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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
Why should I play Sona?
Sona is the type of support champion that brings amazing heals, alot of aoe buffs and great teamfighting disruption. You're the champion that keeps your team sustained and able to keep on fighting to siege turrets and secure objectives. So if you like healing your team, have sustained sieges and being able to disrupt teamfights then Sona is the champion made for you.
The key to success
Teamfights aren't always coordinated therefore you'll have to keep your team together. It's your job to be healing your allies frequently at the right moment, poking enemies whenever you can and disrupt teamfights with big stuns using

Check out the chapters, Items for reasonings and Tips & Tricks for useful information on Sona gameplay.

Every champion has it's strengths and weaknesses, Sona's biggest weakness is her squishyness. The key to deal with her squishyness is to master your positioning. In teamfights this would mean your tanks are in the front, your damage dealers are right behind your tank and you're in the back untouched.
Pros + Very high sustain + Strong crowd control + Great poke damage + High aoe movement speed |
Cons - Squishy |
![]() |
![]() |
Q at lv 1 ![]() ![]() |
W at lv 2 ![]() ![]() |
E at lv 3 ![]() ![]() |
R at lv 6, 11 and 16 ![]() |
Sona is a champion based on healing and shielding allies, therefore you opt for the keystone mastery
Summon Aery.
The remaining points are put in the Resolve tree, this will grant you alot more healing and safety.
Rune Stats
We choose 9 Adaptive Force (9 AP) in the first row because it's a flat amount (level 1), attack speed won't help us, the CDR scales way too slow.
We choose 9 Adaptive Force (9 AP) in the second row because it's another flat amount (level 1), the armor and MR are not as valuable (about a third amount less).
We choose 15-90 HP scaling based on level in the third row, the break even point is at level 8 and 10. It becomes almost twice as valuable as the armor and MR options. Choose the armor or MR option when against 4-5 AD or AP champions respectively to have a safer early game.

The remaining points are put in the Resolve tree, this will grant you alot more healing and safety.
Rune Stats
We choose 9 Adaptive Force (9 AP) in the first row because it's a flat amount (level 1), attack speed won't help us, the CDR scales way too slow.
We choose 9 Adaptive Force (9 AP) in the second row because it's another flat amount (level 1), the armor and MR are not as valuable (about a third amount less).
We choose 15-90 HP scaling based on level in the third row, the break even point is at level 8 and 10. It becomes almost twice as valuable as the armor and MR options. Choose the armor or MR option when against 4-5 AD or AP champions respectively to have a safer early game.
Summoner Spells are spells that influence the pace of the game by alot. Burning someone's Summoner Spells can set your team up for a big play in the next couple of minutes. It is important to note that you as a team should keep track of which Summoner Spells are being used by the enemies during fights. You can tell your team by opening the scoreboard (usually tab) then clicking on the enemies champions Summoner Spells that have been used. Even better is if you time when they'll be back up again.
So what Summoner Spells do I pick?
Exhaust and
Flash, no discussion. Both can get you out of sticky situations but can also get your allies to kill the exhausted person really easy as it reduces their movement speed and damage dealt for a good 2.5 seconds.
Reducing cooldowns of Summoner Spells
By buying
Ionian Boots of Lucidity you will reduce the cooldown of your Summoner Spells by 10%. Now think of all the possibilities you have when your Summoner Spells are slightly earlier up than your enemies Summoner Spells, your options are limitless because you can use it in so many ways, both defensive and offensive.
Cooldowns of Summoner Spells with 10% reduction
So what Summoner Spells do I pick?

Reducing cooldowns of Summoner Spells
By buying

Cooldowns of Summoner Spells with 10% reduction
Before![]() ![]() |
After 270secs. 189secs. |
Item Sequence

