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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Athene's Unholy Grail

Athene's Unholy Grail
Total Price: 2250 | Recipe Price: 450 | Sell Price: 1575

LoL Item: Athene's Unholy Grail
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 30 Ability Power
  • 30 Magic Resistance
  • 100% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Gain 35% of the premitigation damage dealt to champions as Blood Charges, up to 100-250 max. Healing or shielding another ally consumes charges to heal them, up to the original effect amount.

UNIQUE Passive: Dissonance: Grants 5 ability power for every +25% base mana regen. Disables Harmony on your other items.
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 30 Ability Power
  • 30 Magic Resistance
  • 100% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Gain 35% of the premitigation damage dealt to champions as Blood Charges, up to 100-250 max. Healing or shielding another ally consumes charges to heal them, up to the original effect amount.

UNIQUE Passive: Dissonance: Grants 5 ability power for every +25% base mana regen. Disables Harmony on your other items.

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ShapeShifter | May 21, 2020 6:31am
Does dissonance interact with Seraphs Embrace?
BlackRoseGirl (8) | November 18, 2019 1:35pm
Does this work on lifesteal? Like if I have this and a hextech gunblade on neeko mid, would that give me 40% healing from damage(up to the cap, of course.)
akaufma (4) | June 25, 2018 12:03pm
I don't get the "up to the original effect amount." What does this mean? Which original effect?
Coragem Pura | January 16, 2019 3:03am
It means that its not amplified by any heal or shield amplifiers. If you shield someone when you have 250 blood chargers, even if you have 10% bonus heal or shield power the heal will be 250 nonetheless.
SimeTears (1) | April 23, 2013 1:48am
Agree, it works perfect on supports! Also on AP mage like Ahri, LB...
LeagueLord519 (2) | March 28, 2013 3:28pm
Greenback2 wrote:

Does anyone think this item is good on kassadin?
I tried it but I'd like other opinions.

I think it would be great on Kassadin! It means that you don't have to get Archangel's Staff and actually gives you more Mana Sustain. One thing that people sometimes overlook is the 15 Mana Regen on top of the percentage Mana regen that it gives! It does give less AP than an Archangel's Staff so if you put that into the consideration than here's my out come | > on AP| and | > for Mana Regen| And so my answer is "YES" if you're looking for mana stability! ~LeagueLord519
LeagueLord519 (2) | March 28, 2013 3:05pm
Love this on any APC who has to deal with Mana. Swain, Anivia, Kassadin, AP Kog'Maw, or Ryze (once you have Muramana your Mana still drains really fast and yet Muramana damage bonus is current based, meaning that the faster you get to full Mana, the more powerful Ryze's next combo will be. And when you think of it like that, well...) or anyone who finds themselves wanting Mana at the wrong times but know's it's too late to commit to an Archangel's Staff or a Rod of Ages I personally love it more than a lot of people give it credit for. I have played numerous Swain and Anivia games where I forgot to get my Archangel's Staff so got Athene's Unholy Grail AND STILL had no more Mana problems! Seriously a lot of people overlook the 15 MANA REGEN and it ALSO gives a percentage based Mana Regen. So I've been Swain with this item and looked at my Mana after a team fight and had a whoppin' 25+ Mana Regen! So yeah this item is crazy good!
varadium (1) | March 9, 2013 9:32pm
love this item on veigar. gives him good mana regen which goes great with his passive, then on top of his passive is the items mana font, which is the exact same as his passive giving him GREAT mana regen so you can poke the **** out of champs push constantly with w and get a bunch of free ap killing minions non-stop
Kraschnark | January 31, 2013 6:03am
Thats all you need to counter your enemy in mid. 60 AP (Nerfed from 90,tho) is alot and you can cast your spells rapidly without getting starved! The magic resist is also perfect, if the AP mid is bursting too hard.

I am really recommending that item on AP Yi, as you're getting a big chunk of your mana pool back, after killing someone! Perfectly synergises with his ult CD-reset!
Greenback2 (1) | August 29, 2012 7:43pm
Does anyone think this item is good on kassadin?
I tried it but I'd like other opinions.
Deist | August 7, 2012 3:20am
Get it Diana. Its perfection.

If you need a longer explanation... mana regen gives you sustain, high AP gives you your damage, high magic resist allows to survive versus the mid and straight counter them, Mana regen and 1% gives you sustain to spam your abilities, CDR gets you closer to 40% CDR to spam Q/R.
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