When i fight agains blitzcrank use this 4 Rules:
1-stay behind the minions
2-slow him when he use W
3-run when he is coming which E
4- when he use Q atack blitzcrank and his adc.
Remember NEVER don't underestimate Blitzcrank he is danger always no meter what is lv diffrent.
Simple Try to fight him beafor lv 6 Thats is time when you have big chances to kill enemy bot.
After he is lv 6 thats when the horror begins and its 3 rule than you need to listen:
1- stay away from your adc far enough to dont let malphite hit you and your adc.
2-never atack enemy bot when he have ult .(only one exception is when malphite is very low so he cant jump in or at least you can kill him fast after he jump)
3-when he miss ult just go atack.
This is most annoying machup she have much shield ,slow ,speed ,heal and her ult. But you can counter/minimaliz effect her ult when lulu use R try to run away and weit until enemy adc will be close to atack then use ult this will give you time to escape or atack back beacose lulu ult will end soon.
Also you cant broke shield lulu but you can conter her speed boost and her slow when she use speed booost just use passive E then it will make her speed useless her slow you can conter which E too.
You have shorter coldown than lulu make use of it.
A lot of health much dmg big live steal .
You must be very careful try to kill enemy adc first befor 6lv after 6lv dont fight him until he use R and after he use it just run and slow him to make him waste ult.
Grate way to make swain much easier dodge his E its just all when you dodge his E his Q have to smal range to atack you or its dont make big dmg.
God i hate him stuns big dmg ,pasive only one chanse to kill him is that he have low hp. You need to be careful all the time if he hit you his combo you are dead. Try to make him use all him mana or when he use all spells you can try atack him and remember focus him and kill him fast as you can or he will make your game very hard.
Much dmg long range but very low hp. For sure you need to be careful her range is much problem also she have heal and speed boost which make them unteasable also her stun can be trobule just try to use slow passive onher or use less dmg that make her less danger.
With your ult you can atack senna and kill her easliy her low hp make her easy target to kill when she is stun.Try to hit adc too that will be probably his dead too or just he will dont help her.
she can by annoying wich her stun and her black shield can block you slow and ult but good timing and doge q shoude be make her easier. Also try to deal her dmg with you passive Q that will make them use potion or just make them be back.i move her to major beacose if she hit you with q you are dead also she is very annoying.
Good alistar will make your live harder try to not stay behind him and try to use your W when you see he jump this can minimaliz dmg . When he ult dont atack him focus adc you can ult on alistar to stop him when its nesesery.
Bard is good early sup but he need to go take beals try to cach that moment aand atack adc or cach bard and try to kill him.Also small advice just dont stay close to the wall and deastroy his heal.
Be against Braum you need to be careful his shield can block all your atack so if you wont to atack braum you need to weit until he use shield than ,if its lv6 you need to remamber his ult can trun and slow you that make sometimes strike back from enemy.Also never focus on braum he is too tanky to focus on him first.
Iver can be hard to fight because of shield and stuns also his daisy can be trobule but he have low hp and low dmg wichout daisy so your shield with W ist good to proteckt his dmg also ult is very good on him. Ward bush he will sit in there this will give him element of suprise and deal magick dmg from passive make sure to atack enemy adc first iver have no heal so thatch make adc much easier to kill adc.
she is bad pick agains sona your passife whis q destroy her shield. Your ult counder her ult she need to hold R to heal somone that why your ult counter her and you can slow janna or adc that make negative her passive sona just counter her . Only one problem in Janna is her Q this is fast and make stun but if its not suprise you should be able to dodge it.
Karma deal much dmg have stuns and slows also have speed bost and shield. Her Q have short cooldown but rest abillites have long cooldown so make use of it when she use her stun you can atack but still atack which head her slow can by very annoying too so just try to dodge her Q while chase.
Afer 6 you have more chances to kill her and adc make sure you will hit her after she use shield or she will ise ult + shield and run away .
You need to doge her abilites or she will stun you also you dont have much hp so if she will you on you E+Q you are in trobule but afer 6 you are just dead all you can do is use W and E to try to run.
Try to always move to make her try to hit you much harder also stay close to the minions she cant stun you if you are behind the minion she can hit with Q 2 targets. She have nothing to run so just slow her and focus on her and she cant run away if you dont let her hit you.
Nami is very anoing heal much often give slows give speed boost.You need to doge her stuns also your W give the shield which to block her dmg .Also she have nothing to run if she miss ability slow her and then she is probably dead if adc will not save her but that will cost often heal or flash.
Same rule as most of the mage you need to move all the time but this time dont Stay behind the minions this will give shit if she hits minost than you she will deal you more dmg she have speed boost and clone her self somtime is hard to catch her also stay away from her when he have ult if she hit you all abilitis you are so just when she use her ult use E and run away then you can try to strike back if she use all abilitis .