Eye of the Watchers

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Ardent Censer

Athene's Unholy Grail

Seraph's Embrace

Rabadon's Deathcap
Starting items

You start the game with


*Swap to

Early game

We opt for

We buy

Mid game

Once again, cooldown reduction and AP goes very well with Sona. Both items are cheap and very effective on Sona. They provide extra buffs when healing/shielding which make your heals pretty epic. You also get some MR and MP regen which is nice and useful.
In addition you get some great passives:
- You get some heal and shield power.
- You get more movement speed.
- When healing, allies get an attack speed buff and some extra magic on hit damage.
- Blood Charges makes you heal alot more, they are gained by damaging enemies and can be stored.
- Dissonance further increases your AP based on your base MP regen which makes it a perfect fit in combination with
Eye of the Watchers and
Ardent Censer.
The amount of AP these two items give is great. Mid and late game it's so amazing, many enemies don't expect such OP heals by building full AP with the right cooldown reduction items. The AP build makes you get your HP back real quick.
The first four items
Cooldown reduction is a very important stat on many champions, some champions need it more than others. Sona is a champion that scales very good with cooldown reduction because it will reduce your ult

![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
10% cooldown reduction 10% cooldown reduction 10% cooldown reduction 10% cooldown reduction |
Total cooldown reduction | 40% cooldown reduction |
This is the max cooldown reduction you can get with items in game.
Situational items

Late game

*This item transforms from

After the first four items you mainly focus on AP. As mentioned before all of Sona's abilities purely scale off AP therefore we opt for the highest AP items per item slot. This would be

So whenever you get into late game grab

When the game you're in doesn't want to end don't forget to buy an

- You got a huge aoe line ult
Crescendo which stuns all enemies struck for 1.5secs it's a great tool to initiate fights or get enemies off yourself/teammates to get to safety.
- Your
Hymn of Valor has a very long range, targeting 2 nearest enemies, prioritizing champions, use it alot to harass your enemies, if the positioning allows you, try to get both of your bolts on champions.
- Your
Hymn of Valor won't damage enemies if you have no vision of them (in bushes), but will damage them if you use it before enemies go in a bush without vision.
- Your
Aria of Perseverance heals yourself and the most wounded teammate in range, gives yourself and teammates a shield for upto 1.5secs, the shield size is about as much as your heal, try timing the shields before taking damage for maximum effect.
- If the enemy team has atleast three magic damage champions suggest Spirit Visage to your tank/bruisers, this will increase your healing on them by alot!
- Your great MP regen runes/items makes you able to sustain and help your team when needed, even when low on health you simply spam some
Aria of Perseverance.
- Use your
Song of Celerity for a movement speed aoe buff, you can tag teammates to speed them up, great tool to catch up on enemies, get quickly away or out rotate your enemies.
Power Chord is ready after every third skill casted depending on which skill you used last you get a special basic attack effect, you can use another skill to change the effect, it also resets Sona's auto attack. Be careful when proccing your
Power Chord on enemy champions especially during laning phase, this is when you risk being poked the most.
Power Chord
Hymn of Valor deals 40% bonus damage,
Power Chord
Aria of Perseverance reduces enemy damage by 25% (+4% per 100 AP) for 3secs,
Power Chord
Song of Celerity slows enemy by 40% (+4% per 100 AP) for 2secs.
Before I start talking about where you should exactly place your wards as a support or any role for that matter, I want to give some insight about certain topics that alot of players forget or are not aware of.
I will go through the following topics:
What is vision and why do we want it?
Vision is information of the map that your enemy team may not know about, therefore you're talking about advantages. Having vision around objectives means you have more control over the situation.
Vision examples
Once vision is obtained you need to make use of these advantages, the placed wards will help you with your map awareness.
What is map awareness and why do we want it?
Map awareness is nothing more than being aware of your surroundings:
When you're aware of your surroundings enemy ganks/roams will be less effective because retreating in time will result into less deaths. Having map awareness will not only reduce your amount of deaths but it will also help you make the right decision.
Map awareness example
Team compositions
It's important to note that you should be aware of what the enemies team composition is, aswell as your own team composition. This means you should know or have a general idea what the enemies are capable of doing and what your team is capable of doing.
Team composition examples
Now that you know what map awareness is, why we want to be aware of our surroundings and the team compositions, you'll understand that the minimap is an important tool and by looking frequently at it you'll become a better player.
Minimap example
When you check your minimap you must immediately think about certain things and inform your allies in an efficient way. Use your ping functions on the minimap, when enemies are missing for about 5 seconds, to inform allies quick and safely.
Ping options
Ping example
Using pings frequently to communicate with your allies is a great, fast, efficient and safe way to get on the same page with them. Now let's talk more about wards, how you should use them and ward efficiently.
Wards, functions and efficient use
First of all, let's look at the possible options to get vision:
All of these options are used in a different way.
Stealth wards have a limited use, each player can have a maximum of three stealth wards placed on the map at a time. Therefore you should use them wisely and efficiently.
Control wards are wards that give vision but are visible to enemies if they spot them. They last forever until destroyed by the enemies, they reveal and disable enemy wards and reveal camouflaged enemy champions. You can only have one of these on the map per champion.
Farsight Alteration are wards that give vision but are visible to enemies if they spot them.
Rift Scuttler
The following two things are important to note:
Dealing with the living jungle:
Placing control wards when on blue side:
*The darker coloured square is optional.
Placing control wards when on red side:
*The darker coloured square is optional.
Recommended Stealth Wards when doing drakes/dragon:
*Blue squares are Stealth Wards placed by blue team, red squares by red team.
*The darker coloured squares are optional when doing dragon.
Recommended Stealth Wards when doing baron:
*Blue squares are Stealth Wards placed by blue team, red squares by red team
*The darker coloured squares are optional.
I will go through the following topics:
- Vision
- Map awareness
- Team compositions
- Minimap
- Pings
- Wards, functions and efficient use
- General
What is vision and why do we want it?
Vision is information of the map that your enemy team may not know about, therefore you're talking about advantages. Having vision around objectives means you have more control over the situation.

