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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Fleet of Foot (PASSIVE)
Sivir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Champion Build Guide
My video from YU
This is a video of me going against Zeri and winning that lane. Landing about five kills from her. However, I did lose this game because of other lanes. This is not a failed game, though, since Sivir is countered by Zeri. This will help you go against her if you main Sivir.
This is a video of me going against Zeri and winning that lane. Landing about five kills from her. However, I did lose this game because of other lanes. This is not a failed game, though, since Sivir is countered by Zeri. This will help you go against her if you main Sivir.
About me
Hello! This is my first time posting on here and I hope this build helps other Sivir players. She's my first pick when I play bot lane and I played many games with her.
- I am master 6 with Sivir so far.
- My win rate percent is 68 with her and A in rank/duo.
- I have played 21 games with her so far this year alone.
My play style is more towards winning my lane with farming better than the enemy team. I used to be bad at farming but I have got better with farming in bot lane, especially with her.
- I am master 6 with Sivir so far.
- My win rate percent is 68 with her and A in rank/duo.
- I have played 21 games with her so far this year alone.
My play style is more towards winning my lane with farming better than the enemy team. I used to be bad at farming but I have got better with farming in bot lane, especially with her.
My Supports/GOAL
So, the list next to this page with morgana and py is best supports for the champ. With them I can get early kills. If you get other supports, it's totally okay! Play a bit passive in the beginning and focus on last hitting minions. Your goal is to get your first item before the enemy ADC can.
Last hitting minions is your key to this early lane phase. Focus on last hitting minions as much as you can without using the mana.
Early game
ALWAYS leash your jungle when you start the game. I always ward one of the bushes that are closer to my lane. Sometimes the enemy team can be sitting in that bush when you go into a lane after you are done leashing your jungle. ALWAYS leash your jungle until it's half health then I go to the lane where three-four minions are super low, which I use my Q to last hit them to get me a head start in farming in lane.
Depending on your support I would not poke the enemy team until I hit at least level 4. I forcus on farming while support is poking them away from farming.
When you have extra wards, I would ward drag and the jungle to help my fellow jungler. Do not stay in the jungle if you see the enemy, poke them with your Q and walk away to your support or lane.
Depending on your support I would not poke the enemy team until I hit at least level 4. I forcus on farming while support is poking them away from farming.
When you have extra wards, I would ward drag and the jungle to help my fellow jungler. Do not stay in the jungle if you see the enemy, poke them with your Q and walk away to your support or lane.
Going against hard counters
To be honest, I don't have issues with Zeri. However; some people do. What do I do?? Don't let her get ahead. ALWAYS check ur farming, be ahead in farming would help you with going against her. Always walk around and watch when she uses her stun. Do not stand close to jungle boulders , since she can use those as an advantage.
Twitch He is one of my counters I HATE playing against. Mainly because his poison can get you and he can disappear easily from your sight. I always play passive and carefully when I go against him. WARDING can be your friend but it can do so much. ALWAYS PING when you don't see him, so everyone will know to watch out for him. Most Twitch players will roam to kill others if they haven't had any luck killing you. EARLY game with him, I would keep on poking him so he can't farm and maybe get an early kill. IF POSSIBLE.
Varus The only reason why he could be a counter for Sivir is his range and how he can stun you with his ult when you try to run away. ALWAYS make sure if he has his ult up, if he used it yet, etc. Always stay away from his shots, you can usually tell when he's doing it. If you can't tell, don't stand with the minions since he might be farming.
Twitch He is one of my counters I HATE playing against. Mainly because his poison can get you and he can disappear easily from your sight. I always play passive and carefully when I go against him. WARDING can be your friend but it can do so much. ALWAYS PING when you don't see him, so everyone will know to watch out for him. Most Twitch players will roam to kill others if they haven't had any luck killing you. EARLY game with him, I would keep on poking him so he can't farm and maybe get an early kill. IF POSSIBLE.
Varus The only reason why he could be a counter for Sivir is his range and how he can stun you with his ult when you try to run away. ALWAYS make sure if he has his ult up, if he used it yet, etc. Always stay away from his shots, you can usually tell when he's doing it. If you can't tell, don't stand with the minions since he might be farming.
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