above, or if you feel they will since they have a strong counter-jungler, than this route is for you.
- Place 1
Jack In The Box at the Wolves camp at :44 seconds.
- After placing the box, Run to the Blue Buff Camp and place 3
Jack In The Box.
- Head back to the Wolf Camp, and kill the big wolf PLUS 1 small wolf.
- Run to your Blue Buff once more and place 1
Jack In The Box at the location of your previous boxes. Position yourself further from the camp then the
Jack In The Box so the creeps don't aggro you. Use a Health Potion and
Smite to finish off the camp.
- Level up
Deceive, and run to their Double Golems. Tell your support to use
Clairvoyance if it's available. Place 1
Jack In The Box, let the camp aggro your boxes, and finish them off.
- Go Gank Top or Middle Lane!
Counter Jungling Routes
Counter Jungling
Ahh, counter jungling, the powerful part of
Jungle Timers
Baron Nashor
Spawn : 15:00 Respawn: 7:00 |
Spawn: 2:30 Respawn: 6:00 |
s |
Blue Buff
Spawn: 1:55 Respawn: 5:00 |
Red Buff
Spawn 1:55 Respawn 5:00 |
s |
Small Camps
Spawn: 1:40 Respawn: 1:00 |
- Why is Knowing Respawn Times Important?
A good
Ganking with Shaco
All Lanes Pushed - Tell your teammates to stop auto-attacking every minion and let the enemy push the lane. Meanwhile, visit the enemy jungler; frustrate him and do everything you can to alter his jungle. Hey, you might even find him recalling on low HP at the end of his route.
Lane Gankable - Inform your teammate you are coming in to gank. Get in a good position, this does not mean go into their bush since these are commonly warded.
Some Examples:
Credit to Teodur for the Pictures!
Dragon Control
What's so Important about Dragon?
- Killing the dragon grants 190 gold to each player on the killing team and gives experience to killer and nearby allies. The killer receives 25 bonus gold. It is described in-game as "a powerful and dangerous monster who can blow fire on its enemies causing damage over time and slowing attack speed. Slaying this foe grants global gold to your team".
- From
Also, a level 6
Shaco with
Wriggle's Lantern or at least
Madred's Razors can kill Dragon by himself.
Solo Dragon at Lvl 6
- If you have warded baron and have one of the two items above in your inventory, head over to Dragon. [Grab Red Buff, it helps, but not needed] DO NOT USE
Smite ON RED!
- Cast
Hallucinate and command your clone to attack Dragon. [You can control your clone by Holding ALT+ Clicking the direction]
- After your clone starts attacking Dragon, Place 1
Jack In The Box under Dragon, and move
Shaco behind dragon.
- Start attacking and use
Two-Shiv Poison whenever it is off cooldown.
- Use
Smite when Dragon gets around 570 HP.
- Dragon will be up in the next 6 Minutes!
-- Dominion --
Pros / Cons
+ Superb Map Control
+ Very Disruptive
+ Very High Dmg. Output with
Jack In The Box
Hallucinate with 1.0 AP Scaling can stop almost any champion from capturing points
+ Can take control of Health Relics and Speed Boosts.
+ FUN! That's why we play right?
+ Very Disruptive
+ Very High Dmg. Output with
+ Can take control of Health Relics and Speed Boosts.
+ FUN! That's why we play right?
- Gets Destroyed w/o Boxes in 1v1
- Have to take time to stack at least 3+
Jack In The Box at a location.
- Squishy as usual
- Have to take time to stack at least 3+
- Squishy as usual
Since the XP rate is much higher on Dominion then Summoner's Rift or Twisted Treeline, I opt to Max my
Item Sequence
Deathfire Grasp
Sorcerer's Shoes
Rabadon's Deathcap
Giant's Belt
Chain Vest
Negatron Cloak
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Void Staff
Zhonya's Hourglass
-- Role and Tactics --
Early Game:
When the game start's tell your teammates you are going to be going to Windmill (Top-Middle Turret). Pick up your items and when the game starts, immediately run towards the speed boost and make your way to the turret. Place 1
Mid Game:
You should have your
Late Game:
There's not really a late game in Dominion, but if the game is really close and it's at a consistent, even tie then this is what you need to do. You need to tell your teammates that all of them are going to counter-capture while you use your
You want to focus around Health Relics, Speed Boosts, and Entrances to Friendly Turrets.
Carry Shaco:
Recovery/Transition to Pusher-Support:
- Teodur
Recovery/Transition to Pusher-Support:
More Gameplay from Me coming Soon...
Well that's it! My first guide complete :]
Thank you so much for reading and I truly hope you enjoyed the guide. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns there's a comment box below. I love constructive criticism and any questions that will come my way i'll do my best to answer.
I would like to greatly thank Jhoijhoi for her great help on making this guide and the very nice dividers you see above that she has made. Another thank you jhoijhoi^^
Also I would like to credit Teodur for making me look at
Shaco in a different way. He helped me change my mind about what works with
Shaco and the builds I use. <3
Lastly i'd like to give a shout-out to one of my best bud's in Texas! iBrettBanana mucho lovo :P
Also I would like to credit Teodur for making me look at
Lastly i'd like to give a shout-out to one of my best bud's in Texas! iBrettBanana mucho lovo :P
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