Once vision is obtained you need to make use of these advantages, the placed wards will help you with your map awareness.
What is map awareness and why do we want it?
Map awareness is nothing more than being aware of your surroundings:
- Knowing in what situation you are
- Realizing how far up in lane you are
- In what kind of dangers you may be getting
- What you're risking
When you're aware of your surroundings enemy ganks/roams will be less effective because retreating in time will result into less deaths. Having map awareness will not only reduce your amount of deaths but it will also help you make the right decision.

Team compositions
It's important to note that you should be aware of what the enemies team composition is, aswell as your own team composition. This means you should know or have a general idea what the enemies are capable of doing and what your team is capable of doing.

Now that you know what map awareness is, why we want to be aware of our surroundings and the team compositions, you'll understand that the minimap is an important tool and by looking frequently at it you'll become a better player.

When you check your minimap you must immediately think about certain things and inform your allies in an efficient way. Use your ping functions on the minimap, when enemies are missing for about 5 seconds, to inform allies quick and safely.

Using pings frequently to communicate with your allies is a great, fast, efficient and safe way to get on the same page with them. Now let's talk more about wards, how you should use them and ward efficiently.
Wards, functions and efficient use
First of all, let's look at the possible options to get vision:
Eye of the Watchers
Eye of Ascension
Eye of the Aspect and
Stealth Ward place stealth wards.
Control Ward's are bought from the shop for 75 gold.
Farsight Alteration upgrades from
Stealth Ward at lv9.
Rift Scuttler is a neutral monster located in the river.
All of these options are used in a different way.
Stealth wards have a limited use, each player can have a maximum of three stealth wards placed on the map at a time. Therefore you should use them wisely and efficiently.
- Don't place two wards on the same location or near each other, try to spread them around.
- Place them in bushes so that if an enemy goes in a bush you or your team can still attack them.
- When being pushed in, place wards for protection.
- Try to get some deep vision, when pushing waves, around the objectives (turrets/drakes/dragon/baron) that you're going for without risking to die.
- When alot of enemy turrets are destroyed you can place a ward in lane (usually in mid lane) depending on the situation because the lanes will be very long. The ward is also great for tp flanks.
Control wards are wards that give vision but are visible to enemies if they spot them. They last forever until destroyed by the enemies, they reveal and disable enemy wards and reveal camouflaged enemy champions. You can only have one of these on the map per champion.
- They aren't free so try to protect them by attacking the enemy.
- They are used to deny vision and clear enemy wards, thus giving you control over that part of the map.
- The best way to use them is to place them in bushes where they will last long and give good information.
Farsight Alteration are wards that give vision but are visible to enemies if they spot them.
- Keep track of the cooldown and spam these in any bush for deep vision.
- Sometimes you want to place them in bushes of your own jungle, they are more likely to last longer and you can spot enemies invading your jungle.
Rift Scuttler
- Take these with your allies whenever you can, to prepare a possible drake/dragon or baron.
- This vision cannot be removed, not even with control wards, sweeping lens or oracle alteration. Enemies that start drake/dragon or baron will be spotted unless they enter the pit from the back.
- Besides vision it also gives a nice movement speed buff that may help you win teamfights if the objective is contested.
The following two things are important to note:
- If there are three enemies in the top lane it means there can only be two enemies on the rest of the map. Therefore you're more safe to make plays in other lanes, play more aggressive, try to push out waves, get a turret and take jungle camps whilst retreating if you're in the position to do so. Otherwise your team should rotate to other lanes to save turrets in the top lane.
- When you ward be careful, it is not worth dying to place a ward. It is also not worth going halfway across the map to place a control ward, you lose too much time running around and you'll fall behind on xp/levels/gold. However it is worth if your team is about to make plays on that side of the map.
Dealing with the living jungle:
- Blast cones are used to hop over walls, when you're in the enemy jungle destroy these to deny a possible advantage.
- Scryer's blooms are used to scout enemies and enemy wards, note that when enemies get spotted they'll get particles around them meaning they know someone destroyed it.
- Honeyfruits are used to top off your HP and MP. Use them when you need them. Denying them from enemies will deny them from your allies too, only deny from enemies when they are nearby with low HP and wanting it.
Placing control wards when on blue side:

*The darker coloured square is optional.
Placing control wards when on red side:

*The darker coloured square is optional.
Recommended Stealth Wards when doing drakes/dragon:

*Blue squares are Stealth Wards placed by blue team, red squares by red team.
*The darker coloured squares are optional when doing dragon.
Recommended Stealth Wards when doing baron:

*Blue squares are Stealth Wards placed by blue team, red squares by red team
*The darker coloured squares are optional.
A mental state is a state of mind in which states are a combination of mental representations and propositional attitudes. One can have various states such as: love, hate, pleasure and pain, and attitudes like: believing, conceiving, hoping and fearing. In other words the mental state is a mental condition which is affected by feelings/emotions and result into having certain attitudes.
Lower ranked players tend to allow their emotions to get to them more often than higher ranked players. Bad plays or teammates can cause anger and frustration which swings the mental state into a negative one. Higher ranked players tend to neglect emotions more often or don't allow the emotions to affect their mental state, they stay focused on the game and look for opportunities.
Alot of players blame others because it's easy or they have a big ego.
What even is an ego?
The origin of "ego" comes from the Latin word meaning "I". It's how the conscious mind deals with the unconscious parts and the world around us.
Having a big ego is basically a high belief in ourselves (high self image) for example our abilities/skills to do something (make an outplay), our importance to people and our place in society (being the image for your viewers as a streamer/guidemaker). Having a big ego is just a self perception which doesn't necessarily mirror the truth. We as humans can be very ego centric and our minds can often look for ways to boost up our egos to feel good about ourselves. There is nothing wrong in us feeling good about ourselves. Having a high self image and self worth is more beneficial than a low self image which could lead to conditions like depression. Having a low self image or suffering from depression is obviously a bad thing, it's life limiting and potentially harmful.
However having too big of an ego can lead to arrogance and hubris (excess of confidence/thinking you're better than others), these are generally unlikable character traits. When a person seeks to boost up their ego they often target other people to accomplish it. Insulting them directly or indirectly in order to make themselves appear and feel good. They may put down other peoples achievements for the simple reason of gratifying their own egos.
Big egos can also lead to a delusional way of thinking. They may say things like "I am always right" or "I am never wrong", they may never admit when they are wrong, their egos won't allow it. Understand that seeking a quick ego boost is a very limited and short sighted method of feeling good about oneself that will probably do you more harm than good in the long term. The same way an elo boost works.
Note: understand that the need to boost up your ego could just be a compensation for a low self image.
So next time you bump into someone arrogant/delusional in your solo queue games, just pretend they have a low self esteem. XD
Quick recap
Having an ego is good and important, but don't overkill it. It just has to be balanced and controlled with enough self awareness to prevent a healthy self belief turning into harmful delusional thinking.
There are better ways to feel good about yourself. For example the feeling you get from helping somebody or generally doing good is far better than a simple ego boost that comes from putting somebody else down. So instead of blaming others, self-reflect on your own gameplay. The most straightforward way is to look at replays of your own games. Analyze your decision making and use of abilities.
Analyzing examples

