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Taliyah Build Guide by veeixin

Support Taliyah Support | Updated S14

Support Taliyah Support | Updated S14

Updated on January 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author veeixin Build Guide By veeixin 24 2 39,085 Views 1 Comments
24 2 39,085 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author veeixin Taliyah Build Guide By veeixin Updated on January 21, 2024
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Runes: Dominate

1 2 3 4
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Regular 'Ol Support
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Taliyah Support | Updated S14

By veeixin
About The Player
Hi, I'm a Taliyah main since 2018! Since 2021, I decided to try my hand at Taliyah Support with my friends.
Needless to say, I was awe struck at how powerful it was! And her changes made it easier to play as support.

A hidden gem that I'm surprised isn't played more. I've only seen one other Taliyah support in the wild if that puts it into perspective (and I've played this game for years).

Anyways, I'm a casual player, so if you are planning on using this guide in ranked, keep in mind that I am NOT a ranked player. I mainly play normal draft, and lately have switched back to playing Taliyah in mid lane!

But! I am still here to help with any possible coaching needed! Please don't be afraid to reach out! Go Taliyah!
Discord - veeixin or you can add me by my IGN on League - TALIYAH#0518
Why Taliyah Support?
Taliyah support is strong regarding engages.

Her changes to Unraveled Earth and Seismic Shove make it easier to land combos.
Along with her changes to Weaver's Wall providing a nice getaway if out numbered by champions. That, and it's a great roaming tool once you hit level 6.

Taliyah also just has a fun playstyle that makes me actually feel rewarded.
Tips and Tricks
✦══ Using Taliyah's Passive Rock Surfing is beneficial to roaming and rushing back to your lane faster.
- You can gank lanes and possibly catch an enemy jungler when roaming around
✦══ Rock Surfing also makes it easier to chase and/or make a quick getaway.
- Be aware that if you take damage or have dealt damage, it will be put on cooldown for 2 seconds.

✦══ Her Q, Threaded Volley, is your main poke tool.
- Typically you should hide in brush while pushed up away from your ADC so as to make full use of all 5 rocks, or land a big boulder on an unsuspecting enemy.
- Use your Q if you're unsure if a brush is occupied by an enemy or not.
- Use your boulder from worked ground made by Q to slow enemies and quickly land a W-E combo.

✦══ Her W, Seismic Shove, is an incredibly useful tool in her kit and the ability that makes her work.
- This is a hard skillshot to land, so don't feel bad if you struggle with it a few times, especially if a beginner.
- Practice makes perfect. I recommend going into the Practice Tool mode and and finding a wall that you can shove enemies over. Repeat this process over and over until you are prediciting and flicking consistently.
- This ability does reveal area in Fog of War, so you can reveal brushes if you need to (I recommend just using Q thought).
- Be sure to use your boulder Q (or E if necessary) to slow before throwing your W, it will help a lot.

✦══ E, Unraveled Earth, is your needed combo tool and great for waveclearing.
- Beneficial if you are being chased. Not only does it slow, it does damage.
- Can also break through Fog of War, so can be used to check Brush or areas you are unsure about.

✦══ R, [Weaver's Wall, is a useful tool for making a getaway or to quickly make it to a location.
- Your wall lasts for 5 seconds, you can recast to destroy it.
- Ramming into another player knocks them up and stuns them for a short second, I love using this to ram into team fights and just stun the whole enemy.
- Easy tool to make a backdoor attempt.
- Quickly jump into or out of fights.
- A good tool to wall off Baron or Dragon.
Updated to S14! My first guide for Taliyah ever, and currently working on a Midlane Taliyah guide.

Happy Stone Weaving!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author veeixin
veeixin Taliyah Guide
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Taliyah Support | Updated S14

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