Dodge his Q and E then when he use one of them you shude try to atack use E and slow him when he will try to run thath will do him to use W but he is slow so you can show him coming closer then he is easi kill if he use E or just dont use it on time .But you need to be cearfule if he hit you wich q you need to you W and E and pray his adc dont atack you. Also after lv6 you need to be super careful he can kill you adn give him and adc much money but also you can stun him and he will be fast kill.
i dont play much agains rell but try too dodge her W and you will be good then you can atack adc she is slow so she will be have a big problem to proteck her adc until she will have W again.
She is one of the most annoying machup in game but when you punishment her and dodge her abilites you will br good. after lv6 make sure you will be careful if you or you adc have no chance do doge use W to minimize the dmg also try to use e to dodge her ult.
very much healing speed bost and slow. atack soracka use passive on soraka and dodge her q to dont let her heal so much when you make atack use ign or adc beafore 6lv and after 6lv use on soraka also just stun her you need to kill her fast. Alway move to make her hard to jit you with Q.
i never play agains tarick so my advice just dodge his stun and run when he use ult.
Simple dodge his Q and when he use try to atack be careful on his ult and e this can stop you atack and let them run or make them atack you try to not let use enemy adc his lamps when he try too run. If he hit adc with q you can save him but if he hits you you have BIG problem if its after 6lv try to use ult and run but if its beafore lv6 try use w and E also use passive w on adc to make him deal less dmg.
Its just simpe you counter her you can destroy her shield with your possive Q you can reduse her heal with ign you can slow adc counter her speed boost her also you can block her Q but its yummi she is anoyng and very hard to kill also remember to adc he is big meaning to yummi so be cearful.
His Q is very good agains you it deals much dmg and stun you and his ult can make his adc or himself 2st try to run make sure to punish him with your passive and use ult on him to dont let him use his.
Her plants are so annoing try to destroy them before she activate them and her stun can make your live hard but its slow so you can dodge it also she have long coldown so when he use evrything try to atack.
Big dmg very big range you cant do much on him you can kill him just using e and slow him or ult him try to dodge his abilitis and make him use all mana.
Phanteon on early game can be annoying but if you punich him wich passive and make him stay away from you and your adc you can make him much easier to
defeat him but you must dodge his q its gonna hurt you alot also his E can make you live hard but just use slow it works even when he use it. atack him when he use W.
Xerath do dmg with passive to him and dodge his abilitis also try to slow him he has notfing to run so if you focus him he cant run away.
He is tanky but very slow also he have
seeds that make him anoyin this seeds deal much dmg also he have jump to you and push and stun you need to deal him dmg and run when he try to jump in tou you when he jump adc just use w and e to help him escape.
His huge hitbox make dodge his Q easier and harder in the same time you can hide behind the minions and he have big problem to hit you but also when you are on open space its you need lacky and good movment to dodge it also his ult can by anoying just run away when he use it on you but when he use on adc use W to minimaliz the dmg .
She is slowing enemy you can speed her and you both have stuns its one of best combo o sona.
Caitlyn is very long range so you can just stand close to her and use q to atack also you can speed her to catch somone.
Draven is good with sona you can slow the ememy and speed draven and you have stun that make draven much simple to kill with his big dmg
Its ok you can help him to catch somone when he use his e also you can power his q wich your q.
Jhin is very good with sona when you give him speed boost he can be much faster than normal if he hit crit also your speed can help jhin to hit ult because you can show him enemy
She is nice combo to sona her big dmg, stuns and her slowing down is nice to your speed boost and your ult also her passive is very good to chase somone if you slow when jinx get kill ist impossible to run without using flash or jump.
She is very strong also you have speed boost so you can use it after her speed end but you need to be ceaful after 6lv her jump is so long and you need time to get to her just use E and try go to her fast as you can.
Kalista jump is good with you your speed boost make kalista jump faster that mean she can atack faster or chase faster also with her ult you can do nice combo she will throw you you can ult after stun and this gonna be very powerful stun.
I dont play much with Kog'Maw so i don't know how it is to play wich him but i know he have big range so just try to speed him and heal him.
Lucian with your speed ,heal ,stun and power his aa its one of best combo. When he use E try to use your E + passive and slow somone aslo your ult its very good to chase which him.
Miss Fortune
MF is good to play with sona you botch are fast MF have big dmg that you can boost which q and best thing is your ult are one of best combo if you hit ult and MF use her ult its just death on place.
Whith her mobility and live steal with your heal,shield she is just practically impossible to kill. If she gets stun try use W to heal her and get to her to give her shield then use E to make her run faster
If senna play good your just impossible to kill without much stuns or gank you have too much heal shield speed bost and dmg its just also you have stun and she have big ult dmg when you hit ult senna just use her and ist so big dmg. Just gl to enemy duo.
Tristana her self is powerfull but whis sona its just too much when you atack adc or sup ot both its just hard to survive you speed her and heal her and but she can jump too far so just try to have eye on her and go with herin enemy.
When he is invisible try to speed him dont showing enemy where he is then tatack with him try to focus on one enemy that will make it much more effective atack.
Varus get slow when he use arrow also his ult need time to active so to the arrow you can just use E and to varus ult you need to hit them beafore varus or when varus hit you need to aim to this one who run also try to catch the stun one to make varus much easier to hit the arrow.