Now obviously you can't self-reflect every single game you play (well you can but it's too time consuming, exhausting and we just want to play more games right?), but the more you analyze, the more you will learn about the game and thus become better at it (that's what you want!).
Note: don't blame yourself for every single ability you miss during a game, you can't land them all. But the more you do land, the more consistent your games will go. Try to understand which ones are crucial so you can distinguish them from the ones that wouldn't have made a big difference.
"I can't always land skill shots. I'm only human." - GorillA
Fun vs competitive
Some players have a more competitive drive than others, some want to have more fun than others. Determine what the case is for you. What is your goal? Do you want to mostly have fun or climb?
Fun or off meta champion picks are not necessarily the strongest picks, however can add a surprise factor and throw your opponents off when played perfectly. If you have a desire to climb pick champions you're very good at and consider learning newer/reworked champions with a very solid/strong kit. The combination of the two, being good at the champion aswell as it being overtuned (AKA balanced LUL), increases your chances to win games.
Note for players with competitive drive: If you're (super far) ahead of the enemy team, your goal is not to just stay ahead but to further increase your lead and to close out the game with a victory. Winning and being ahead is fun, some players fool around and have fun when they are ahead, however this opens up opportunities for the enemy team. If you queue up to climb don't mess around and take that LP while you can. Why only think about your LP when you're behind but not when ahead?
If you're more of a player that wants to have fun. Do whatever makes you happy, just keep in mind you're also playing with other players (unless you like playing bot games), don't have fun at cost of other players mental state.
Note for fun players: I'd recommend to keep the fun in normal games/ARAM. Ranked games are for players with a competitive drive and a winning attitude. There are points on the line afterall, not just any points, but League Points. I know that keeping fun out of ranked games may be hard for some regions knowing that NA is a 4fun4 region. hehe xd
Ranked games
Some general tips to increase your chances at winning your ranked games:
Stay focused
Even when playing focused players can make mistakes.
"Mistakes are opportunities, ya know." - Reignover
Mistakes definitely open up new opportunities, however the counter-argument would be that making too many mistakes will put your team too far behind.
Counter-argument example
Avoid making crucial mistakes/deaths and try not to focus on the mistakes that are being made during a game but instead the opportunities which progress the state of the game for your team.
Optimism, pessimism and realism
When you're optimistic, you tend to see the brighter side of things, believe in people, and you're convinced that things are getting better. The opposite of the optimist is the pessimist, who sees everything as negative as possible. The pessimist believes that things are bad, and that they're going to get worse. The realist tries to see things as they really are, and expects the future to act according to probabilities and tendencies.
This is another one of those you want to keep balanced. Being pessimistic won't make your mental state feel good, thus winning games may become harder. Being optimistic is positive, you may win games from behind that others may already given up on, staying optimistic and focused throughout the game will help you find the opportunities to swing the game in your teams favor. However being too optimistic when the game is long gone isn't good either (e.g. top lane is 0/5, mid lane is 0/5 and adc is 0/5), that's when you need to realize the actual state of the game, start to be more realistic and move on to your next game.
Note: in pro play teams pretty much never FF anymore compared to earlier seasons, not necessarily because they're too optimistic, they may already have realized the game is a loss, however they keep playing to gain more experience and get better at playing from behind. Sometimes they'll even grab the win surprising themselves.
Last but not least, risk-taking tends to come easily to optimists.
So next time you have a too optimistic teammate trying to do something crazy mission impossible, tell them to get real. Realistic that is.
Lower ranked players tend to allow their emotions to get to them more often than higher ranked players. Bad plays or teammates can cause anger and frustration which swings the mental state into a negative one. Higher ranked players tend to neglect emotions more often or don't allow the emotions to affect their mental state, they stay focused on the game and look for opportunities.
Alot of players blame others because it's easy or they have a big ego.
What even is an ego?
The origin of "ego" comes from the Latin word meaning "I". It's how the conscious mind deals with the unconscious parts and the world around us.
Having a big ego is basically a high belief in ourselves (high self image) for example our abilities/skills to do something (make an outplay), our importance to people and our place in society (being the image for your viewers as a streamer/guidemaker). Having a big ego is just a self perception which doesn't necessarily mirror the truth. We as humans can be very ego centric and our minds can often look for ways to boost up our egos to feel good about ourselves. There is nothing wrong in us feeling good about ourselves. Having a high self image and self worth is more beneficial than a low self image which could lead to conditions like depression. Having a low self image or suffering from depression is obviously a bad thing, it's life limiting and potentially harmful.
However having too big of an ego can lead to arrogance and hubris (excess of confidence/thinking you're better than others), these are generally unlikable character traits. When a person seeks to boost up their ego they often target other people to accomplish it. Insulting them directly or indirectly in order to make themselves appear and feel good. They may put down other peoples achievements for the simple reason of gratifying their own egos.
Big egos can also lead to a delusional way of thinking. They may say things like "I am always right" or "I am never wrong", they may never admit when they are wrong, their egos won't allow it. Understand that seeking a quick ego boost is a very limited and short sighted method of feeling good about oneself that will probably do you more harm than good in the long term. The same way an elo boost works.
Note: understand that the need to boost up your ego could just be a compensation for a low self image.
So next time you bump into someone arrogant/delusional in your solo queue games, just pretend they have a low self esteem. XD
Quick recap
Having an ego is good and important, but don't overkill it. It just has to be balanced and controlled with enough self awareness to prevent a healthy self belief turning into harmful delusional thinking.
There are better ways to feel good about yourself. For example the feeling you get from helping somebody or generally doing good is far better than a simple ego boost that comes from putting somebody else down. So instead of blaming others, self-reflect on your own gameplay. The most straightforward way is to look at replays of your own games. Analyze your decision making and use of abilities.

