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Talon Build Guide by DrJumbo

Talon: The Master of Burst Damage

Talon: The Master of Burst Damage

Updated on March 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DrJumbo Build Guide By DrJumbo 9,437 Views 31 Comments
9,437 Views 31 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DrJumbo Talon Build Guide By DrJumbo Updated on March 10, 2012
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SPACE SPACE Hello! First off, I would like to encourage criticism as this is my first guide and I'm still a little shaky on the finer details of Mobafire, but please read the guide before commenting on anything except aesthetics! To all of the experienced players that read this, remember that this is my take on Talon and if there is something that you disagree with, let me know in a respectful manner ("I disagree with _____ because _____."). No one likes being insulted.

Use this guide for Summoners' Rift (Classic) and Twisted Treeline (Classic) maps. This is not a Crystal Scar (Dominion) build, nor is it a jungling guide. This guide is for laning with Talon, and is played best as a solo-top on either map.

This guide is focused around making Talon hardy as early as possible, while still keeping his burst damage output high. Getting as much health as possible as fast as possible allows Talon to stay in the fray longer in order to get kills he would not ordinarily be able to grab.
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Why This Build?

SPACE SPACE I suggest using this build because it plays off Talon's unique play style. Many builds focus on giving Talon cooldown reduction. This strategy is ineffective because it causes Talon players to burn more mana than they need to. By focusing more on damage output and health, Talon gets more "bang for his buck" with his attacks.

This build also gives basic hardiness early that allows Talon players, experienced and inexperienced, to "rock the boat" as soon as possible. The extra health that this build gives Talon is necessary to keep him afloat in battle, allowing him to peak his damage output.

This build is not just theory either; it has been tried and tested by someone who knows and loves Talon (that's me!). Here is an image of my recent matches with the builds edited in corresponding with the match as a testimonial to the build.

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Pros / Cons


Pros to playing Talon

high burst damage
▪ two disables and one stealth
▪ underplayed champion (more people are unfamiliar with his abilities)
▪ abilities scale well with AD

Cons to playing Talon

▪ wise players will focus talon when they become aware of his damage output
▪ utilizes a unique play style that may be difficult to master
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SPACE SPACE These runes will give talon some early game power that gives him an advantage over his foes. They are not necessary, but they help quite a bit. I choose flat runes (meaning they give set amounts of stats that do not scale with level) over scaling runes because they will make him more powerful early game, allowing him to get more kills quickly. More kills will make him more powerful in the long run. If you prefer scaling runes, you can grab Greater Seal of Defenses and Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resists. SPACE SPACE

SPACE SPACE greater mark of desolation

Greater Mark of Desolation

Nine of these marks give Talon 14.94 flat armor penetration. This means more damage that he is able to apply to the enemy champions with his burst and pokes.

SPACE SPACE greater quintessence of desolation

Greater Quintessence of Desolation

Nine of these marks give Talon 9.99 flat armor penetration. As with the Quintessences, these increase his damage output.


Greater Seal of Resilience

Nine of these seals give Talon 12.69 flat armor. The armor these give will help protect Talon during early game battles versus AD champions.


Greater Glyph of Warding

Nine of these give Talon 13.41 flat magic resist. These protect Talon during early game battles against AP champions.[/center]
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SPACE SPACE These masteries focus on giving Talon as much damage as possible, while also maxing Swiftness to give him a mobility advantage over enemy champions. The mobility this gives will help with escaping as well as chasing. SPACE SPACE
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Summoner Spells


Best Choices

These are the summoner spells that I recommend for Talon. They work very well to ensure Talon operates to his full potential. The reason that I chose each spell is explained beneath its image.



Use Flash as either a gap closer or an escape. To maximize its potential as an escape tactic, teleport over walls; this will create a large gap between you and your pursuer. When using Flash as a gap closer, be sure that you'll be able to kill your opponent before you use it.



Sometimes your burst will not do quite enough damage and you'll need a little more damage to apply as the enemy is escaping. Ignite will do the job. Ignite will also help you defeat opponents that have life steal or health regeneration, because it nullifies some of their healing as it does damage.


Other Possible Options

You may choose to use any of these if you are unsatisfied with my primary choices and the reasons I suggested them, or if you have preset preferences for other summoner spells.



This is a great ability for escaping and chasing, but you should not need it due to the mobility that this build grants Talon.



Teleport is a viable option in a 5v5 game, due to the size of Summoners' Rift. Do not use this ability in 3v3 games because Twisted Treeline is so small.