She is just very strong in this season and just let her boutch kraken and she dmg juts jump in to the space you just can help her use W and E also your ult is usefull for vane this stun can help vany to use her E to hit enemy in to the wall or push away from they tower.
With her your job is to slow the enemy to make her much easier hit her feathers your ult its good combo to if you hit enemy bot lane Xayah have much time to use her ult and stun them again or just atack witch her feathers and stun them too .Remamber xayah is good which your speed thath make her chasing and hit the feathers much more easier.
Its good combo his weapons can slow ,heve big range , heal him e.t.c. Just make sure you will look what weapon he have and be focus on him and his play style you need to match to his play style .
She is slowing enemy you can speed her and you both have stuns its one of best combo o sona.
Caitlyn is very long range so you can just stand close to her and use q to atack also you can speed her to catch somone.
Draven is good with sona you can slow the ememy and speed draven and you have stun that make draven much simple to kill with his big dmg
Its ok you can help him to catch somone when he use his e also you can power his q wich your q.
Jhin is very good with sona when you give him speed boost he can be much faster than normal if he hit crit also your speed can help jhin to hit ult because you can show him enemy
She is nice combo to sona her big dmg, stuns and her slowing down is nice to your speed boost and your ult also her passive is very good to chase somone if you slow when jinx get kill ist impossible to run without using flash or jump.
She is very strong also you have speed boost so you can use it after her speed end but you need to be ceaful after 6lv her jump is so long and you need time to get to her just use E and try go to her fast as you can.
Kalista jump is good with you your speed boost make kalista jump faster that mean she can atack faster or chase faster also with her ult you can do nice combo she will throw you you can ult after stun and this gonna be very powerful stun.
I dont play much with Kog'Maw so i don't know how it is to play wich him but i know he have big range so just try to speed him and heal him.
Lucian with your speed ,heal ,stun and power his aa its one of best combo. When he use E try to use your E + passive and slow somone aslo your ult its very good to chase which him.
Miss Fortune
MF is good to play with sona you botch are fast MF have big dmg that you can boost which q and best thing is your ult are one of best combo if you hit ult and MF use her ult its just death on place.
Whith her mobility and live steal with your heal,shield she is just practically impossible to kill. If she gets stun try use W to heal her and get to her to give her shield then use E to make her run faster
If senna play good your just impossible to kill without much stuns or gank you have too much heal shield speed bost and dmg its just also you have stun and she have big ult dmg when you hit ult senna just use her and ist so big dmg. Just gl to enemy duo.
Tristana her self is powerfull but whis sona its just too much when you atack adc or sup ot both its just hard to survive you speed her and heal her and but she can jump too far so just try to have eye on her and go with herin enemy.
When he is invisible try to speed him dont showing enemy where he is then tatack with him try to focus on one enemy that will make it much more effective atack.
Varus get slow when he use arrow also his ult need time to active so to the arrow you can just use E and to varus ult you need to hit them beafore varus or when varus hit you need to aim to this one who run also try to catch the stun one to make varus much easier to hit the arrow.
She is just very strong in this season and just let her boutch kraken and she dmg juts jump in to the space you just can help her use W and E also your ult is usefull for vane this stun can help vany to use her E to hit enemy in to the wall or push away from they tower.
With her your job is to slow the enemy to make her much easier hit her feathers your ult its good combo to if you hit enemy bot lane Xayah have much time to use her ult and stun them again or just atack witch her feathers and stun them too .Remamber xayah is good which your speed thath make her chasing and hit the feathers much more easier.
Its good combo his weapons can slow ,heve big range , heal him e.t.c. Just make sure you will look what weapon he have and be focus on him and his play style you need to match to his play style .
On early game your best opion is too atack the ennemy with Q+AA this make nice dmg and make your enemy be away just to dont get hit and make longer time to find good opportunity to fight. This simpe comba have 2 good things to you and your adc, 1st this is the faster way to make a item to support adnd the, 2st thing is your adc have not problem with farm because you try to make enemy stay away, but still you need to play save if some sup with stuns will catch you you will have a big problem.
How to play mid game.
Try to help your adc get kills if you kill enemy bot lane and you see your mid needs help you can go just use E alwas as you can that make you enough fast to go on mid and go back to bot lane ofc its best if you will go witch jg but if you have ult you can help mid lane very much also you can heal him and deal some dmg to the enemy mid lane also go help with dragons is you have destroyed 2st tower dont puch longer it make a risk that enemy tam will to to you also that the moment when you go to other lines and still dont forget about your line if the enemy bot lane push to much go to them to say hello.
How to play late game.
Its simple just stay with your team and heal them as much as you can and remamber you ult have 3 very good place to use on the star fight, in the midlle of the fight, and when you need to run or chase somone. Just you need to think when your ult will be best to use when this will be more useful.
Something about me.
Im mein sona and I started playing her since 30 lv on my account i have on her 255k point and im going to more Also i like sona so much she is so universal suport and so much underestimated so this is my guide how i play sona i hope that was healpfull and GLHF in the game.
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