Now obviously you can't self-reflect every single game you play (well you can but it's too time consuming, exhausting and we just want to play more games right?), but the more you analyze, the more you will learn about the game and thus become better at it (that's what you want!).
Note: don't blame yourself for every single ability you miss during a game, you can't land them all. But the more you do land, the more consistent your games will go. Try to understand which ones are crucial so you can distinguish them from the ones that wouldn't have made a big difference.
"I can't always land skill shots. I'm only human." - GorillA
Fun vs competitive
Some players have a more competitive drive than others, some want to have more fun than others. Determine what the case is for you. What is your goal? Do you want to mostly have fun or climb?
Fun or off meta champion picks are not necessarily the strongest picks, however can add a surprise factor and throw your opponents off when played perfectly. If you have a desire to climb pick champions you're very good at and consider learning newer/reworked champions with a very solid/strong kit. The combination of the two, being good at the champion aswell as it being overtuned (AKA balanced LUL), increases your chances to win games.
Note for players with competitive drive: If you're (super far) ahead of the enemy team, your goal is not to just stay ahead but to further increase your lead and to close out the game with a victory. Winning and being ahead is fun, some players fool around and have fun when they are ahead, however this opens up opportunities for the enemy team. If you queue up to climb don't mess around and take that LP while you can. Why only think about your LP when you're behind but not when ahead?
If you're more of a player that wants to have fun. Do whatever makes you happy, just keep in mind you're also playing with other players (unless you like playing bot games), don't have fun at cost of other players mental state.
Note for fun players: I'd recommend to keep the fun in normal games/ARAM. Ranked games are for players with a competitive drive and a winning attitude. There are points on the line afterall, not just any points, but League Points. I know that keeping fun out of ranked games may be hard for some regions knowing that NA is a 4fun4 region. hehe xd
Ranked games
Some general tips to increase your chances at winning your ranked games:
- Play when you're focused, energized (after a meal), avoid playing tired after a long rough day of work/school.
- Have a great mental, be optimistic and positive.
- Only play champions you're very good at.
- Play overtuned champions (only if you're good at them).
- Pick champions that synergize with your team composition (only if you're good at them).
- Avoid making crucial mistakes/deaths.
- Don't focus on teammates/own mistakes, focus on opportunities instead.
Stay focused
Even when playing focused players can make mistakes.
"Mistakes are opportunities, ya know." - Reignover
Mistakes definitely open up new opportunities, however the counter-argument would be that making too many mistakes will put your team too far behind.