Exhaust can help Talon get kills he normally would not by slowing down opponents. The problem with Exhaust is that it is so easily countered when used for ganking purposes; the enemy champion can simply counter Exhaust you or use a disable ability (slow, stun, blind) and he or she will be able to escape. Many dueling champions use Exhaust to gain advantage in combat. Talon is not a dueler, but rather a kite-burster (burst into combat, create distance between yourself and opponent, burst into combat, etc.) and should never engage in a toe-to-toe battle with another champion. Exhaust can be used, but Ignite does the job better.[/center]
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SPACE SPACE Most of Talon's final items need to include attack damage in order to sustain his signature burst damage throughout the game. These are the items I suggest for Talon, and the reasons I chose them: SPACE SPACE


Core Items


Doran's Blade

Doran's Blade is a great item to start the game with, as it gives talon an edge in combat with 10 attack damage, 100 health, and 3% life steal. Some players prefer not to grab any items from The Doran's Set; if this is you, get Boots and three health potions instead.



Sheen is a great item to get as soon as possible with Talon for two reasons: One, he relies on his abilities for the majority of his damage which causes him to need additional mana. Two, Sheen's unique passive doubles his next attack's base damage after an ability is used. This boosts Talon's burst damage quite a bit.


Boots of Mobility

These boots allow Talon to have some incredible mobility, which allows him to gank more effectively. Although the boots do not give him level five movement during combat, they will boost up to level five after about five seconds of being out of combat. This allows him to close gaps between himself and fleeing enemy champs he would otherwise not kill.


Frozen Mallet

Rushing this item is important because it gives Talon the early game hardiness and damage he needs to be able to mop up enough kills to keep him more powerful than the enemy team. The passive slow effect on this item is great for securing kills you normally would not.


The Bloodthirster

This weapon keeps Talon in lane and gives him extra survivability in fights. It also opens Talon up to sustained combat due to the increased damage and life steal.


Atma's Impaler

This may seem like an odd item for Talon. Since this build focuses on making Talon hardier, it is a viable choice and complements Frozen Mallet very well. It not only adds armor to preserve Talon's health, but also adds a significant 58.4 AD at level 18 because of its unique passive. The critical strike bonus also will benefit the Infinity Edge that you will build next.


Infinity Edge

This item is famous for extremely high attack damage and incredible critical strikes. This item makes wise enemy champions run away from Talon for fear of his burst damage, which is now through the roof. This item is a must.


Trinity Force

Trinity Force gives Talon more sustainability in combat, retains Sheen's unique passive, and adds a chance to slow to Talons attacks. This item is a great finisher to any AD champion's build.


Counter-Build Items




Thornmail is great to build to counter champions that build high attack damage. If you choose to get this item, build it after Frozen Mallet and do not build Atma's Impaler.


Last Whisper

This is a great item to grab if the enemy champions are building armor, because of its unique passive. It gives attack damage as well, which will keep the edge on Talon's burst.



This is a great item to build if you are facing some high powered AP champions. Again, build it after Frozen Mallet and do not build Atma's Impaler if you choose this item.


Situational Items


SPACE SPACE In the later portion of a long game, you may have some extra gold that you would like to spend. Here are some suggestions for this situation. SPACE SPACE


Warmog's Armor

This defensive item grants an end total (that includes farming the passive of this item for the extra 350 health) amount of 1,270 health to Talon. This is extremely useful during the late portion of the game because the enemy team will have likely built up a higher damage output; in order to survive their barrage, you will need extra health. If you choose to build this item, replace Trinity Force and start building...


Another Infinity Edge

Building another Infinity Edge is a good idea if you have some extra gold after a building Warmog's Armor. It gives another whopping 80 attack damage and brings your critical strike chance up over 50%; this item makes your burst the apocalypse for squishies, and a death notice for tanks. Replace your Frozen Mallet with your second Infinity Edge if you choose to get it.[/center]


Preference Items

These are some items that are great alternatives to the items I primarily suggest. Get these if you disagree with my choices. I will update this section as people leave comments notifying me of items they do not prefer.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

These boots give 15% cool down reduction, along with the basic level two move speed. Because most champions stick with level two move speed, these give acceptable speed to be able to chase down enemy champions. The cool down reduction is great on Talon because he relies so heavily on his abilities. You will lose some kills that require you to chase down opponents with these, but they will allow Talon to use his abilities more rapidly.
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SPACE SPACE If you understand the concept of last hitting-minions, skip this chapter. If this idea is new to you, please read this chapter.

In order to get all the wonderful items you'll need to be a successful Talon player, you will need quite a bit of gold. The most stable way to get the gold you will need is by simply last-hitting minions. Every time you land a killing blow on an entity in League of Legends, you are awarded gold. This is true for minions as well, which each give over 20 gold to the champion that lands the killing blow. That being said, it is easy to see how important it is to land as many killing blows as possible on minions.

Landing killing blows on minions is easier said than done. It is a skill that requires precise timing and patience. The best way to do so is to attack the minions that you know you can kill with a single blow; wait for your own minions to weaken the enemy minion you want to kill, or kill minions that are not being attacked by your own minions to assure that you achieve the killing blow.
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Jungle Buffs

SPACE SPACE Jungle buffs are a bonus for any champion when available, especially AD champions. Once you build a Vampiric Scepter, you will be able to kill the buff-granting monsters in the jungle without losing much, if any, health (with the exception of the dragon and the giant worm fella, Baron Nashor). Be sure to get buffs whenever they are available, especially Blizzard from the lizard (located at the center of Twisted Treeline and the north-west and south-east jungles of Summoners' Rift). SPACE SPACE
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Noxian Diplomacy (Q)

This ability makes Talon's next attack deal extra damage and apply a bleed effect. Use this whenever available in combat with enemy champions or when attacking enemy turrets. Use this after Cutthroat for maximum burst damage.


