His cage is possibly the worst thing for you if your Q is on cooldown. Even then, sometimes your Q just seems to get you stuck on the cage anyway.
She can kill your boxes easily after a few minutes due to her long range, and late-game she's a nightmare to play against no matter who you are as a support. Try and use box cheese on her root.
High hard CC duration is ridiculously bad for Shaco since you never want to be standing in one place for too long. You can, however, use box cheese on her Q often.
Yuumi is interesting. It's generally harder to get your support item gold up as fast since there's less champs walking into your boxes in the lane, but if the ADC walks into your box then they hardly have any support since Yummi is unable to try and take aggro like other supports.
Box cheese all hook champions.
Easy to predict engage, + delay on her movement when engaging means you can easily place or move to a box.
Box cheese all hook champs.
Box cheese all hook champs.
Box cheese all hook champs.
A great ADC to have if you want to tilt your enemies. Constant slow + fear leads to very oppressive lanes where the enemy sometimes just has to play under tower.
Your fear can help your Ezreal hit their abilities more easily.
I've never had a bad game with a Draven ADC while I'm playing Shaco - his high burst means that the small window of fear is usually enough for Draven to kill a lot of champs, especially late game.
Jhin's roots and traps are great for your boxes. He can root people that are feared, and you can places where his traps are so people are more likely to stay in the trap radius (due to fear)
Her long range slow and her traps are great with your own slow and boxes.
You're not a great champ to be yeeted by Kalista, unless you have your own ult and your Q ready, in which case you can do some funny things.
Miss Fortune
MF has strong poke and burst which makes her a great pick.
4 Shacos in botlane. A dream for you, a nightmare for your enemies. Please try this with a premade.
Tristana's bomb is great with your box since she can usually put it on an enemy and get the damage on the bomb very high in the duration of your fear.
Double invisibility botlane. It's tilting to play against, but fun to play as.
A great ADC to have if you want to tilt your enemies. Constant slow + fear leads to very oppressive lanes where the enemy sometimes just has to play under tower.
Your fear can help your Ezreal hit their abilities more easily.
I've never had a bad game with a Draven ADC while I'm playing Shaco - his high burst means that the small window of fear is usually enough for Draven to kill a lot of champs, especially late game.
Jhin's roots and traps are great for your boxes. He can root people that are feared, and you can places where his traps are so people are more likely to stay in the trap radius (due to fear)
Her long range slow and her traps are great with your own slow and boxes.
You're not a great champ to be yeeted by Kalista, unless you have your own ult and your Q ready, in which case you can do some funny things.
Miss Fortune
MF has strong poke and burst which makes her a great pick.
4 Shacos in botlane. A dream for you, a nightmare for your enemies. Please try this with a premade.
Tristana's bomb is great with your box since she can usually put it on an enemy and get the damage on the bomb very high in the duration of your fear.
Double invisibility botlane. It's tilting to play against, but fun to play as.
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