Avoid making crucial mistakes/deaths and try not to focus on the mistakes that are being made during a game but instead the opportunities which progress the state of the game for your team.
Optimism, pessimism and realism
When you're optimistic, you tend to see the brighter side of things, believe in people, and you're convinced that things are getting better. The opposite of the optimist is the pessimist, who sees everything as negative as possible. The pessimist believes that things are bad, and that they're going to get worse. The realist tries to see things as they really are, and expects the future to act according to probabilities and tendencies.
![]() |
This is another one of those you want to keep balanced. Being pessimistic won't make your mental state feel good, thus winning games may become harder. Being optimistic is positive, you may win games from behind that others may already given up on, staying optimistic and focused throughout the game will help you find the opportunities to swing the game in your teams favor. However being too optimistic when the game is long gone isn't good either (e.g. top lane is 0/5, mid lane is 0/5 and adc is 0/5), that's when you need to realize the actual state of the game, start to be more realistic and move on to your next game.
Note: in pro play teams pretty much never FF anymore compared to earlier seasons, not necessarily because they're too optimistic, they may already have realized the game is a loss, however they keep playing to gain more experience and get better at playing from behind. Sometimes they'll even grab the win surprising themselves.
Last but not least, risk-taking tends to come easily to optimists.
So next time you have a too optimistic teammate trying to do something crazy mission impossible, tell them to get real. Realistic that is.
This is my second guide, if it helped you in any way make sure to up vote the guide. If you have any questions/feedback feel free to comment in the discussion section.
I play on the NA server with the username SwelteringMuffin.
Main role
I mainly play support. Beside the fact that it's the fastest to queue with, it's also a really easy role. For example you don't really have to worry about last hitting minions. It is an easy role, but to be great at it you have to do alot for the team. I also like to play unusual support champions, because people don't know what to expect and how to react when you change a champions standard role/lane/build. The element of surprise can be beneficial for your team and unfavorable for the enemy team.
Other roles
I have also played alot of jungle. It gives a good knowledge on when to exactly gank and how to bait your enemies perfectly into death as a laner. Since I play alot of squishy supports I've learnt how to bait enemies very well, provoking them or sometimes showing that champion mastery is enough to get them greedy.
Because of how much I've played as a support I have a good understanding on how the bottom lane and synergy between AD and support works. This is one of the reasons I like to play AD aswell.
Support throughout the years
Aside of all that, maining support has taught me how to efficiently ward, bringing the most vision to your team. This is something that I've transferred to other roles aswell, warding efficiently, because vision is not only the supports job, it's a team job. Once you get the hang of warding efficiently you will automatically work on your map awareness. Having map awareness made me know very well how to rotate around the map and when to take turrets, drakes, dragons or barons.
My guides

2 June 2015: Creation of guide (Soraka)
24 July 2015: 100k champion points on Soraka, wooooo!
28 August 2015: Creation of guide (Sona)
9 October 2015: Creation of guide (Tahm Kench)
14 November 2015: 100k views on Soraka guide, aww yeeaa!
14 November 2015: Creation of guide (Nunu)
2 December 2015: Creation of guide (Kayle)
6 December 2015: 100k views on Tahm Kench guide, woop woop!
6 December 2015: 100k views on Sona guide, double woop woop!
18 December 2015: 500k views on Soraka guide, keep on healin' keep on healin'!
24 January 2016: 500k views on Tahm Kench guide, don't stop licking :P
1 February 2016: Creation of guide (Jhin)
3 February 2016: 100k views on Nunu guide, let's build this snowman!
12 February 2016: 100k views on Kayle guide, keep on smackin' with your sword!
10 March 2016: 1M views on Soraka guide, a small loan of a million views.
13 March 2016: 100k views on Jhin guide, load, aim, headshot!
31 March 2016: 500k views on Sona Guide, heal, speed, burst, repeat!
16 May 2016: 2M views on Soraka guide, that's quite a bit, but we heal more with one W! >:D
9 July 2016: 500k views on Nunu guide, stay frosty.
16 August 2016: Creation of guide (Bard)
24 August 2016: 1M views on Tahm Kench guide, Lickitung would be proud of this.
3 September 2016: Lv7 mastery on Soraka!
29 September 2016: 500k views on Kayle guide.
29 September 2016: 100k champion points on Sona.
2 November 2016: Lv7 mastery on Sona!
2 May 2017: Lv7 mastery on Bard!
5 May 2017: 200k champion points on Soraka!