Rake (W)

This s(kill) shot is a great finisher. It throws out three boomerang-like blades that deal damage and slow (the slow does NOT stack) each time they pass through an opponent. Do not forget that this ability is part of Talon's burst. Use it after Noxian Diplomacy for the best result.

SPACE SPACE cutthroat

Cutthroat (E)

This ability teleports Talon to the targeted enemy, silencing him or her for a short period of time. Use this to initiate pokes and battles and deal damage during the few seconds that your opponent is silenced. Use Noxian Diplomacy immediately after Talon teleports to your foe.


Shadow Assault (R)

This is Talon's ultimate ability. Shadow Assault sends out blades in a circle around Talon that deal damage as they pass through enemies. This ability can be activated a second time to bring the blades back to Talon's current location, again dealing damage as they pass through enemies. The blades of Shadow Assault do NOT slow enemies like rake does, however the ability does give talon bonus movement speed and stealth for the duration that the blades are out. It is best to use this ability's second activation as fast as possible, because enemy champions will flee when they see Talon activate its first use.
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Ability Level Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

SPACE SPACE The goal of this ability sequence is to max Rake as soon as possible, followed by Noxian Diplomacy. As always, the ultimate ability (Shadow Assault) is picked up at levels 6, 11, and 16. Cutthroat is used for its utility, so it is leveled last. Rake should be leveled first because it does a large amount of damage to multiple targets. This means that it is extremely useful in team fights and in farming. It does a large amount of damage to single targets as well, so always use it as part of your burst. Noxian Diplomacy is leveled second because it is also has a great damage scaling. It is leveled second because it only effects a single target rather than many. SPACE SPACE
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Play Style

SPACE SPACE Talon is not a good sustained damage champion early game, and should not be played as such. In other words, he relies heavily on his abilities for the majority of his damage, especially during the beginning portion of a game. The more complete this his build is, the more he will be able to sustain damage output.

As with all other champions, Talon performs at his best when he gets a few kills from the start. With successful poking (dealing damage to the enemy laners without initiating a fight), Talon can get some very easy kills. The best way to poke with talon is to inconspicuously get close enough to the enemy champion to be able to use Cutthroat (E). Immediately after using Cutthroat (E), use Noxian Diplomacy (Q) and basic attack the enemy champion. As you begin moving away from the enemy champion, use Rake (W) in order to prevent him or her from chasing you and to apply extra damage. A successful poke will take out a sizable chunk of the opponent's health bar and should only take about two seconds. During this two seconds, your opponent will be silenced by Cutthroat (E).

When the enemy champion's health has been dropped low enough make him or her killable, use the same skill combination that you used for poking, and use Shadow Assault (R) if it is available. Keep in mind that Shadow Assault (R) is often misused, and does not output its peak damage. To properly use Shadow Assault (R), activate it after Rake (W) when you are on top of the enemy champion. Lead the target just a tiny bit, and activate Shadow Assault (R) a second time. The key of Shadow Assault (R) is to activate its second use as soon as you can after its first activation. If the enemy champion is not moving, simply double tap Shadow Assault (R). This ultimate ability also makes for a good escape due to the increased move speed, do not be afraid to use it for that.

Your death could mean the loss of a game, so never hesitate to fall out of a battle if your health is dangerously low.
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Team Work

SPACE SPACE Talon is one of the best assassin champions, and should be played as one. If you have pushed your lane to the turret and your laning opponent will require a few minutes to push back your team's minions, begin an assault mission on other lanes' enemy champions. Your allies will appreciate every gank.

Talon's role in team fights is that of an assassin. He should be used to single out the high damage champions (usually magi or ranged AD carries) that tend to stay out of the fray. Obliterating these champions will gimp the enemy team's damage output, putting your team at an advantage. Talon is a great chaser, so be sure to mop up the remaining enemies when a team fight victory is at hand.
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SPACE SPACE Thank you for taking the time to read my take on Talon, it should help you get out there on the battlefield and start doing some damage with him! If there are any things you liked or did not like about this guide, please leave a comment in the section below; constructive criticism is always appreciated. As always, good luck and have fun. SPACE SPACE
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Change Log



▪ As per A Chubby Baby's suggestion, I have updated this build's looks with the help of jhoijhoi's guide.
▪ There have been complaints early / mid game damage output, so I have modified (after testing) the buy order of Talon's build in order to output more damage earlier.
▪ There have been complaints about boots of swiftness. I must have been on vacation when The President of the World declared that they are useless. They have been changed to boots of mobility.
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