Champions I play
This is my second guide, if it helped you in any way make sure to up vote the guide. If you have any questions/feedback feel free to comment in the discussion section.
I play on the NA server with the username SwelteringMuffin.
Main role
I mainly play support. Beside the fact that it's the fastest to queue with, it's also a really easy role. For example you don't really have to worry about last hitting minions. It is an easy role, but to be great at it you have to do alot for the team. I also like to play unusual support champions, because people don't know what to expect and how to react when you change a champions standard role/lane/build. The element of surprise can be beneficial for your team and unfavorable for the enemy team.
Other roles
I have also played alot of jungle. It gives a good knowledge on when to exactly gank and how to bait your enemies perfectly into death as a laner. Since I play alot of squishy supports I've learnt how to bait enemies very well, provoking them or sometimes showing that champion mastery is enough to get them greedy.
Because of how much I've played as a support I have a good understanding on how the bottom lane and synergy between AD and support works. This is one of the reasons I like to play AD aswell.
Support throughout the years
Aside of all that, maining support has taught me how to efficiently ward, bringing the most vision to your team. This is something that I've transferred to other roles aswell, warding efficiently, because vision is not only the supports job, it's a team job. Once you get the hang of warding efficiently you will automatically work on your map awareness. Having map awareness made me know very well how to rotate around the map and when to take turrets, drakes, dragons or barons.
My guides
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2 June 2015: Creation of guide (Soraka)
24 July 2015: 100k champion points on Soraka, wooooo!
28 August 2015: Creation of guide (Sona)
9 October 2015: Creation of guide (Tahm Kench)
14 November 2015: 100k views on Soraka guide, aww yeeaa!
14 November 2015: Creation of guide (Nunu)
2 December 2015: Creation of guide (Kayle)
6 December 2015: 100k views on Tahm Kench guide, woop woop!
6 December 2015: 100k views on Sona guide, double woop woop!
18 December 2015: 500k views on Soraka guide, keep on healin' keep on healin'!
24 January 2016: 500k views on Tahm Kench guide, don't stop licking :P
1 February 2016: Creation of guide (Jhin)
3 February 2016: 100k views on Nunu guide, let's build this snowman!
12 February 2016: 100k views on Kayle guide, keep on smackin' with your sword!
10 March 2016: 1M views on Soraka guide, a small loan of a million views.
13 March 2016: 100k views on Jhin guide, load, aim, headshot!
31 March 2016: 500k views on Sona Guide, heal, speed, burst, repeat!
16 May 2016: 2M views on Soraka guide, that's quite a bit, but we heal more with one W! >:D
9 July 2016: 500k views on Nunu guide, stay frosty.
16 August 2016: Creation of guide (Bard)
24 August 2016: 1M views on Tahm Kench guide, Lickitung would be proud of this.
3 September 2016: Lv7 mastery on Soraka!
29 September 2016: 500k views on Kayle guide.
29 September 2016: 100k champion points on Sona.
2 November 2016: Lv7 mastery on Sona!
2 May 2017: Lv7 mastery on Bard!
5 May 2017: 200k champion points on Soraka!

Champions I play
Support: Alistar Annie Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Fiddlesticks Galio Janna Karma Kayle Leona Lulu Malphite Malzahar Maokai Morgana Nami Nunu Orianna Ornn Rakan Shaco Shen Skarner Sona Soraka Tahm Kench Taric Teemo Thresh Viktor Zilean Zyra |
Jungle: Kha'Zix Warwick Xin Zhao Zac |
AD bottom: Jhin Miss Fortune Varus |
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